Jailbird and the Desperatos IC

By TheShard, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

What the freck is he doing? Kaz looks around, was he summoning someone? Recording perhaps? None of the others seemed to have noticed the majordomo fiddling with his wrist strap, until he caught Dex’s eye. Kaz gave a questioning shrug, whatever was going on there was more to this story than it appeared.

He passes out data pads while continuing to scroll through the contract pointing out various penalties both legal and "extra-legal".

Each of your datapads contain coordinates for a hyperspace jump.

Instructions for receiving cargo.

And a meeting point back on tatooine to unload.

Seems legit...

"Excellent! Coordinates to somewhere.. to pick up something.. for next to nothing! Let's go!"

"I assume that there is a time limit for this... run?"

He sighs then scrolls to the fine details.

"Back in a week... Which means you should leave fairly soon, how soon well that's up to you... How willing are you to risks your gracious employers patience?"

"Ok, in that case we still have some business to attend to back in town, before we head out to pick up this cargo. Do we see ourselves out or does someone show us the way?" Caess finished, keeping his voice level to avoid showing how quickly he wanted to get out of here.

He goes to shake your hand.

(Make me a 2p2r vigilance check or add a setback and do perception.)

He shakes your hand, and then turns and picks up his data pad.

Thank you for agreeing to the terms without incident or intervention.

The data pad shows a scanned palm. A large flashing ACCEPTED! in neon green letters under the mission briefing. If you check yours it'll show the same palm print and legal contract detailing the terms and your acceptance.

Edited by TheShard

"Let's get out of here, before we find ourselves enjoying some true Hutt hospitality." Dex turns to depart. We have a mechanic to find, and fast.

“Agreed, let’s not get coerced into another worthless job on this backwater desert” Kaz walks through the door full of frustration, looking for anything valuable to lift in retribution.

12 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:

“Agreed, let’s not get coerced into another worthless job on this backwater desert” Kaz walks through the door full of frustration, looking for anything valuable to lift in retribution.

Make a 1red 1 purple 1 setback perception check

As no one's really following you, you pass by a room, door open.

A tired Ugnaught emerges, pulling a cart as he backs put the door. He turns his back pushing the cart. He pushes the door to close. He walks off the door ever so slowly continues to swing shut.

Edited by TheShard

Hmm, here we go . Thinks Kaz as he slips through into the room beyond, much to the chagrin of his friends and associates

The room is a small service area, there's janitors stuff and shelves, a sank and dirty thick duracrete work table and a few jackets hanging on pegs. On the desk are data pads and flimisiplast work orders, starfighter periodicly and a few others holozenes spread across its greesy surface.

Its a cramped room with a hallway leading elsewhere.

(Anyone attempting to follow could make a 2 purple 1 setback vigilance check to react before the door closes.)

Now what's he up to..?

If Dex had been any good at taking orders and staying on-piste, he'd probably still have his Imperial wings. Relying upon his quick reflexes, he tries to catch the rapidly closing door with his boot.. but the door is quicker.

Vig w/Setback
Results 2eA+2eD+1eS : 1 failure, 1 advantage [2eA=S/A, S] [2eD=F, F/F] [1eS=-]
a-s-a.png a-s.png d-f.png d-f-f.png s--.png

Copy pasta: link bbcode

(Advantage to have his failed attempt go unnoticed?)

Edited by Edgehawk

Caess looked over his shoulder and sighed inwardly, and considered for half a moment to follow. If he wants to mess with a Hutt that is his problem. Caess turned and muttered "Come on we'll wait for him somewhere else."

"Now where's the fun in that? "

The voice of reason prevails, however. Dex finds himself following the commander's lead, in an attempt to exit the Hutt's place without further misadventure.

Hope the Gank doesn't get ganked, himself...

You can leave unmolested. As far as the Hutt's people are concerned your just expected to return back with the cargo.

‘Darn, no jackpot here’ thinks Kaz. He has a quick look into the hallway before heading back to the main entrance and out into the heat of the day. ‘ I hate sand’ is his thought as the wind blows a cloud of it into his face, ‘ it gets everywhere’ . Seeing the others not far ahead he jogs to catch up

”Well that was a stitch up, bloody Hutts and their filthy business deals... let’s find this mechanic finally and get out of here”

@Richardbuxton (make a 1 purple 3 setback vigilance check on your way out of that room)

Under his coat, in a deep hidden pocket, he feels the datapad and badge he swiped from the janitors room I’ll check that properly back on the ship

”Maybe there’s a rental yard down this way, I don’t much feel like walking across that desert” he says pointing down one of the dusty streets

Edited by Richardbuxton

On your way out you notice some skiffs taking off towards the desert and others ready-ing. Its a longer walk into Mos Eisley.

"Before we go too far, let's check out Tosche Station. Apparently it's on the salt flats, here, just outside Anchorhead."

Dex's companions just stop and look at him. He shrugs. "There was an ad in the refresher. Seems like the place to go, for parts around here. Might be a good place to ask about our mechanic friend?"

“Great, transport would still be nice though, how about we try picking up one of those skiffs and heading there?”

"Fair enough." Dex concedes. Though he has been accused of being a reckless pilot himself, at times, he is not crazy about being a passenger. Particularly places like this.. can't be worse than our last ride, though...

Together, the party heads to one of the readying skiffs. "Tosche Station?"