Sorry About The Mess: Arena D

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Re: Deadly Accuarcy. Hmm, yet another thing my group has missplayed. It's been about 4 months since my last real Edge game. My group have always applied it the other way; e.g. seperate hits are counted differently compared to an autofire weapon. Good to know!

I do, however, have both the upgrades to reduce the destiny cost, to change multiple faces. That is present on my character sheet and I listed my expenditure cost within the thread itself (I actually forgot to spend the last 10 exp, but then again I already have everything I wanted.) Thus my ability to spend one destiny point and flip 3 positive faces is well within Tanson's capabilities. He is the ultimate glass cannon, both emotionally and physically! XD

Ok you haven't updated the Other Notes section on your sheet which is what I was going by.

12+14 strain damage = 26 I know I can't soak it but I'll go through the motions.

Firstly flip a destiny to for Intense Presence to put me down to 1 strain. Strain - 1/16

Spend 3 strain on reflect to reduce the Nova hit by 4 - 12 to 8. Strain - 4/16

Soak 2 of the strain with my armour and take 6 strain. Strain - 10/16

Knockout grenade reflected to reduce by 4 - 14 to 10 - Strain - 13/16

Soak 2 from the grenade to make it 8. Strain - 21/16

So as we knew all along I am out for the count.

I apologise myself for this confusion, that ability really doesn't work without physical dice and your system for resolving it still baffles me. BUT! You are the winner and I award the closing narrative to you.

(Again I'm sorry I didn't read your sheet correctly!)

Edited by SithArissa

I think rolling a single 1d2 instead of two is what needs to happen just call 1 or 2 before hand. Rolling 2 1d2 makes no sense as last match the each came up different but you determined that one of those results determined something even though it was a tie.

Edited by TheShard

Aye, I must admit full well that I haven't had as much fun this round as the prior; prior to advancing this ability because I felt before it was more a cheeky nod. A little nudge or against a titan class character (massive soak like Bulk) basically something to turn the odds in my favour aside from sheer stats. While with this currently; I can basically set up the perfect roll all the time, but I have to go through a long method to estimate where the faces are. Which works pretty well with real dice, less so for this system and it is a headache I didn't predict before hand.

I was rolling one dice for each potential facing. In this case however, changing the boost dice to advantage/success would have had similar result. I thought I had put this up. Boost dice doesn't need it as you either succeed with or without advantage (in which case I can't select another facing aside from blanks) and blanks. For each yellow has it's own chance of being adjacent to a Triumph or not. It is a 50/50 chance of generating a potential Thriumph for each die, thus I flip a coin for each dice, as shown in the result section here where the die is either a 1, which is successful or a two that isn't.

In this particular case, three dice had had the potential to generate Triumphs, so I flipped three coins, one for each die and found two were adjacent and two were not. I spent my signature ability and shifted those dice to match those faces to generate the success required. Flipping one coin wouldn't work as each dice has it's own probability of being adjacent to a T or not. The only faces I don't roll for is an actual Thrumph, which is what I want, or is a blank face which can never be a Triumph, thus there is no point in testing for the T or the blank face. So there are 10 remaining die faces, 5 adjacent, 5 not. 50/50. That is why I roll multiple 1d2's and I apologise if I haven't explained it with clarity before, because each dice has it's own probability.

Now, this is overly technical and I understand that these statistics are hard to get, but it's the only way for me to actually express the signature ability beyond rolling the dice personally. This was a oversight I should have seen sooner in the character creation phase that I should have considered and I feel that signature abilities should be barred from future tourney play. A lot of them are not designed for this setting but the few that are offer an incredible advantage that cannot be overcome by any other means, but being much tougher.

All explanations aside; it is I that should apologise. I feel the abilities have chosen have been inappropriate for this setting. I would like to get a judge in here to get there opinion to see whether there is value in my continued competition. To be rule lawyering wasn't my intention when I set out and I am quite regretful over all this. Just I also kinda want one more shot at Bulk to get him back for ripping my arm off! XD

Edited by LordBritish

Nah man, As I said to Nightone a while back this was almost set up to push the boundary and find what needs to be restricted.

Yep, this whole first season is more or less the great big BETA-testing area for such PvP tournaments.

The way LordBritish used D2s to determin if a Yellow shows a face advanced to a Triumph is the only way I can think of in a non physical way.

Deadly Accuracy only adds its points to the first Hit in the round (so the Grenade don't get the bonus)

By now we know that TDs and Signatures and concussion are way to OP in these kind of Battles, and that we need a little more balancing between damage and soak, also some Force Powers will be needed to be looked at (e.g. bind would only kill the mood)

Testing the system definitely was the goal. I said from the start that if we discover things and go forward with more of these then we need to learn as much as possible from the first. If this ended up as a one off then everything should get it’s place to try. I think we did discover quite a few things, any character that can reliably deal more than about 10-12 Damage a round really needs a lot of effort to survive against, anything above about 16-18 takes something special.

Finding ways to balance Damage and Soak is crucial to making for a consistent and competitive experience.

Probably should continue this on the main thread

@LordBritish getting no RP? Been waiting since last year man!

Gah! Sorry I get on it soon! Holiday was rather flu like

Alright, I will post tomorrow. I really appolgise, first I was super busy, then I was super depressed. I will write something up when I get home from gym tomorrow, though I have a pretty satisfying conclusion I think in mind.

@SithArissa @Nightone

The exchange shook the rodian deeply as the distance closed; part of him wanted to believe it to be true; yet the majority of his internal voice screamed out in fear, the headache grew in intensity as she got closer.

"Don't, mess with my head!"

The blaster's hissed in the Rodian's hands as the last discharge left the chamber; She had said something to him, yet in the heat of the moment and the pain in his head the Rodian had continued shooting, first at her, then as she fell at the lab and the gas chambers, the fire only subsided as a soft chime echoed in the chamber as the barrel's sizzled a red hot. The golden gaze of his visor peered down at her in the hazy environment. He had done it, he had found the face that had done this to him, the one who took his memories away. The Rodian found the experience somewhat hollow, sighing under his helm he reached down to turn her over, to examine the wounds he had created and finally confirm the kill and-

She wasn't dead. Where there should have been scorch marks were clear fabric. Yet he was certain the telling blow had connected. His keen eyes glanced down to his blaster.

"What? But my blaster-"

His key eye's noticed his blasters were on stun. The Rodian frowned; he had intended to kill that time, the Rodian took the moment to switch the safety off and pointed his gun down at her to confirm the kill. Yet, his arm faultered. He tried again and tensed his trigger finger; yet his finger remained unyielding firm. Something about the execution made his stomach churn, it didn't make sense; he had killed plenty of people before, yet buried in his uncertain memories nagged at the back of his mind. Tobin- no, Tanson, wasn't a cold hearted killer. But another memory did emerge, of a titan of a voice of thunder, dangling Tanson's arm like a band of pride.

"But, that doesn't explain anything about who I am. I still... Can't remember anything."

-7 minutes of air remaining-

"R-right the job. Finish it. Yes, rehab later."

The Rodian pocketed her lightsaber discarded lightsaber, then strode away from the fallen woman with a haste in his step as he entered the lab, loud crashes followed as he rapidly cleared out every door to find his prize. and emptied what wasn't useful onto the floor. Minutes later, after finding his prize he returned to her, for a moment he stared before he knelt down beside her fallen frame and reached down to get a good look at her as he withdrew an a sturdy circulet from his belt and began to place it around her neck. His voice was a whisper when it spoke; though his voice was most certainly that of a man, the uncertainty of a boy had found it's way into his voice.

"One thing that stuck with, vaylz, if that's even your name. Did you mean any of what you told me on Flucia, about you? Was any of it true?"


His hand withdrew as he fastened the collar around her neck; of the explosive variety. It was worrying that the Rodian would even carry one of these. The Rodian hoisted her over a shoulder, already the harder edge found

"I guess it really don't matter, either way I'll put you to good use. There's a Granee Noopa going on you see; a load of big teams and I've got me a golden ticket to the big money. And then maybe I can find that guy who tore my arm off; and repay him in kind. You mess with my head though? I mess with yours, favour for a favour and all that."

and thus the young man became a monster, looking for his next target.

Edited by LordBritish

@LordBritish MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, good good let the hate flow through you Tanson.

1 hour ago, SithArissa said:

@LordBritish MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, good good let the hate flow through you Tanson.

Well done! Your corruption was successful! Something something dark side, something ritual complete!

Plus it kinda amuses me. Even in my current campaign I don't really like killing nemesis's; unless they are inquisitors. If they are dead one can't have banter; so I found the prospect of keeping characters around cool, especially since I've been recommending some characters from the tourney as Edge of the Empire NPCS. XD

Bulk would have been an exception, but someone's already topped him! I can't have my revenge! Gahhhh!

@LordBritish you'll need to keep me updated, my bunch of Ahole party members decided to jump and kill her after the last boss fight ending the campaign for being "Evil". They were just jealous.

On 23.2.2018 at 10:44 PM, LordBritish said:

Bulk would have been an exception, but someone's already topped him! I can't have my revenge! Gahhhh!

Only this incarnation... But there are his special clones Balk, Bolk, Belk, Buhlk, when everone dies the next one emerges from a hidden Clone Chamber, just ask the poor Denthos Ren that got *Balk Smashed* (reminder

So if you want he may comes back... again and again (And I should have gotten my ressilence check to remove that crit... thanks to the new Errata and FAQ :P )

On 23/02/2018 at 10:28 PM, SithArissa said:

@LordBritish you'll need to keep me updated, my bunch of Ahole party members decided to jump and kill her after the last boss fight ending the campaign for being "Evil". They were just jealous.

Wow that's a ****** thing to do, though it sounds a typically gamey thing to do. "There is one evil one in this room, so we must kill it to have absolute peace!"

Though that being said my group is relatively interesting in regards to that.

We have one Force emergant that was "trained" in the way's of the sith by a discarded force artifact (or rather, used this rather useless Rodian to test the strength of a more worthy successor, but not after two whole in game years of indoctroation), and who met Jedi that stole or horded artefacts to themselves; in short, his relationship with most force users outside the squad is frosty and suspicious at best (Tobin Stryder). His personal morality is conflicted most of the time as unlike most he is willing to take huge risks to win the war, risks that most others wouldn't willingly take. I've gone as low as 36 with him precisely for this. He's a mostly good guy who is willing do do some terrible things to ensure the republic succeeds.

One ex-inquisitor who failed to graduate, defected to the alliance and picked up large portions of the Jedi code. Frequently disapproves of the former's actions and prefers to follow a path of denying the empire moral victories, which creates a tension between the conflicted and the paragon.

A street rat that Tobin picked up and trained due to their similar backgrounds; ended up falling to the dark side (a mixture of unrealistic expectitions and being mentored by mara jade after being captured) yet ended up seeing the damage the dark side did to his master and spent an entire plot arc trying to balance his own emotions and find a life he was happy in.. He eventually became a Jedi through and through and departed the war after Endor as mutual friends with the one who had expanded his horizons.

A Gand's findsman who doesn't consider himself force sensitive. Generally a paragon because he is an explosive expert that only creates what is needed for the job.

And a bunch of recent force sensitives, who are more motivated by their personal greeds then any great alignment to good or evil, and a droid PC who simply kills.

The only hard and fast rule is that our group were united steadfast against the empire; as the great evil even our worst was forced to work with our best or we would all fall. The other is that just falling to the dark side and killing orphans for giggles wasn't going to go down very well; so as the more morally corrupt of the 4 I always make my ploys beneficial, even if unleashing a genetically modified Rakghoul onto an underworld party is morally corrupt; lets face it they were just going to use it to devastate the ecosystem of another planet anyway.

The other rule I have is if I plan on being evil; have a getaway strategy! Tobin is a very difficult PC to plot because, as a 5 Int genius, he is always scheming; he currently has four ongoing plots that I can't really go into here in case anyone else finds out. At least one of those plans is an exit strategy though.

@Nightone : Awesome! I will finish my tourneys here then we will have that rematch. The unstoppable force vs the unlimited dice pool! XD

Edited by LordBritish

Its ok, I'm now GM-ing our non SW-y game (one set somewhere slighty more age of dragon) and they'll come to know theres worse things than your character dying.