The Jade Throne Podcast

By The Jade Throne Podcast, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Episode 18: Sleepless at Gen Con
This week Shey and Ryan are sleep deprived and late recording due to being at the epicenter of nerdom that is Gen Con. We give a talk about our experience at the con and plans moving forward in to the brave new world of a fully released L5R.

Episode 19: Ask a Hatamoto or 2

This week Shey is joined by newly minted hatamoto Chris and Killian to answer your community question and experiment with trying to equalize all our audio (experimenting with a new technique). If you want come join us on the socials at:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Um...It's Scary Spice. Obviously! Come on guys!

Episode 20 Deck Building Basics 101

This week host Shey, Chris and Kilian talk spoilers for the first pack and board game, worlds registration and have a discussion on the basic decision making process for deck building. We also improve our audio quality!

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 22: Makin a Spicy Fire Chicken Deck

This week Ryan Chris and Shey go step by step building a aggressive Phoenix sub Crane deck with all 11 herbs and spices. We break down our thought process on building this deck and how to evaluate cards for new players.

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 23: Some quick thoughts on blitz

This week it just Shey (all by myself again *cue sad music) talking about blitz in the core set lcg environment. What might it look like and does the game really allow for blitz as we know it from the ccg era. We will be back next week with a nice full episode ahead of the general launch of the game. So feel free so send us question at any of our social medias!

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 26: Keepers can't be Seekers

This week Chris and Shey cover all the juicy new spoilers for Imperial Cycle rapid release, talk about how the OP article was super dense, and then break down what each of the clans spoiled keeper and seeker cards bring to the table.

Kotei series article

Episode 27: Better Late Than Never

This week Shey and special guest Eric take a look at all those spicy Scorpion cards that we have neglected to give their time to shine to. Sorry this weeks episode expect next weeks episode at the normal Thursday-Friday release and hopefully some really good content from worlds the next week both on the Podcast and on our social media

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 28: Quick Questions Before Worlds
This week it is just I Shey your lone host answering some listener question before making the journey to the frozen north to battle it out at worlds. I also touch on some of the plans I have for worlds content. Now off I go to do some more last minute playtesting in hopes of choosing the deck I will play and not change 15 minutes before I make it to the FFG center the day of the tourney.
Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast
Twitter: @thejadethrone
Bonus Episode: Crossover of the Five Rings
While at worlds this year I had the joy of meeting up with some fellow podcasters and being part of a nifty 7 podcast community crossover. We touch on several topics this was recorded before day 2 so I will be posting a worlds recap video here in the near future.
Here is a list of the other Podcast from the episode to check out and show some support for the content creators in out community.
traveling ronin podcast-
And as always check us out on our social media
Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast
Twitter: @thejadethrone
Episode 29: Post Worlds mini recap
Hey all just wanted to get a quick recap with my experience at world (despite my sad showing) and touch on the roles the clans got. That said expect a nice meaty episode coming out later this week for you all.
Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast
Twitter: @thejadethrone

Episode 30: The Tsunamicast
This week we have a full house here on the Jade Throne we start off with Shey being joined by the illustrious Crab duo of Jeremie Maurina and John Merholtz discussion world and the recently released Tears of Amaterasu pack. We are then join by James Balthis and Jonny Shen. This is a jammed pack episode that was worth the wait!
Also be sure to join us on social media:
Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast
Twitter: @thejadethrone

Episode 31: But I Mean It Has Imperial

This week we have Chris, James, John, Shey and new guest John Di Battista on to talk about For Honor and Glory and a little pre PAX unplugged chat. Banter aplenty in this one folks maybe even a rant or two about Unicorn.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 32: War Dud Master

This week Chris and Shey talk Pax judging, Grand Kotei results and what new fun is to be had in with the new pack. We also rant about War Dog Master and how he disappoints us so as he was supposed to be the chosen one.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 33: The Podcast with the Centipede Tattoo

The week your hosts Shey, Chris, Dibat, James, and Jonny look at the 4th pack of the imperial cycle, have a talk about Pax with Johnny, and answer some listener question on this 2+ hour epic episode. Also testing out a new audio leveling on this episode if it is a more pleasant sounding episode let us know.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Edited by The Jade Throne Podcast

Episode 35: 6 packs 6 casts

This week we have the our final pack review of the Imperial Cycle with Shey and Dibat. Truly the end of an era. We also will be posting up our post cycle question episode so be sure to send you questions to us or post in one of the threads on our social media!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 36: The Questioncast Part 1: The Questioning

This week we have Chris, Shey, and Kilian answering your listener questions(part 1)! We also give a quick take and the new FAQ that dropped right before we started recording and put off talking about the new Phoenix previews as after 6 weeks of reading cards we wanted a change of pace.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 37: Questions and Rampant Speculation

This week Shey, John, and Jeremie are here to answer the rest of your listener questions and to talk about the previews from the Phoenix clan pack!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 38: On a Scale from Unicorn to Dragon

This week we have Shey, Chris, John, and Jim talking about the competitive archetypes for the Unicorn, Crane, Phoenix and Dragon clan with Lion, Crab, and Scorpion coming next week. As we prepare for the first post cycle 1 Kotei. Speaking of Kotei keep an eye on our Facebook page for our coverage from the PAX South Kotei!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 39: So a Lion, a Crab and a Scorpion walk into a Bar

This week we have Shey, Chris, and John finishing up our discussion on archetypes on the Lion, Crab and Scorpion. We also talk a bit on Pax predictions.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 41: The one where we won a Kotei

This week we are bringing out an the big guns with Pax South Kotei winner Chris, third clan Hatamoto James, 2x Scorpion Hatamoto Jonny, and Newly earned Hatamoto Shey to talk about the Jade Thrones Run at Pax. We will be talking the meta, what we played at the event, general impressions going forward, and just a bit of patting ourselves on the back.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone

Email: [email protected]

Episode 41: Critical Self Evaluation or How I Learned not to Blame RNG.

This week we have Shey and Kilian since our panel of Unicorn experts are all busy this week we pushed back our unicorn deck build episode in favor of a more candid discussion. This week we talk about how best to improve you play in a free for discussion. Hope you all enjoy and come back next week to see if we can make a good Unicorn deck.

Also be sure to join us on social media: