FFG European Championships 2017

By KMitchell, in X-Wing

Someone misinformed you then.

There where participation prizes on the Hangarbay today. I know a few guys left off without theirs due to miscomunication. Those extra cards where handel back to Alex.

18 minutes ago, Holmelund said:

Someone misinformed you then.

There where participation prizes on the Hangarbay today. I know a few guys left off without theirs due to miscomunication. Those extra cards where handel back to Alex.

Sorry!, now I realise we actualy had participation prize for today's Team Epic (omega ace), I'll edit it (and I blame my tired head). But on the hangar bays from yesterday... there was only for the top4 (omega ace) and winner (biggs). Compared with the Opens, feels lacking.

Still, is just a minor complaint.

Edited by Kharnete
58 minutes ago, Sarcon said:

Well, I must say Bartosz really had lady luck on his side during his top 8 match. Either way, good player!

I think it kinda compensated in some parts of the final. When you trade HLC shots on identical ships and you lose almost half HP without dealing a single damage in return it's kinda hard not to feel luck is not on your side.

1 hour ago, Kharnete said:

Also, mission accomplished: no cards will come back with me to Spain, although I have no idea if anyone from here besides FTS Gecko and Coolfishboy got any. If you did, say hi! :P

Was good to meet you Kharnete, and thanks for the cool cards! Unfortunately I missed put on Hangar Bay this time around, but I had a couple of fun games if Team Epic today.

3 hours ago, Kharnete said:

Sorry!, now I realise we actualy had participation prize for today's Team Epic (omega ace), I'll edit it (and I blame my tired head). But on the hangar bays from yesterday... there was only for the top4 (omega ace) and winner (biggs). Compared with the Opens, feels lacking.

Still, is just a minor complaint.

Yeah, the Hangar Bay prizes felt pretty much like they were leftovers that had been dug up from somewhere rather than a special prize, and apparently there were very few, and none of them were participation prizes, which compared to the system opens is a real kick in the teeth for your time investment in an already packed weekend.

4 hours ago, Kharnete said:

After the terrible first day, both yesterday and today have been really great. The only complain I may have is the lack of participation prizes on yesterday's hangar bay, it feels a bit cheap in an event of this magnitude.

But first day aside, kudos for everybody: TO's, refs and players.

Also, mission accomplished: no cards will come back with me to Spain, although I have no idea if anyone from here besides FTS Gecko and Coolfishboy got any. If you did, say hi! :P

Cards were amazing! Many thanks again! I will be using these very soon!

4 hours ago, LordBlades said:

I think it kinda compensated in some parts of the final. When you trade HLC shots on identical ships and you lose almost half HP without dealing a single damage in return it's kinda hard not to feel luck is not on your side.

On the other hand, in the opening exchange of fire his Dash ate shots from Leebo AND Miranda and came away undamaged while at the same time nearly wiping out Miranda's shields with the return HLC shot. The dice luck swung a bit but it seemed to benefit both players fairly evenly.

European Championship 2017


George Dellapina UK (8-1)

  • Leebo HLC, outrider title, Rey, lone wolf , countermeasures
  • Miranda doni TLT, Sabine, Adv slam, extra munitions, cluster mines, seismic charges


Bartosz Wojcicki PL (7-2)

  • Dash Rendar HLC, title, Rey, Lone Wolf, Smuggler, Burnout Slam
  • Miranda Doni TLT, Sabine, Adv Slam, EM, Cluster Mines, Ion Bombs


Shane Hibberd UK (7-2, highest MoV of the 7-2)

  • Contracted Scout. Attanni, R4 Agro, chips, EM, Boba, Proton Torp, Rigged Cargo
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni, Overclocked, chips, Plasma Torp, 4-Lom, Rigged Cargo
  • Fenn Rau. Attanni, title, AutoT

Faan Langelaan NL (7-2)

  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Plasma Torp, IA
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Plasma Torp, EM, 4-Lom
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Plasma Torp, EM, IA


Juan Del Rio ESP (7-2)

  • Chiraneu. VI, Palpatine, EU, title, Kylo
  • Carnor. PTL, Autothruster, Shield Upgrade

Rick Porsius NL (8-1)

  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, Overclocked, Chips, Plasma Torp, IA
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Plasma Torp, EM, 4-Lom
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Proton Torp, EM, Boba

Paul Westwood UK (8-1)

  • Kanan. FCS, Rey, RecSpec, TLT, Jammer
  • Biggs. m9g8, IA
  • Zeb with Chopper, Autoblaster

Karol Pietrowicz PL (8-1 highest MoV of the 8-1)

  • Chirenau. VI, Palpatine, Rebel Captive, Engine Upgrade
  • Inquistor. PTL, title, autot, Ion Pulse Missiles

TOP 16

Tim Gronneberg SCO (9-0, winner of the Swiss)

  • Miranda. TLT, Plasma, EM, Rey, Cluster Mines, chips.
  • Biggs. r4d6, IA
  • Jess Pava. m9g8, IA

Francois Couret FR (7-2)

  • Dengar. Expertise, Plasma, K4, r5p9, scavenger crane, Counter Measures, title
  • Fenn Rau. PTL, title, AutoT

Adrian Chouquet FR (7-2)

  • Vessery. Adaptability, x/7, chips
  • Quickdraw. Adaptability, FCS, title, Lightweight.
  • Inquisitor. PTL, title, AutoT, proton rockets

Janus UK (7-2)

  • Fenn. Attanni, Title, Thrusters
  • Asajj. Attanni, Lats, Gyros
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni, Unhinged Astro

Timo Raabe DE (7-2)

  • Contracted Scout
  • Contracted Scout
  • Contracted Scout

Oliver Pocknell UK (8-1)

  • Asaji. Attanni, Latts
  • Fenn Rau. Attanni, AutoT
  • Old Teroch. Attanni, AutoT

Mark Allan UK (7-2)

  • BIggs. R4d6, IA.
  • Braylen. r3a2, gunner, title
  • Miranda. autoblaster, Rey, Ion BOmbs, Homing, chips, EM

Marton Kennessey HUN (8-1)

  • Contracted Scout.
  • Contracted Scout.
  • Contracted Scout.
Edited by Sunitsa

François Couret FR

Adrien Chouquet FR

I'm Rick, I'm from the Netherlands ;)


I would like to thank everyone for an awesome tournament. Didn't have a single bad experience, and each and every opponent I played against were amazing players. Really proud I went 8-1 in swiss and managed to sneak all the way up to top 8.

Oh and Janus played his "Parajanni".

Fenn, ML, Title, Thrusters

Asajj, ML, Lats, Gyros

Scout, ML

Edited by Sarcon

Congrats Rick! You guys have an awesome group in the Netherlands!

25 minutes ago, Sunitsa said:

European Championship 2017

Marton Kennessey UK

  • Contracted Scout.
  • Contracted Scout.
  • Contracted Scout.

Márton Kennessey is from Hungary. HUN.

Francois Couret and Adrien Chouquet are French

Timo Raabe is german

3 Imps in top 16? K... :(

10 minutes ago, Suriel said:

3 Imps in top 16? K... :(

And nothing but janky builds.

Was there a Ketsu/Dengar list that placed or streamed? I'm pretty interested in something along those lines.

Edited by Skargoth

2 hours ago, Suriel said:

3 Imps in top 16? K...

Not bad, 5.33 of each faction would be equal split.

Were any of the RAC lists on stream? Would love to see how they were played.

3 hours ago, Skargoth said:

Was there a Ketsu/Dengar list that placed or streamed? I'm pretty interested in something along those lines.

Voitek Sza (PL - Wojtek Szafrański) played Dengar/Kestu.

He went 7:2 and missed the cut by MoV.

List was:

Dengar + Expertise, Punishing One, K4 Droid, Unhinged

Ketsu + VI, K4 Droid, Shadowcaster title, Burnout Slam

For 99 total.

One of his fights was streamed - against Boba/Kath - real bloodbath ended after 25 min with Dengar on single hull left. Will be on YT at Firstearth channel soon (maybe still is on Twitch)

12 minutes ago, Goseki1 said:

Were any of the RAC lists on stream? Would love to see how they were played.

Yeah, Tim Gronneberg faced off against the RAC/Jax list in the top 16 games.

13 minutes ago, Goseki1 said:

Were any of the RAC lists on stream? Would love to see how they were played.

Yeah Top 16, also a couple games are on First Earth TV's Facebook page, but lower quality

7 hours ago, Sarcon said:

I'm Rick, I'm from the Netherlands ;)


I would like to thank everyone for an awesome tournament. Didn't have a single bad experience, and each and every opponent I played against were amazing players. Really proud I went 8-1 in swiss and managed to sneak all the way up to top 8.

Oh and Janus played his "Parajanni".

Fenn, ML, Title, Thrusters

Asajj, ML, Lats, Gyros

Scout, ML, Unhinged

I wonder if he really played this list, or there is a typo, coz it doesn't fit 100 pts ;)

Congratulations on the results mate. Really impressive!

Am I right, that you only lost to Poles? ;)

8 hours ago, Sunitsa said:

European Championship 2017


George Dellapina UK (8-1)

  • Leebo HLC, outrider title, Rey, lone wolf , countermeasures
  • Miranda doni TLT, Sabine, Adv slam, extra munitions, cluster mines, seismic charges


Bartosz Wojcicki PL (7-2)

  • Dash Rendar HLC, title, Rey, Lone Wolf, Smuggler, Burnout Slam
  • Miranda Doni TLT, Sabine, Adv Slam, EM, Cluster Mines, Ion Bombs


Shane Hibberd UK (7-2, highest MoV of the 7-2)

  • Contracted Scout. Attanni, R4 Agro, chips, EM, Boba, Proton Torp, Rigged Cargo
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni, Overclocked, chips, Plasma Torp, 4-Lom, Rigged Cargo
  • Fenn Rau. Attanni, title, AutoT

Faan Langelaan NL (7-2)

  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Plasma Torp, IA
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Plasma Torp, EM, 4-Lom
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Plasma Torp, EM, IA


Juan Del Rio ESP (7-2)

  • Chiraneu. VI, Palpatine, EU, title, Kylo
  • Carnor. PTL, Autothruster, Shield Upgrade

Rick Porsius NL (8-1)

  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, Overclocked, Chips, Plasma Torp, IA
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Plasma Torp, EM, 4-Lom
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni Mindlink, R4 Agro, Chips, Proton Torp, EM, Boba

Paul Westwood UK (8-1)

  • Kanan. FCS, Rey, RecSpec, TLT, Jammer
  • Biggs. m9g8, IA
  • Zeb with Chopper, Autoblaster

Karol Pietrowicz PL (8-1 highest MoV of the 8-1)

  • Chirenau. VI, Palpatine, Rebel Captive, Engine Upgrade
  • Inquistor. PTL, title, autot, Ion Pulse Missiles

TOP 16

Tim Gronneberg SCO (9-0, winner of the Swiss)

  • Miranda. TLT, Plasma, EM, Rey, Cluster Mines, chips.
  • Biggs. r4d6, IA
  • Jess Pava. m9g8, IA

Francois Couret FR (7-2)

  • Dengar
  • Fenn Rau

Adrian Chouquet FR (7-2)

  • Vessery
  • Quickdraw
  • Pure Sabacc

Janus UK (7-2)

  • Fenn. Attanni, Title, Thrusters
  • Asajj. Attanni, Lats, Gyros
  • Contracted Scout. Attanni, Unhinged Astro

Timo Raabe DE (7-2)

  • Contracted Scout
  • Contracted Scout
  • Contracted Scout

Oliver Pocknell UK (8-1)

  • Asaji. Attanni, Latts
  • Fenn Rau. Attanni, AutoT
  • Old Teroch. Attanni, AutoT

Mark Allan UK (7-2)

  • BIggs. R4d6, IA.
  • Braylen. r3a2, gunner, title
  • Miranda. autoblaster, Rey, Ion BOmbs, Homing, chips, EM

Marton Kennessey HUN (8-1)

  • Contracted Scout.
  • Contracted Scout.
  • Contracted Scout.

I don't understand Krayts shitting on this Top 16. It was still 9 rounds of X-Wing these players had to go through. Same amount as Worlds. On top of that they **** on the winning list for having Leebo with Countermeasures and say he hasn't learned to "dodge arcs", that's like saying Why take Dash, you can't avoid rocks or something?

The call for lowering Dash down to Leebo was a great call because of 2 things. The only PS7 pilot that see's competitive play is Old Teroch and you ain't going to win that Initiative Bid. So just drop it down to Leebo. You win the RacLo matchup, but more importantly when your opponent gets their eventual torp shots on you or Fenn Rau gets his Range 1, you drop that TL and now have 2 Focus and LW to back you up.

I like the Krayts and haven't disagreed with them much but they sound like the people who first looked at Dengaroo and said, that's *** they only got 2 Jumpmasters and even have Countermeasures in the list. That's crap. Without looking at the full picture.

I think the Carolina Krayts just really like swearing a lot :lol: