Faster Play & Less Tracking Stuff - House Rules

By Emirikol, in WFRP House Rules

To reduce some of the endless accounting & tracking, we've been using the following rule to GREAT effect. My players are much happier.

Changed to Per-Encounter (may be recharged with a fortune point or rally phase)
(4+) Action Cards
Exhaustible Talents
Brief Conditions

I thought about using the "white die" cancellation rule for brief conditions, but it was just another thing to track and combats don't last that long anyways in terms of rounds.

What are you doing?


I upated this to 2 fortune. 1 fortune to instantly recharge a 2-3 recharge card.


I tested the rules, the tracking token are not really a problem for us. Most of my players use 6 sided dice to track recharge, which is more visual and clear.

Otherwise, we don't use token for anything else, everything is recorded on the fan-made character sheet found on hammerzeit, and it's much more easier...


I think there will be many evolutions to come :)
