The Jade Throne Podcast

By The Jade Throne Podcast, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

21 hours ago, Bazleebub said:

I suspect it's more likely that says 'Getting new players'.

There obviously are a number of ways FFG can go to make the game more accessible. The new Crane Winter Court deck is a great start, if we can recommend 1 single pack to go with it to make it legal then we're golden.

Personally, I think there's a great opportunity to look again at the Terminal Directive model. For those unaware, Terminal Directive was a Netrunner LCG box which had a story that two players could play through. I believe it was quite successful as a product, players were interested in it, but had a critical reception due to a number of issues around the design. It suffered in my opinion, as it tried to hard to be a legacy game with stickers and everything when really it didn't need any of that.

If L5R design looked again at that model, a single box product where two players get to play through a story campaign, it would be a big success. As a model for new players, this kind of box + a core set makes for a great board game style product that is perfect for the 'kitchen table' style play that is the primary source of revenue for FFG games. Similar to Arkham, when you're ready you can buy the next big story box and play through that at your own pace. Alternatively, it serves as a stepping point into the competitive scene where you take those decks out of the campaign box limited environment and into tournaments.

That's pretty much my dream L5R product :)

THIS is exactly what I wished for the relaunch of L5R to be. After having played Lord of the Rings LCG and Arkham Horror LCG since launch, I expected this sort of treatment for L5R. Not so much a cooperative game, but with at least a STORY MODE. This is so important and essential to L5R's identity. In the old AEG days I think the weekly fictions are what kept this feeling alive for the game. Sure I can play out a story in my own mind over my card interactions but sometimes this feels forced. Although somewhat abstract, I feel that the game Battle for Rokugan captures the epic clan struggles of L5R better than the card game, but lacks the character (and characters) of the LCG. I even have played around with ideas on how to combine the 2 for a more holistic experience.

I didn't buy Battle For Rokugan precisely because it seemed so abstract. I sort of was expecting a good old fashion large, thematic experience from FFG when they released their first L5R board game. BfR really disappointed me. I'm sure it's a good game, but it's certainly not something that would excite me or the people with which I'd play those sort of games. At least they've been consistently releasing stuff for the RPG. So that must be selling reasonably well.

You should give Battle for Rokugan a chance even with out the L5R skin on it its a really solid game. The bluffing element and speed it plays its a really cleanly designed game. That said I really wise we could get some more board games in the L5R setting.

I have always argued that the role locking was bad for the game, especially with elemental locked cards. L5R was the lcg so far where a pack came out and after seeing the contents said "I don't need to own this one". Considering that ffg wants to cycle l5r faster due to story implications, certain cards might only be playable for brief time, and then find their way into your binder never to be played again.

Episode 120: We Read You The Cards! The Justiciar Way!

This week we have Shey, Aneil, Dan and we read you a LOT of cards! So ya its the Justice for Satsume

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Episode 121: And We All Role On Alright

This week its Shey and Dan talking Kotei season retrospective and new Roles. Hope you like Air and Earth roles.

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For and episode title, I would have also accepted

This is the way we role

Role-n on the Riv-air

Know your role and shut your mouth

Fruit role-ups are og, fruit by the foot is op

Djinn still NO means angry Fro #unlocktheroles

Edited by Ishi Tonu
1 hour ago, Ishi Tonu said:

For and episode title, I would have also accepted

This is the way we role

Role-n on the Riv-air

Know your role and shut your mouth

Fruit role-ups are og, fruit by the foot is op

Djinn still NO means angry Fro #unlocktheroles

@Ishi Tonu , as droll as ever... Heh heh heh...

25 minutes ago, Ascarel said:

@Ishi Tonu , as droll as ever... Heh heh heh...


I re.....semble that remark.

Carry on.

Episode 122: Top 5 Cards We Were Wrong About Number 3 Will Surprise You?!

This week it is Shey, Aneil, Dan and Fro taking about all the cards we were wrong about. Like remember when we said card X was going to be a game change hahahaha what fools we were.

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Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 123: Seekers of Hot Takes

This week its Shey and Fro giving you some Seekers of Wisdom preview hot takes because an article finally dropped before we recorded lol.

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Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 124: 200% More Shiotome Heroine Support

This week its Shey and Dan giving you a run down on Pack 4 of the inheritance cycle.

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Episode 125: Lions, RLs and Content O My!

This week its Shey and Aneil doing a run down of the Lion pack since FFG posted the whole pack up but thats not all! They thought they would trick us with the ole drop the RL after the episode was edited but not today zerg! We have a nice hot take run down from Aneil on the new RL!

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Episode 126: Getting Tournament Ready When You Have Limited Time

This week its Shey, Aneil, and Dan talking RL and how to best prep for events when you are working with limited time.

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Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 127: Wonderful World of Worlds Prizes!

This week its a full house with Shey, Aneil, Dan, and Travis talking about all the awesome worlds prizes and the new fiction.

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Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 128: A Champion's Foresight Pack Rundown

This week it is Shey and Dan covering the cards in pack 5 and the last bit of the worlds meta puzzle. We also talk lore!
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Twitter: @thejadethrone

Episode 129: Worlds Bets and Spoilers Abound

This week its Shey and Dan to cover a mound of news and bring you a fun worlds bet. If you want to follow along with the worlds bet here is the link

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Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 130: Interview with Tyler the Sequel

This week it is Shey, Aneil, Fro, and nonother than L5R lead developer Tyler. We go on a walk down memory lane with the last year of the meta into this years worlds meta and talk about draft!

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Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 131: Mario Is Missing 2 : The PreWorlds Rundown

This week you have Fro, Aneil, Dan and Travis giving you the preworlds rundown while Shey is away.

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Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 133: Mess with the Crabbo you get the Stabbo

This week its Shey, Aneil, Dan, and Fro talking Kotei info and the dynasty cards from the Crab pack.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

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If you like the cast also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


'bout time! lol

Congrats on the wedding, and great job by Aneil and Fro with the World's coverage.

Glad to have some JTP back in my life.

Episode 134: Better Late Than Never Cycle 4 Hot Takes

This week its Shey, Dan and Travis talking cycle 4 spoilers and the rest of the crab pack

f you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also we have a Patreon:

If you like the cast also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 135: 1,2 Shoju's Coming for You

This week its Shey and Travis talking clan wars spoilers and a review of Shoju's Duty.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also we have a Patreon:

If you like the cast also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 136: Dragon Rage

This week we have Shey, Aneil, Dan and Fro on to review the Dragon pack and ask the hard hitting questions like how is this card better than Toshimoko. The answers may surprise you!

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

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If you like the cast also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


With so much salt from the JTP

It's kind hard to keep up my positivity

But I some how some way keep coming up with funky fresh decks like every single day

Cuz the roles are free in 5 rings lcg, laid back

With mind on my koku and my koku on my mind