Just as an example of the initial formation:
5x Outmanoeuvre Blacks.
Game One:
vs Seyn (Marksman), Whisper (Juke, Passive Sensors, Fifth Brother, Stealth Device), Vader (Hate, Fire Control, Afterburners)
Not really a match... he dangled Seyn as bait, but did not position himself well enough the turn prior to engagement and didn't recognise the Striker Jump. Took only 1 Damage on a Striker to wipe Seyn whilst Vader was not even shooting yet, and Whisper was in an awkward position. The dice kicked him in the rattlers, mine being Super Hot, his being Ice Cold.
Outmanoeuvre Triggered 3 or 4 times, but were not essential to seal the deal. Vader likes having 3 defense dice, not 2. Whisper likes having more than one defense. Neither like 5 Angry Strikers at once when the other can not help thin the numbers.
Game Two:
Blackout (Fanatic, Advanced Optics), Recoil (Predator, Advanced Optics), FO Test Pilot (Fanatic, Optics)
This is a Very Difficult match up, I think, list-wise. Silencers with an Initiative advantage are Lethal and/or Evasive to the Max, so you have to choose how to approach carefully. A dense obstacle field is very useful to Blackout. I tried stalling up one board edge whilst he Zipped up the other. This leads to a no-escape situation for me: The Silencer is too fast for me to escape/reset properly and all I am really doing is potentially moving myself in to a compromised position. So, I turn in with a broad net. I was fortunate that Blackout couldn't shoot or dodge to save his life, even with the ability... but Outmanoeuvre was Critical here. 4 Outmanoeuvre shots meant that he was only rolling 2-3 defense at a time.... without a focus. However, even with that sort of advantage, had he rolled any evades at all he would have survived. I managed to nip that one in the bud for the loss of only one Striker and Critical damage on another. At that stage, I forced the Test Pilot to bug out and gave Recoil a tough time in the middle of the asteroids. Test Pilot cycled in whilst I cramped Recoil.... came down to an unfortunate Asteroid roll. He probably would have died from incoming fire, but if he didn't lose Recoil on the final turn I would have lost on points (2 destroyed, one halved Strikers vs Blackout & Recoil).
Outmanoeuvre was proven here.
I managed maybe 7 Outmanoeuvre shots here, four of which downed Blackout in a turn (....because he couldn't roll an evade at all).
However, I am not convinced Outmanoeuvre is the way forward... at least not in a single ship type list, or possibly in the way I fly (a little too direct at times). It might be worth it if you spread a wider net or split completely and try to force an opponent to choose.
They are Monsters if you are chasing someone or dance in a direction they were not expecting.
Outmanoeuvre Strikers are worth a shot. It might work for your play style. It does not quite fit mine as much, or I need to remember to spread more.
... but a 40 point Outmanoeuvre I3 Striker could be useful flanker/bait for the Imperials in other lists.
Unfortunately, if you turn it in to 50 Point Sabacc, I don't think that it is worth it: Too obvious a target.... unless you fit 150 points of Scary Imperials on the other side?
I think I could, and probably should, try the Outmanoeuvre Strikers again to get a fairer test for them, but my next test is the Ruthless Hulls, I think (unless anyone around here specifically asks me to fly 5 and Duchess.... I mean.. it would be rude not to if they asked for it).
Edited by Vespid1311