The Jade Throne Podcast

By The Jade Throne Podcast, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Episode 72: Take it or Sleeve it

This week we have Shey and Aneil talking about the big news of the day.....card sleeves...... We also talk about the L5R World Cup so there is that.

Link to the Province League Kickstarter

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 73: Fro Your Leading Source of Positive L5R Edutainment

This week we have Shey, Aneil, and Fro your leading source of positive l5r edutainment to talk Scorpion pack spoilers and some general strategy. Sure that all is nested in a variety of off topic discussion and rant but I mean you have come to expect that of us at this point lets be honest.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 74: Q&A with Shey

This week its just Shey here to talk about Scorpion previews and answer some listener questions!

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 75: The Rules They Are A Changin

This week its Shey and Shen here to talk about worlds prizes, rules changes and what the Scorpion pack from a Scorpion players point of view! Lots of content here this week folks as the ramp up to worlds begins!

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 76: A Beacon of Wholesome Positivity

This week we have Shey, Aneil, and Fro talking about a couple of Scorpion cards then going off on to some lengthy tangents. So you know what you have come to expect from us.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 77: Wow Thats A Lot of Cards!

This week we have Shey, Fro, and Aneil talking about the announcement of the new Children of the Empire box, Unicorn Clan letter, Worlds and more!

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 78: Mario is Missing!

This week we have Fro, Mathews, and Dibats on to pick up the slack as the ever present Shey is on vacation. How will this go? What will they talk about? Did Shey listen to and the episode before posting it? The answer is on that last one. So enjoy this wild and crazy ride with me lol.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


I cannot give enough love for how ridiculous this episode was with Fro in charge. Good work!

Episode 79: Worlds Hype!

This week we have a full house! We have Shey, Shen, Aneil, Alex, and Dan on to talk about our worlds hype and some card previews.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


I gotta say, even though I like most of your content, I cannot listen to your podcast anymore. Please standardize your volume levels. Two of you are very loud and one is very quiet. If I turn up the volume to hear the quiet one I get deafened by the others.

Yeah, it's a bit of an issue and especially listening through headphones/ear buds. The content is entertaining but it feels like you have to lose 2 honour to play it. Doable but my ears pay something for it.

Hey, good work at Worlds! It’s nice to have some commentators that know what they’re talking about.

Episode 80: Legend of the WOW So Many Podcast

Hey this week its Shey and Mathews plus the entire podcastosphere. There is a lot of worlds talk and even a few Mathews rants to get you the true worlds experience. (Also shout out to Merlin for setting this up I can only imagine the logistical nightmare this was lol.)

Hey did you like any of the other cast why dont you go check them out.

Hidden City Rollers:

Art of Warcast:

Focus Focus Strike:



6th Ring:

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 81: Shen vs Worlds

This week it is Shey, Fro, Aneil and our very own worlds runner up Shen! We talk worlds, top tables and commentating.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 82: New Round-up

This week Shey and Kevin talk about all the news that has trickled out over the past few week. Just a heads up looks like the audio on my side (Shey) got recorded on my laptops internal mic so my apologies that it sounds like I am talking out of a hole in the ground.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 83: Unicorn Turbo Deluxe Shiro Shinjo Edition

This week Shey and Fro cover the plethora of Unicorn news and preview that have come out.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 84: The Kotei Redemption Arc

This week we have Shey, Aneil, and Mathews talking about Aneil's Grand Kotei win at PAX Unplugged, a discussion on Dragon and how to train to deal with it. We also go on some fun lore tangents!

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 85: New Restricted List Hot Take Rundown

This week we have Shey, Fro, Aneil, Shen and special guest Joe from Cincinnati on to give their spicy hot takes on the new restricted list and what that means for the pre Children of the Empire meta.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 86: Crossover and Spoilers!

This week we have Shey and James joined by special guest from the Carolina Krayts Zack and Travis. We talk the Unicorn card votes and the Children of the Empire spoilers. Also a lot of tangents so many tangents like tangents for days.

Also if you are a xwing fan check out Zack and Travis on the Carolina Krayts podcast at:

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 87: Making Turn One Work For You Post Rules Update

This week we have Shey, Fro, and Aneil to revisit the topic of turn one strategies since the rule book changes of going second fate.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 88: New Year New Content!

This week we have Shey, Aneil, and Fro talking about all the new things! New Cards! New OP Changes!

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 89: The Interview

This week we have a special episode Shey, Fro and Aneil sit down with the one and only Tyler Parrott for a discussion of the game and in typical Jade Throne fashion wander off on tangets.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Edited by The Jade Throne Podcast

Episode 90: Ishikwasome Plans for 2019

He this week it is Shey talking about plans for the cast going forward in 2019 and Imperial cards.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 91: Low Sodium OP Discussion

This week we have a full house Shey, Fro, Aneil and Shen all talk about the new OP announcement and still have time to get around to those Crane and Dragon spoilers we missed a few weeks back.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 92: Days of Future Jank

This week it is Shey, Travis, and Dan on to just have a wholesome talk of how we think the meta might shift going forwards past children of the Empire

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Edited by The Jade Throne Podcast