Under the Pyramids "light"

By WunderPanda, in General Discussion

I am considering to add UtP to my eldritch collection, but not add it as a permanent installment. In fact, I was wondering if there are sufficient egypt themed asset, spells, artifact etc cards that I could keep seperate and only use when I play with the side board. Also, I would not like to use anything related to impairement tokens mixed in my permanent eldritch collection and only involve cards/ events related to impairement when it really is meaningful to the UtP theme when I choose to play it.

Could a setup like this work? Or would it be too cumbersome? I did do something similar with MoM and Dreamlands and it seems to work out, but UtP seems more complex. Thanks, I appriciate the advice :-)

how does this differ from not using any cards marked with under the pyramids symbol when not playing sideboard?

Well, for instance in MoM, eg the dog sledge asset and frosbite condition cards are easy enough in terms of theme to keep out if i do not play MoM. All other cards I leave in. But the impression I get from the reviews on internet regarding UtP, is that UtP cards are also linked to impearement tokens, some assets are egyptian theme, some are not, so it seems to make it less straight forward. But then again, maybe I am overthinking this ;-) Just trying to find a way to reduce setup time :-P

can you even end up with the dog sled without Antarctica sideboard?

No, but the point is that i try to have a fixed core set including also some of the epansion cards. The specific sideboard related cards inkeep seperate. This way i try to limit setup time and optimise storage management.

You can still visit Egypt without the sideboard, why would you want to remove the chance at finding an Egyptian themed item from an Egypt encounter?

Mix everything is my advice. EH was made for it.

Edited by Meretrix

look if you want to play with cards that have the sum of letters to be a prime - go ahead - it's as straight forward as the thing you're trying to do for some reason...

I would keep everything mixed and if I wanted to just play core I would just draw cards until I get one from the core or subset of addons used and ignore the others.

Since all of them have icons showing where they came from it's easy to toggle on/off expansions and keep the decks intact...

Kraftclub, i think that is a good way to go and it limits setup timr indeed. I guess what I was aiming for is a similar approach as the "touring" versus "permanent" exhibition/play such as in Arkham Horror the curse of the pharao and the king in yellow expansions. I prefer the touring. Ode, in which i just add all the cards (except common items) on top of their respective sets and dint shuffle them untill I work my way through the expansion cards. But eldritch in that sense is a little bit different I suppose!

Besides, Meretix also has a good point, why not encouter a little flavour from the expansions when playing any other version of the game :-) But then again, when aiming for a specific game of ItP, dont you think the unique items cards/ special item cards from the core set (plus my expansions MoM and Dreamlands) already mixed in for the greater part dilute the chances of actually drawing egyption themed relics and items on the side board?

Also, impairments occur in every expansion after UtP I believe. It's a new mechanic. It's not JUST an Egyptian themed mechanic. And Egyptian related items and spells are no unreasonable in a globe-trotting game that focuses on mysterious and unknown powers, relics, and civilizations.

There was a lot of dilution problems with Arkham Horror, but you have significantly less of that with Eldritch as big boxes keep boards separated with their own cards and cards added tend to be on the lighter side per expansion anyway. But to each their own.

I think they've been consistant in that only using the rule if they included the impairments them selves since they want each expansion to not require any else. And if I remember correctly there were no impairments in Dreamlands so I think it was only used in UiP and SoC.

7 hours ago, Soakman said:

Also, impairments occur in every expansion after UtP I believe. It's a new mechanic.