Sorry About The Mess: Arena D

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Just now, Nightone said:

It happens sometimes ^^.

But no to use ANYTHING is always an Maneuver, as well as DRAWING is, which by Quickdraw, Military poaches, weaponattachment, can be reduced to incidentials that is why those "quickdraw"-items are so neat you can suddenly use 2 Stimpacks / drugs ect. for 2 maneuver instead of one (drawing as first maneuver and using for strain as second)

In which case, I will be certainly glad to bring it up with my group! I had always thought that the millitary poaches seemed like too much of a good thing. "Don't worry about the veins, just inject it anywhere and you will be golden" XD

2 minutes ago, LordBritish said:

I had always thought that the millitary poaches seemed like too much of a good thing. "Don't worry about the veins, just inject it anywhere and you will be golden" XD

Yeah lets use 5 Stimpacks as an Incidentials just prepare 3 Poaches for only 30 Creds and you may regain up to 15 Wounds in one go (even more if you are a doctor!) (that is the moment where you get suspicious ^^)

but now without any further Delay:

it is Drez'ns Turn (no.1)

The stout warrior moves to engage, good blade drags on the ground leaving a scortched furrow its crackling tip arcs in a circle the blade extends to point at the gunslinger.

Defensive circle check : 3eD+2eP+3eA 3 successes, 1 advantage
d--.png d-th.png d-f.png p-a.png p-a.png a-s.png a-s-s.png a-s.png

(That's two extra set back)

Please drop the weapon.

The saber hovers for a moment and then takes a defensive positon. Drez'n weary of a trick prepares.

On 11/6/2017 at 4:08 AM, Nightone said:

Yeah lets use 5 Stimpacks as an Incidentials just prepare 3 Poaches for only 30 Creds and you may regain up to 15 Wounds in one go (even more if you are a doctor!) (that is the moment where you get suspicious ^^)

Well you still need a maneuver to draw a stimpack before you use it. Quick Draw/Military Belt Pouch doesn't affect the maneuver required to use the stimpack, only the maneuver needed to draw it.

6 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

Well you still need a maneuver to draw a stimpack before you use it. Quick Draw/Military Belt Pouch doesn't affect the maneuver required to use the stimpack, only the maneuver needed to draw it.

yep that's what the whole incident was about ^^ - the last comment with the 5 stim uses was a bit of sarcastic by me since Tanson thought the use would be an incidential ^^.

so in the Fight Drez'n used his maneuver to close in on Short distance and a second (2 strain) to move to engage, then his action is the defensive circle With 3 successes, 1 advantage + 1 automatic advantage ( @TheShard please add those information to the describtion so no one wonders about the costs when you activate something) from his shoto, so he is able to increase his def by 2 until the beginning of his turn.

demanding the Rodian to give up and throw away his weapon.

it is @LordBritish turn.

(Will do!)

I am really sorry, I will post tomorrow. I have been a bit depressive of late, killed my motivation something fierce. I feel much better now. So I will be ready soon.

No worries

To give context to this roll:

The last check I rolled something silly, only positive dice because I miss read the symbols, so fourth time lucky, this is my final roll.

GOD DAMNIT I WIFFED THE LAST ROLL. Nova Viper + Lancer + Guns Blazing + 1 Aim. 4 Strain. : 4eP+3eB+1eD+7eS 3 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-tr.png p-a-a.png b--.png b-s-a.png b-s-a.png d-th.png s--.png s--.png s-f.png s-th.png s-f.png s-th.png s-th.png

(I am going to flip one destiny point to trigger "Unmatched Fortune", allowing me to change three of my positive dice to any adjacent face. I will change the blank boost dice to Success and Advantage, one Propency (Success adv) to a Triumph. The result is double T, 4 success and 2 advantage. I took -2 strain from activating guns blazing, bringing me to 5 strain. I will chose to destroy your lightsaber with the double T and duel wield with the 2 advantage.)

The Rodian stood firm as waited patiently for the Jedi to approach closer; rotating the blaster to have it's emitter pointed to the ground as he eyed the Jedi wearingly as his blade bit into the darkness. The Rodian chest pounded like thunder as his foe drew closer and closer, despite this the Rodian kept his cool as he eyeballed the distance, sizing up the shot. His memories were clouded since the last encounter, but he remembered enough about the Jedi to know they couldn't be trusted, and that they seemed to have one, predictable weakness.

"Indeed, whatever lies within this temple is most likely of great danger to both of us, cooperation would be in both of our interests, just-"

The Rodian flicked the Nova back into palm and fired as his hand "Quick Drew" the lancer, the first shot was direct directly in the Jedi's face, a predictable hostile response that would be possible to flick away with a deft flick of the blade.


It was this predictable response that he counted on as the second shot from hip fired lancer punctured through the battery pack of the lightsaber, immediately the stable blade flickered and began to fade, it would hold out against the initial barrage of gunfire that the gunslinger put out but as the Jedi closed, the little light in the dark would finally give out.Whoever this "Tobin Stryder" was, he was good, not just that but he knew exactly where to shoot.

"The last lady who spoon fed me that rubbish wreaked my mind and that the problem with you mystical sithspawn. I don't remember a time ya didn't serve yaself first!

(The Nova Viper deals 7+3 (deadly accuacy) + 4 successes = 14 with 2 pierce, the Lancer deals 2 less, so 12. I imagine you want to reflect? @TheShard )

0/13 Wounds, 5/17 strain, DP: 1 (Me) 2 (you)

Wouldn't you have to go through the damage steps to destroy the saber?

9 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Wouldn't you have to go through the damage steps to destroy the saber?

Normally a lightsaber cannot be sundered or damaged in any way, but a double Triumph can be used to destroy a piece of equipment in some way or manner. In a double despair it might be dropped and crushed by fabrication materials, a double triumph it is hit directly and so fourth. Luke at Empire Strikes Back probably suffered a double T and got mained as a result of exceeding his wound threshold, losing both his arm and his lightsaber in the clash with Vader. So the president does exist.

In my case my character has a inferior stat block to most characters, I have less wounds, inferior soak and no access to breach nor the means to resist it. What I do have is full control over my dice rolls as long as I have destiny points, for most characters generating a double T isn't reliable but for Tanson manipulating results and going first is his thing; to take control of the narrative in ways most characters can't with his signature ability. Which includes pulling off near impossible shots to destroy equipment, armour and other valuable pieces that may be critical to the characters plans/detrimental to his existence.

Admittedly, this build was more designed to deal with autofire weapons that, as a player, I loath seeing them on the personal scale. XD But it works just as well on any character with a single big weapon with no backup.

Edited by LordBritish

Ok time clear everything up:

lightsabers are immun to the sunderquality (damaging by one advantage of sunder weapons)

Lightsabers are not immun to damage by triumph or despairs.

You can damage a LS by one step by one triumph if you forgo the damage, or one step if the wielder throws in a despair!

However in F&D the Advange and Triumph table also states that in the case you DO damage and SPEND 2 triumphs at once you are able to destroy any open wearn equipment immediatly. In the case of the Lightsaber the GM has to say if the crystal is also broken or just the hilt.

So in this case since Tanson spend two triumphs on a successfull hit with damage (even if you reflect you still get damage from both weapons since both have pierce2 = 4 and 2 if I didn't miscalculate) he is able to destroy that Lightsaber in one go.

(this is something the players at my table try to do all the time to my inquisitors...)

So here is an issue. Unmatched fortune doesn't allow to just change a die face to whatever you want. It has to be an adjacent face.

For the boost die that you changed a blank side to a success... That's perfectly fine, as both blank sides you could have rolled are adjacent to a success.

However for your double triumph... To get that second triumph through unmatched fortune you would have had to roll not just a success and advantage combo but one a success and advantage combo which was adjacent to the triumph. There is such a one... But there is also one that isn't adjacent to a triumph.

So i think you should roll 1d2 on orokos and call your coin flip 1 or 2

Edited by TheShard

Hmmm, right. I hadn't noticed that until now, the facing seems to be exactly the same, I thought the symbols would be in a different order. This makes this ability too fiddly future play I think.

If that's the case I'm gonna roll for both of the potential clashing dice. determine which facing they are: 1 is favourable, 2 isn't.

: 1d2+1d2 3

1 is, 1 isn't. So it still works for this particlar case. Just let me get my dice out; if I see anymore inconsistancys I'm just gonna drop out.

Edit: Hang on, that didn't work

Second edit: Alright, adding dice rolls now

Dice 1 : 1d2 1

Dice 2 : 1d2 2

One yes, one no, the result stands. I will dig out the Die again to check it when I can

Edited by LordBritish

No i think thats it.

Wait that equals 3?

It added the two results together to produce the three. viewable here.

(So yes I'll reflect both so suffer one damage from one and with the other i suffer 4 damage so 5 total.)

He sees the first blaster and mostly reflects it bit the other as he reflects impacts on the hilt shorting the saber out.

His eyes widen in surprise as the green blade fizzles out. He rushs forward with considerable speed given his short stature. (Manuever into engaged)

He grabes (manuever - 2 strain)the quickflash gel from his belt and slams it into the chest of the Rodian smashing the container, the gel ignites (brawl check).

Brawl roll to attach Quickflash gel : 2eD+4eA 1 success, 1 advantage
d-th-th.png d--.png a-a.png a-s.png a-a.png a-a.png

(What would be the mechanics check to fix my saber?)

(That's 10 dmg, unless we add the first success pierce 5 spend adv to have smeared gel that firing a blaster would ignite it)

Edited by TheShard

(Which book is the quick gel in @TheShard ? Just curious to have a look at it myself. ^^ I am content to have it resolve as damage, and I will type a more indepth reply when I'm not watching over a hyperactive puppy. XD)

(Usually if a lightsaber is destroyed the original hilt is rend unusable and a new one must be sourced. That being said, the decision lies with the DM.)

Edited by LordBritish

Whatever is abbreviated EtU:52

Enter the unknown

On 18.11.2017 at 1:13 AM, TheShard said:

(What would be the mechanics check to fix my saber?)

It is totally destroyed so you would have to build a new one - So nothing you can do in this match - Afterwards it will be resetted to functional

Usually I would call for the gel to be used as a improvised weapon, thus entailing setback dice. Though I will take it. 10 damage direct to me.

"Tobin" had expected the Jedi to lash out at him in desperation. This was all according to plan, he knew that all he had to do was hold out for a clear opportunity a telling blow; unfortunately for the outlaw he had underestimated the little ones resolve and resourcefulness and lacked the ability to avoid the the vial that was crudely smashed up against his armour; almost immediately the liquid erupted into flame.

Tanson screams out as the fire hits him, the fire igniting as the gel met the air and covered his burning form in flame, the Rodian dropped the blaster as he staggered away to short range as he flailed at the fire before, regaining his composure with some effort he drew his dueling pistol and twisted; firing back at the little one.

Nova Viper + Dueling pistol blazing 1 boost Short : 4eP+2eB+1eD+5eS 5 successes
p-s-s.png p--.png p-s.png p-s-s.png b-s.png b-a-a.png d-f-th.png s--.png s--.png s--.png s-th.png s--.png

(7+ Deadly accuacy (3) + 5 = 15. With the two pierce I would say that it would effectively deal 15 damage to 3 soak, taking you to 4 wounds above your wound threshold limit. Well played and again I do apologise, you have pointed out some clear points about my ability that I hadn't known prior.)