Reanimates unit ability

By GnomeSamurai, in Runewars Rules Questions

When I have a 2x2 unit of reanimates (the close combat skeletons) and I lose 4 guys in one turn. This would remove one tile from the back rank of the unit. Does that mean I remove the tile and am not able to regenerate X guys based on the runes this turn? Or do I regenerate before removing tiles from units?


If a tray is removed, you cannot regenerate.

Ankaur Maro's special ability will allow you to add trays back in to the unit. This is the only way we've seen so far to add trays back to a unit.

The only way you're not adding back figures to the unit (and thus a tray if need be) is if the entire unit is destroyed. Not destroyed, missing figures AND the runes are in your favor, get some added recruits to refill your ranks.

Simple as that!

6 minutes ago, tgall said:

The only way you're not adding back figures to the unit (and thus a tray if need be) is if the entire unit is destroyed. Not destroyed, missing figures AND the runes are in your favor, get some added recruits to refill your ranks.

Simple as that!

Not quite. If you lose 4 skeletons and the tray is removed you can't regenerate anything because you don't have a tray to place the new figures in

This is a question of timing.

Empty trays are removed from a unit as part of step 10 of an attack, or after any other game effect would remove the last figure from a tray, most of which happen during the activation phase.

Regeneration happens at the end of the activation phase.

@Orcdruid makes an excellent point. However I feel I should clarify that the tray would be removed during step 10 of the enemy's activation. Regeneration occurs at the end of the whole phase of activation. So if some cavalry attack my Reanimates and deal 4 wounds, when the damage is resolved I would remove a tray. My Regenerate does not occur until the end of the phase. So I will not be able to do more than 1-3 figures back to a back tray with this ability. However, note that if Accuracy is used to eliminate a unit in a front tray, that unit MUST BE REPLACED before units in a back row tray, so this means you may have more that 3 open spaces on trays if facing a unit with lots of Accuracy.

Second, I should point out a critical flaw in this whole discussion: There are not enough rune results to worry about this! You will never get 4 runes to Regenerate 4 figures!

Edited by drkpnthr
3 hours ago, drkpnthr said:

Second, I should point out a critical flaw in this whole discussion: There are not enough rune results to worry about this! You will never get 4 runes to Regenerate 4 figures!

I was talking about possible future upgrades or abilities that allow a unit to regenerate mid combat before the trays are removed.

As it is now is, it is a really underwhelming special ability.

Do you think that getting an inspiration token for 2 surges is game breaking ? No, abilities have reasonable impact and that is a very good thing. Extreme abilities have a tendency to break the game and should be avoided.

Regeneration is far from useless but not amazing, that's exactly how it should be, now stop whining ;)

3 hours ago, Corto said:

Do you think that getting an inspiration token for 2 surges is game breaking ? No, abilities have reasonable impact and that is a very good thing. Extreme abilities have a tendency to break the game and should be avoided.

Regeneration is far from useless but not amazing, that's exactly how it should be, now stop whining ;)

Idk... Being able to ready Shield Wall for 2 surges is pretty good.

How often do 2 surges come up? Not reliably enough to base your tactics around the fact

How often does shield wall save more than a couple of figures? Not amazingly often, and in any case this is not a reflection of the ability, but of the shield wall card

You forgot to mention, it's also great to get rid of blight. So yes it is useful. But you can't say that regen is useless either. I have seen it enhance the survivability of the reanimates for a couple of turns.

Maybe the lancers' ability is stronger (not proven), but it is in the same ballpark so I think both are really well suited for the basic troopers

16 hours ago, Klaxas said:

Not quite. If you lose 4 skeletons and the tray is removed you can't regenerate anything because you don't have a tray to place the new figures in

You're assuming that just because a tray is removed, that their ability doesn't allow the tray to be returned in order to return a figure. Feel free to quote chapter and verse, however in the land of FFGC, we've not been playing it that way.

25 minutes ago, tgall said:

You're assuming that just because a tray is removed, that their ability doesn't allow the tray to be returned in order to return a figure. Feel free to quote chapter and verse, however in the land of FFGC, we've not been playing it that way.

Well feel free to play however you like in your own games. In any thing official or with unknown players you should try to play by the rules in which case regenerate on the reanimates does not bring back trays.

By the way what is ffgc?

They arent assuming anything. Read the card...

"At the end of the activation phase, if there are any empty slots in your trays , place up to [NatRune] new Reanimate figures in the empty slots"

A tray with no figures is removed, thus you no longer have a tray there to begin with. Seeing as how the entirety of this game depends on how many trays are there period, not units on the trays, you would literally be breaking the game by leaving empty trays there. Also it says NOTHING about adding in trays, otherwise what prevents you from adding in more than you started with?

Edited by Vineheart01

If you want the probabilities of surge triggering, look at this thread I made earlier:

And if you want the rune probabilities, check out this thread I made earlier:

1 hour ago, Klaxas said:

By the way what is ffgc?

Fantasy Flight Games Center. I think, though, that it is technically called the Events Center, but I could be mistaken.

Edited by Budgernaut
38 minutes ago, Budgernaut said:

Fantasy Flight Games Center. I think, though, that it is technically called the Events Center, but I could be mistaken.

Nah, they call it the game center. They have a fuller game store (even sell non FFG/Asmodee titles), and a large space for gaming. Adjacent to that, through some doors, is a large room they use for big events.

So here's the problem. My cavalry are aligned with your back corner tray only on your Reanimates. They take out the tray touching them. They close in. They are now occupying the physical space your tray was occupying.

What happens when you regenerate? You push the cavalry away? What if there are obstacles in the way? I mean I'm not saying it is impossible to figure something out, but the rules have a surprising lack of instructions in this scenario.

If the intention was to replace removed trays, I feel like there would be more coverage in the RRG. I could be wrong.

19 minutes ago, rowdyoctopus said:

So here's the problem. My cavalry are aligned with your back corner tray only on your Reanimates. They take out the tray touching them. They close in. They are now occupying the physical space your tray was occupying.

What happens when you regenerate? You push the cavalry away? What if there are obstacles in the way? I mean I'm not saying it is impossible to figure something out, but the rules have a surprising lack of instructions in this scenario.

If the intention was to replace removed trays, I feel like there would be more coverage in the RRG. I could be wrong.

On the one hand, I see your point. On the other, we have nothing in the rules reference explaining this situation for when Ankaur Maro starts adding full trays to allied units. Maybe he'll come with extra instructions, or maybe it will be added to the FAQ. But you're right that this interaction is conspicuously missing from the core rules if you can, indeed, add trays to Reanimates with Regenerate.

I think they will need to amend rule 60 to add 60.4: "If an effect would cause a unit to add a tray, that tray may not be placed to touch or overlap an obstacle." I think this is one of those cases where FFG assumed the rule was implicit: if you can't put the tray there, you must ignore the action. In any case, I think that the rules as written definately do not support adding back trays with Regenerate.

Guys, come on.

No. Regenerate does not let you bring back trays.

If you want it to work for you, you need to take a 3x3 or 3x4 block of reanimates, and you need to use the defend modifier.

Then you'll see why regenerate is good.

Edited by Tvayumat

Just to be clear that you can't add trays with Regenerate:

45.4 Regenerate X: At the end of the Activation Phase, if a unit
with this keyword has any empty slots in its trays, slot X new
figures corresponding with that unit’s card in the empty slots.
The number of figures slotted cannot exceed the number of
empty slots.

• Figures are slotted one at a time into the front-most tray
with empty slots. Each figure must be slotted in a tray that
contains one or more other figures if possible.

24 minutes ago, drkpnthr said:

Just to be clear that you can't add trays with Regenerate:

45.4 Regenerate X: At the end of the Activation Phase, if a unit
with this keyword has any empty slots in its trays, slot X new
figures corresponding with that unit’s card in the empty slots.
The number of figures slotted cannot exceed the number of
empty slots.

• Figures are slotted one at a time into the front-most tray
with empty slots. Each figure must be slotted in a tray that
contains one or more other figures if possible.

So I could see "missing trays" count as empty slots, since you know what your unit size was when the game started. I don't think they do, but I could understand if someone argued they were.

28 minutes ago, drkpnthr said:

Figures are slotted one at a time into the front-most tray
with empty slots. Each figure must be slotted in a tray that
contains one or more other figures if possible.

I agree with @rowdyoctopus , especially given the line above. Why did they say, "if possible?" I could see someone interpreting that as meaning that if there aren't trays with 1 or more figures, then it is okay to add a tray with no figures and put them into those empty slots. Again, I think it's wrong, but I could see someone thinking this.

But wouldn't it be funny if adding trays was supposed to be legal all along! :P