I agree. None of the rest of the LCGs are likely to fall in the near future. Netrunner is on an upswing, AGOT is at least stable, L5R is just starting up, and Arkham is popular. The only possible one to die is LoTR which seems to have a few more cycles plus the new digital product.
what LCG will be the next to die?
this thread exists because while LCG is a good format concerns over it's ultimate stability have grown over time as more of them end. and because FFG is understandably reluctant to let folks know when their favorite games are going to end. so in the void of real knowledge people will speculate.
a lack of transparency has it's own costs.
All the LCG's look solid at the moment.
With a full raft of new reprints my guess is LOTR LCG is quite safe from being replaced by the digital version. the digital version is possibly seen as a way to get new players opposed to converting players already well invested in the physical release. the physical version may even out last the digital version if the digital version proves unable to support the costs of making it, or if the digital version is a huge success the physical may continue simply as part of the development cycle for the digital version.
Please stop.
On 1/14/2018 at 1:20 PM, Grimwalker said:You are out of your damned mind.
2 hours ago, divinityofnumber said:
Nostradamus like prediction here!
V spooky.
2 hours ago, divinityofnumber said:
"divinity" indeed.
On 5/30/2017 at 5:31 AM, Radix2309 said:I could see LotR ending and being replaced by a co-op Star Wars LCG. Destiny has already done much better for competitive.
Both Are lisenced games so They end when lisence ends... otherwice Lotr can make still a long run!
3 minutes ago, Hannibal_pjv said:Both Are lisenced games so They end when lisence ends... otherwice Lotr can make still a long run!
That is true. But I think FFG has been doing well with the licence and probably can get renewed. Same with Star Wars. Especially with all the SW product they put out.
It is a bit different from a game or IP licensed from another game company light Netrunnner the game or Warhammer 40k.
On 6/8/2018 at 12:39 PM, divinityofnumber said:
Your reasoning was wrong at the time and everything they’ve put out today says that my reasoning was right: the Revised Core Set was developed with the intention that it and the rotation policy were designed to extend the life of the game for years to come. It’s tragic and unforeseeable that WOTC decided to ruin those plans.
But if all you’re doing is dancing on its future grave because you’re delighted to think you’re right, then please, From the very bottom of my heart: ****
Edited by FFGSysopsAbusive Behavior
I think the very question of the model for the Living Card Game (aka Set Card Game) is in question here. With Destiny following the Random Booster pack that made Magic and Hearthstone so successful shows that there is a possible shift in business philosophy.
Honestly I did not expect Android: Netrunner to be the next casualty since Android was FFG's IP. But yeah we have seen licensing agreements fell through at both sides here with IP for Warhammer 40,000: Conquest and mechanics for Android: Netrunner. If an Android Card game was to make it back, I am scared it won't be LCG format but TCG instead.
40 minutes ago, Marinealver said:If an Android Card game was to make it back, I am scared it won't be LCG format but TCG instead.
Yea and that is not cool in my view either.
5 hours ago, Marinealver said:I think the very question of the model for the Living Card Game (aka Set Card Game) is in question here. With Destiny following the Random Booster pack that made Magic and Hearthstone so successful shows that there is a possible shift in business philosophy.
What? A:NR wasn't canceled because it wasn't popular or making money (as far as we know). It was a licensing issue. You are making a lot of leaps here.
Honestly I did not expect Android: Netrunner to be the next casualty since Android was FFG's IP . But yeah we have seen licensing agreements fell through at both sides here with IP for Warhammer 40,000: Conquest and mechanics for Android: Netrunner. If an Android Card game was to make it back, I am scared it won't be LCG format but TCG instead.
It doesn't matter that the characters etc. were FFG's. The name, mechanics, artwork(?), etc. were being licensed, so it could be revoked at any time, just like anything with a licensing agreement. It's not 100% in FFG's hands.
1 hour ago, esplanades said:What? A:NR wasn't canceled because it wasn't popular or making money (as far as we know). It was a licensing issue. You are making a lot of leaps here.
It doesn't matter that the characters etc. were FFG's. The name, mechanics, artwork(?), etc. were being licensed, so it could be revoked at any time, just like anything with a licensing agreement. It's not 100% in FFG's hands.
Money still talks in the business world. Compared to Star Wars Destiny, A:NR was not as a hot item. Although that is comparing a Cessna to a 777 as $tar War$ is a big brand to contend with, but if A:NR was making as much money as say X-wing miniatures, there would have been no falling out with WotC. The deal would have passed.
10 hours ago, Marinealver said:If an Android Card game was to make it back, I am scared it won't be LCG format but TCG instead.
I think not. Their best bet at a 2nd successful game in the Android universe would be to get the original player base into it. As the game couldn't be similar enough to the original, they'd have to work hard to get them interested. Changing to a collectible format would be treated like a betrayal, and I think that would kill the game out of the gate.
Destiny is able to pull off the TCG model because it's Star Wars, which sells most things right now (well, before The Last Jedi, which has had a really difficult time pushing merchandise). The fact that it's a surprisingly good game helps too.
I don't think the LCG format is on the way out. By my count 6 have been axed: Warhammer: Invasion, Warhammer: Conquest, Call of Cthulhu, A Game of Thrones 1e, Star Wars, and Android: Netrunner. Only Call of Cthulhu and Star Wars (and maybe Warhammer: Invasion) were canceled for not being profitable enough. On that note, Call of Cthulhu wasn't profitable enough as a TCG, so they tried something new before canceling it: the LCG format (more or less) as we know it today. It ran on for 12 more years.
Just wanted to say thank you to FFG for the “state of the LCG” article. It’s a vast improvement in communication with your fans.
1 hour ago, TylerTT said:Just wanted to say thank you to FFG for the “state of the LCG” article. It’s a vast improvement in communication with your fans.
I agree. It was refreshing
On 6/9/2018 at 3:14 PM, Duciris said:I think not. Their best bet at a 2nd successful game in the Android universe would be to get the original player base into it. As the game couldn't be similar enough to the original, they'd have to work hard to get them interested. Changing to a collectible format would be treated like a betrayal, and I think that would kill the game out of the gate.
Destiny is able to pull off the TCG model because it's Star Wars, which sells most things right now (well, before The Last Jedi, which has had a really difficult time pushing merchandise). The fact that it's a surprisingly good game helps too.
I don't think the LCG format is on the way out. By my count 6 have been axed: Warhammer: Invasion, Warhammer: Conquest, Call of Cthulhu, A Game of Thrones 1e, Star Wars, and Android: Netrunner. Only Call of Cthulhu and Star Wars (and maybe Warhammer: Invasion) were canceled for not being profitable enough. On that note, Call of Cthulhu wasn't profitable enough as a TCG, so they tried something new before canceling it: the LCG format (more or less) as we know it today. It ran on for 12 more years.
I would but take a look at $tar War$ card game. Granted it is $tar War$ but for Cardgames TCG model seems to be the most profitable. Even Steve Jackson is getting in on it with Munchkin. If you want presorted booster packs to be successful, you need to get everyone to buy Doomtown.
Now it doesn't work with X-wing because miniatures are better in sets. Monster Apocalypse and WotC Star Wars miniatures tried the randomized booster but so many things go in the way so randomized models has proven to be the least successful business model.
Now I don't count 1st Editions as axing a game so Game of Thrones is still alive. Yeah a 2nd edition means no more 1st but what is the difference between that and a rotation? Call of Cuthulu is a tricky one because while Arkham Horror is the successor in theme, mechanically it is closer to LotR.
Edited by Marinealver
Some remarks:
1. solo/coop LCG’s live much longer than competitive ones. Even in 10 years you can start playing LotR LCG or Arkham LCG.
2. The Star Wars LCG is great but it ran its course, so they will relaunch a new one, but this time as solo/coop.
3. Competitive LCG’s have it much harder to counter the meta death knell, so it is obvious which LCG launch will be next AND will have a solo/coop playing mode.
Edited by MMOfan