City of Ruins Rules up.

By StLemon, in General Discussion

They have made the Rules available on the home page.

Dear FFG, you dropped the ball with those devastation tokens. What were you thinking? Why are they square? Why are they a pocketwatch with an eye? They look really silly on the board. Should have been ruins that are shaped to fit over the city spaces.

Edited by Meretrix
3 hours ago, Meretrix said:

Dear FFG, you dropped the ball with those devastation tokens. What were you thinking? Why are they square? Why are they a pocketwatch with an eye? They look really silly on the board. Should have been ruins that are shaped to fit over the city spaces.

Agreed. Such a weird design choice.

1 hour ago, KBlumhardt said:

Agreed. Such a weird design choice.

Gotta say I'm tempted to just place an eldritch token over the city icon on destroyed cities. It's a truly bizarre choice of token. Really should have been shaped to sit over the city pictures. That said, I can't wait to set up, give it a go, and watch the carnage unfold :)

On 14/07/2017 at 9:05 AM, Meretrix said:

Dear FFG, you dropped the ball with those devastation tokens. What were you thinking? Why are they square? Why are they a pocketwatch with an eye? They look really silly on the board. Should have been ruins that are shaped to fit over the city spaces.

Agreed. I haven't seem them yet and always assumed they would be shaped to fit over a city space. Very strange decision. Feels like they missed an opportunity here.

Obviously this isn't a deal breaker but it still breaks my near OCD heart.. :P

I must disagree and say I'm actually pretty fond of the design, though I'll agree that it was not appropriate for a "Devastation"

Maybe they just wanted it to really stick out?

They could be pink and shaped like bunny rabbits and stick out. Thematic design should come first.

Well they are in the trash now so not sticking out for me. Just using fire tokens from Mansions of Madness.

FFG also dropped the ball on its choice for expansion symbol for Cities of Ruin. Eiffel tower with tentacles? Really? Paris is not even one of the cities in the game board. FFG should have picked a iconic landmark that's also depicted in the game board -- London's BigBen! With tentacles of course.

Edited by ppsantos

I thought the same thing. Seems like they let an intern handle the design on this xp.

I can't help but feel that they're starting to wrap up the line....

55 minutes ago, Krysmo said:

I can't help but feel that they're starting to wrap up the line....

Nope, not even close.

the icon is monochromatic and small, the choice of Eiffel tower makes the icon easy to read

6 hours ago, kraftclub said:

the icon is monochromatic and small, the choice of Eiffel tower makes the icon easy to read

Just like all expansion icons. But the others are also thematically appropriate.

21 hours ago, mulletcheese said:

Nope, not even close.

hope you're right! you have some inside scoop?

No inside scoop but I've been playing FFG games for a while and I've had plenty of games die on me or go on life support. This shows none of the signs, the wrong shaped tokens doesn't count, and is in fact looking pretty healthy.

This still has less expansions than arkham horror and was designed in a way that can handle many more expansions than AH ever could. Between the app driven mansions of madness and the arkham horror LCG cthulhu is in a pretty sweet spot right now, FFG are not about to pull the plug on their flagship cthulhu game.

With genesys FFG may release their own cthulhu RPG, which may further boost interest in EH. There is also a call of cthulhu computer game coming out which could also boost sales.

God I hope you are wrong. It's true that EH could technically support many more expansions but not the way FFG has been designing them. They continually keep bloating the same few decks while ignoring others that are in dire need of expansion. (I'm good on unique asset tasks, thank you FFG but you can stop now) I'm also getting tired of paying for plastic stands and health/sanity tokens. I don't ever see myself playing a 50 person game.. I have a box that is literately filled with extra pieces.

Edited by Meretrix
11 hours ago, mulletcheese said:

With genesys FFG may release their own cthulhu RPG

Genesys? You mean Gencon?

Some time ago I would be very happy with having an infinite number of expansions but the last two have disappointed me.

@Meretrix Do you have some superfluous plastic stands? Or do you mean that you're tired of paying for new investigators? One goes with the other as far as I remember.

Edited by tsuma534
3 hours ago, tsuma534 said:

Genesys? You mean Gencon?

Some time ago I would be very happy with having an infinite number of expansions but the last two have disappointed me.

@Meretrix Do you have some superfluous plastic stands? Or do you mean that you're tired of paying for new investigators? One goes with the other as far as I remember.

She (he?) is simply stating that since the max number of investigators in the game is 8, 8 plastic standees should be enough. Point is that removing the standees and putting them back will torn out the investigator markers.

3 hours ago, tsuma534 said:

Some time ago I would be very happy with having an infinite number of expansions but the last two have disappointed me.


This game has a huge potential. They tried to dare a bit more with Strange Remnants (you could trick the omen to anticipate the fulfillment of the prophecy so that there were several strategies that could be tried), but after that it's mostly a desolating nothing. They could do a lot: start with a ton of open gates and go with different lose condition (doom advance being triggered not by gates but by other patterns); start with a series of nastier monsters on the board, and force investigators to do this or that; remove the mystery deck and work on different win conditions. Start with the doom track to 2 and win when doom track is returned back to a set value (let's say 10), and doom's removal mechanics are tied to this or that thing happen. And so on. They could have done very big with this game, and in stead they are constantly repeating the same patterns, over and over again. Almost all mysteries have one of the very same three structures: add tokens equal to number of investigators, add tokens equal to half the number of investigators, kill an epic monster. And in the end, if you remove the flavor fluff, it's always the same structure that's sold to players over and over again. It's absolutely disappointing on so many levels. Not to mention balance (the testing pool is ridiculously small, it's basically two groups of testers plus internal testing: for this game you need 10, 15 groups of strong alpha testers able to play a lot of games and study different interactions), poorly designed cards (starting with The crown of serpents), and poor thematic representations of reality (Harvey Walters has the same Strength stat as Joe Diamond. I'm sure they will be equals in an arm-wrestling match).

Don't get me wrong, as said, the potential is huge. But it's incredibly poorly developed and structured. All the other games in the IP shine a lot more, and have a lot of "daring" in them (see the Mansions scenario with the moving roomgs, or Arkham Horror LCG moving to Carcosa in a few weeks, or Elder Sign that keeps on having new, original settings, each with its own specific mechanic and independendent adventures and stuff so that decks are not clogged). In this brilliant universe, EH looks more and more like a wasted opportunity.

@Julia I wouldn't say "absolutely disappointing" but it's certainly disappointing enough for me.
Still, it has a great framework and I like to design fan content for it.

Edited by tsuma534

Julia, you make some excellent points. I do really enjoy the game and have yet to play Cities in Ruin, but I got tired of the same tempo for each game. Granted, this is a problem a lot of games have, but the point is that EH doesn't need to have it. I'm still going to pick up Cities in Ruin when I get a chance, but it really is NOT on my to-do list at all.

I would much rather be purchasing NEW content expanding other games that provide unique challenges and gameplay mechanics.

I'm thinking about doing a custom expansion for Arkham Horror LCG involving Diana Stanley, Carl Sandford, and the Silver Twilight Lodge, but I keep discouraging myself because I want to find good looking public domain art, and there are so many cards that I would need access to a LOT of art.

11 hours ago, tsuma534 said:

Genesys? You mean Gencon?


Genesys, FFG 's new generic RPG system based on the star wars system.

They are running an event at gencon using the runebound setting and they used the Android universe as an example in the announcement. There is a good chance that arkham horror files will get its own rpg setting as well.

11 hours ago, mulletcheese said:

Genesys, FFG 's new generic RPG system based on the star wars system.

They are running an event at gencon using the runebound setting and they used the Android universe as an example in the announcement. There is a good chance that arkham horror files will get its own rpg setting as well.

A very good chance I would say. Thanks! Once I 'll find time to read about the system I'll know whether I'm thrilled.

do you folks think that would bleed over into Chaosium territory? I guess the Gumshoe gang also licence from Chaosium, but I'd find it weird if the CoC manufacturers gave FFG the rights to make a tabletop RPG that would compete with CoC.

That being said I really don't like the dice in that system so don't see a future for it...

Chaosium don't own the rpg rights to lovecrafts work, they own the "call of cthulhu" brand.

FFG used to make "call of cthulhu" games but they switched to making "arkham horror files" games instead. FFG can make a arkham horror files RPG setting without needing permission from Chaosium.