I'm guessing you're attacking Phoon's group, and not Kai's?
And you are correct: Duelist's Training only works against a single opponent, not minion groups. Soak is 5, so 4 damage. Not enough to take one down.
I'm guessing you're attacking Phoon's group, and not Kai's?
And you are correct: Duelist's Training only works against a single opponent, not minion groups. Soak is 5, so 4 damage. Not enough to take one down.
Yep, Phoon's group, because they've got no one engaging them at the moment. Although I guess Phoon did attack them, didn't he? He did a crit and some damage, right? There was no spillover from his previous attack ? Also, what kind of armor are they wearing? Or are they just really Brawn-y?
I'll throw up an IC!
He took one out, which is all I'm saying about their state of health. As for their gear, well, you'll have to find out.
Fair enough .
EDIT: and as a reminder, if they attack her, she has the Strength upgrade to Sense, so it's a double upgrade and a Melee Defense of 2 (1 from armor, 1 from Defensive 1). I'm also almost assuredly going to Parry any damage over 2.
Edited by Absol197If the leader attacks Kai, I would like to flip a destiny point to upgrade it.
So I've been out of sorts the last few days, where are we in the action roster?
18 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:So I've been out of sorts the last few days, where are we in the action roster?
I believe @Blackbird888 is up, with you following?
Phoon obediently returns to Shisa's side: 2 maneuvers, no action.
The leader attacks Kai: quick draw (throwing knife) + aim.
4 successes, 1 threat
[1eA=S] [2eP=S/A, S] [1eB=S/A] [1eC=Th/Th] [1eS=Th]
Damage is 8 + Pierce 2 before other defense. Suffers 1 strain.
45 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:I believe @Blackbird888 is up, with you following?
Wasn't I relegated to the final slot due to the nature of Kamoa's action?
Yes; we assumed that, as long as no one actively tried to get Shisa, you'd be sticking close and re-upping your Body Guard. So it wouldn't matter of you did that first or last, because she's protected either way. But if you went last, then the rat of us could try to eliminate the baddies before they attacked.
...We kinda failed at that, but hey! It is now your action.
Also: Oh no, Kai! Hang in there!
If it's my turn, then yes he will re-up his Body Guard, but that's just a maneuver, so for his action, could I do an improvised weapon (random rock on the ground) and chunk it at a nearby enemy? I mean if none of them are going to approach him, might as well try and contribute in some way.
I think the penalty for an improvised weapon is a setback dice on the attack roll. Is that correct?
Oh and he is maintaining his committed Force die for the Sense defensive bonus on 2 incoming attacks.
The improvised weapon penalty is that the weapons are considered Inferior (auto Threat to the result) I believe. I was about to suggest the same thing, actually !
2 hours ago, Blackbird888 said:Damage is 8 + Pierce 2 before other defense.
Pierce 2 ignores Kai's Soak 2.
Kai Reflects 4 dmg (takes 3 Strain) and receives 4 Wounds.
@Blackbird888 Shouldn't making the ranged attack while Engaged have imposed an additional Difficulty?
Also, I believe I gain a Boost for my next attack?
Edited by Edgehawk2 hours ago, Edgehawk said:@Blackbird888 Shouldn't making the ranged attack while Engaged have imposed an additional Difficulty?
Also, I believe I gain a Boost for my next attack?
Throwing knives don't increase difficulty for engaged range.
Refresh my memory on the boost.
I'm AFB now, but it is on the same page as the ranged/ engaged chart in the CRB. In the FaD core, lightsaber is included in the boost ruling.
Ehhhh, I suppose.
Chadrik is also maintaining his sense defensive power. Difficulty upgrade for the first attack against him.
So what will be my difficulty pool for an improvised thrown weapon at one of the groups? Preferably one at short range if possible.
Regular [small improvised weapon] with a range of short, and Ranged (Light) as the skill. Damage +1, critical 5, Inferior.
I believe that means you can hit Bralane's opponent, the lieutenant. Although that would likely upgrade your check for the engaged ally, I'd think.
So 1 red die? No setback's or anything for other factors?
I don't think so.
Rock Throw
2 successes, 1 advantage
So 3 damage total, which I'm sure will simply be soaked.
I'll send the advantage forward to whoever is next in the roster as a boost.
Edited by KungFuFerretI assume you're attacking Mr. Whip?
1 hour ago, Blackbird888 said:I assume you're attacking Mr. Whip?
If that is the only one in short range, yes. Absol described that one so it's as good as any other. Plus I rolled my dice pool assuming there was an adversary upgrade, so yeah, if the Lieut fits that description, he's who Kamoa hit with the rock.
Edited by KungFuFerret