The Jade Throne Podcast

By The Jade Throne Podcast, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Episode 63: Spreading That Sweet Sweet Darkness

This week Shey, Fro and Merholtz talk about Pack 2 of the elemental cycle, the new RRG that was released and only a bit of ranting on element locked cards.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


I think my favorite thing about role locking is how much it angers Fro. I continue to think a soft cycle is good for the game. The two things that are working against it is that the card pool is still not big enough to see it's benefit (all you see is the downside) and the role switching should happen way quicker. At least twice a year would make it that much more flexible. Fro is wrong about deck homogeneity. Competitive players will always settle into the " solved" deck. You open up the card pool and you just settle into a different "solved" deck. If decks are allowed more overlap then those solved decks will also probably have more overlap. Also I think it's a failing in the design that role and element locked cards are in faction. Feels like they should all be neutrals. Hiding a card behind two or three locked conditions is a bit much. When we are 4 or 5 cycles in that makes more sense, but the L5R card pool is still pretty small.

In addition I think it's madness that non-FFG events adhere to role locking. I don't think I've ever participated in an event that unlocked the roles. There's no reason we need to straitjacket ourselves in that way. Yeah just rolling up to a store with a different role than the one assigned to your clan is probably not gonna sit well with the rest of the players at the store, but an organized event that supports role unlocking I think is valuable since not only would it see new deck designs, it would also give competitive players some time to experiment with other role/element combinations to inform their opinion of role/element choices.

Edited by phillos

Yep. It would be nice to have faster cycling of the role cards! It would change the meta Also faster!

Know your role and shut your mouth.

Fro triggered in 3.......2........


Edited by Ishi Tonu

Episode 64: Live from Houston!

This week we have the whole crew here to give our hot takes on the event at the start of day two of the Houston Kotei.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 65: Victories and Ramblings

This week we have Shey, Kilian, Balthis, and Shen on to talk about Shen's Houston Kotei win, Balthis's crushing of Fro's Hatamoto dream, and Kilian getting Unicorn Hatamoto. We also get really distracted and start talking about cards from packs 3 and 4 of elemental cycle and the things that got spoiled on facebook.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Too bad the audio on this was so Fu Leng'd

A recent fan of your podcast but my main issue is the audio level. There would be times where someone would talk really softly or quietly, so I turn up the volume to hear them then someone would interject at a different audio level and the volume shoots up in my ear. That might need fixing.

3 hours ago, Hordeoverseer said:

A recent fan of your podcast but my main issue is the audio level. There would be times where someone would talk really softly or quietly, so I turn up the volume to hear them then someone would interject at a different audio level and the volume shoots up in my ear. That might need fixing.


The audio levels were fine for me, but there was a time sync issue with one of the participants in the latest episode. I forget which one. It was hard to reconstruct his parts of the conversation.

Edited by phillos

The audio volume was also fine for me. I know this used to be an issue with their older episodes though.

It might be because I have to listen on my phone at work but it's a struggle

Ya sorry about the audio desync on this last episode was able to go back in and find out what went wrong. Audacity likes to play tricks on me when I am editing on a time crunch. Should be all sorted out and hopefully wont happen again.

Episode 66: Rotating Roles and Musings on the Gencon Meta

This week we have Shey, Fro, Aneil and special guest Alex. We talk about the recent announcement about the changes to how the role system will work positively even! Then we talk about what we think the gencon meta will be like and only kinda ramble off topic.

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 67: Live From Gencon!

This week we have Shey, Merholtz, Jeremie and our friend from The Art of Warcast to talk about Gencon Grand Kotei before the top 32.

Also be sure to check out the Art of Warcast:

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 68: The One Where We Won Gencon

This week we have Shey, Fro, Aneil, and special guest Travis on to talk about Aneil and Travis's journey to the top cut of gencon. We also talk about the new roles each clan got and all in all stay on topic which is weird for us.

Also if you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


9 minutes ago, The Jade Throne Podcast said:

Episode 68: The One Where We Won Gencon

This week we have Shey, Fro, Aneil, and special guest Travis on to talk about Aneil and Travis's journey to the top cut of gencon. We also talk about the new roles each clan got and all in all stay on topic which is weird for us.

Also if you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Since I won't be able to listen till later this weekend anyone want to give me a preview on how longs Fro's rant about Hawk Tattoo goes on for?

This time the team ranted mostly about hidden lists and scouting. A topic with which I 100% agree with the Jade Throne crew. Any benefit of having hidden lists is almost completely negated after a couple rounds and at that point it just gives some players an unfair advantage. FFG should just make all lists open information as a matter of policy. It creates a more fair and relaxed environment. Yeah it makes surprise decks less good, but ultimately scouting will wash them out anyway. Also it's more fulfilling to see a good pilot win than some janky combo win.

Congrats on the Jade Thrones crew for all finishing so well at Gencon. Sucks that there was no streams to watch for those of us that couldn't make it, but hearing and reading tournament reports is the next best thing. Was nice to hear about Aneil and Travis' experience throughout the tournament.

I'm sad that Crab didn't do as well, but I think that was partly a result of us not having those last few packs legal at the tournament (just released them all of the same day please FFG. The 6 in 6 marketing is cute but ultimately annoying I think for most players). Also having a Crab mirror in the first round of finals didn't help at all. I'm certainly not excited about having Seeker of Earth as our next role. Hopefully we get something good at Worlds, because unless something big changes a Seeker role sucks for Crab. I doubt they'll take Pathfinder Blade off the restricted list. If we lost Crisis Breaker, but gained the possibility to play both Iron Mine and Pathfinder's Blade that would be something.

Edited by phillos

I doubt PB will come off the list, which was unfortunate that Crab got caught on the nerf bat backswing. PB was to prevent Dragon to freely go PB+Policy debate or PB+Mirumoto's Fury.

6 hours ago, Hordeoverseer said:

I doubt PB will come off the list, which was unfortunate that Crab got caught on the nerf bat backswing. PB was to prevent Dragon to freely go PB+Policy debate or PB+Mirumoto's Fury.

The sad thing its not actually Iron Mine that the problem its Rebuild that's the issue letting them abuse it

On 8/10/2018 at 2:34 PM, The Jade Throne Podcast said:

Episode 68: The One Where We Won Gencon

This week we have Shey, Fro, Aneil, and special guest Travis on to talk about Aneil and Travis's journey to the top cut of gencon. We also talk about the new roles each clan got and all in all stay on topic which is weird for us.

Also if you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Hey guys! Really enjoyed this episode. Much better sound levels and you all pretty much stayed on topic! haha! Congrats to everyone and keep up the good work!

Episode 69: Unicorn Extravaganza!!!

This week we have Shey, Fro, Kilian and special guest Gencon Unicorn Hatamoto Chris Faulkenberry. This week have a nice deep dive one to topic of everyones favorite underdog of the meta while managing to not rant about war dog master. We also talk about the new scorpion cards previewed from the clan pack and the multilayered work of art that is Liar's Mask.

If want to check out Chris's game you can do that at

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


Episode 70: A Good Ole Ramble On Skill Growth

This week Shey, Fro and Kilian talk and rampantly speculate on what the big announcement that ffg has in store is and get off on all the tangents. We also talk about player skill growth and how to cover come bias in deck build. We also plug previous episodes where we stay of topic. So come and join us on a rambleing but entertaining journey.

Article Fro was talking about:

Previous episodes that are helpful:

Episode 41:
Episode 44:
Episode 45:
Episode 46:

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone


New ways to play the game is definitely not unprecedented for an FFG game. In fact I'd say it's expected at this point. They've done alternate modes of play for I think almost all their long lived LCGs. Also Fro is confusing what he wants for the game with what everyone wants for the game. I'd say the vast majority of the L5R audience plays the game casually. It's only a small vocal minority that actually play this game competitively.

Also as pointed out on the show new ways to play introduce potential new jumping on points for new players. That's what Terminal Directive was suppose to be for Netrunner. Now if only the L5R core set wasn't such a bad introductory product. Out of all the core sets L5R's is the worst since you can't even make a legal deck with 1 copy. That should have been a pretty clear sign that something needed to change with that product. If they are going to continue making competitive LCGs (instead of things like Destiny and Keyforge) then they desperately need to figure out how to make a better jumping on point for new players especially as the game matures.

Episode 71: Swooning Over Jank

This week we have Shey and Mathews on to for ages about the new cards spoiled from the Scorpion pack random old game lore and eventually we ramble about some of the janky fun deck you can play post elemental cycle before the next round of tournaments start up.

If you like the cast be sure to give us a review on the podcast platform of your choice helps us spread the cast to those who might not otherwise see it!

Also be sure to join us on social media:

Facebook: The Jade Throne Podcast

Twitter: @thejadethrone
