Imperial Assault Custom Cards

By C3POFETT, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Working on Custom Cards for Original Trilogy Characters that my fiance and i wanted to see in the game. We have found miniatures through CoolStuffInc and are using WOTC miniatures to supplement our collection. WOTC Yoda of Dagobah #45 works best for this one. We are figuring Yoda has come out of retirement and has joined the fray. Strictly for Skirmish mode.


I have created cards in this style giving it an authentic look and making it seamlessly fit in with the amazing artwork and text style used by Fantasy Flight Games.

The list is still growing but so far includes:

4-Lom - (Hunter) - 7 Deployment - 8 Health - 4 Speed

Admiral Ackbar (Leader Spy) - 10 Deployment - 9 Health - 6 Speed

Bib Fortuna (Hunter Brawler) - 8 Deployment - 8 Health - 4 Speed

Boushh (Hunter Brawler) - 5 Deployment - 7 Health - 4 Speed

Garindan (Spy) - 4 Deployment - 6 Health - 5 Speed

Grand Moff Tarkin (Leader) - 6 Deployment - 10 Health - 4 Speed (Imperial Version of Jabba the Hutt) ( Heavy Support Character)

Imperial Pilot (Trooper) - 8/4 Deployment - 6 Health - 5 Health (Squad of 2) (Tie Fighter Pilot)

Lobot (Smuggler Spy) - 5 Deployment - 7 Health - 4 Speed

Mon Calamari Troopers (Trooper) - 12/4 Deployment - 7 Health - 4 Speed (Squad of 3)

Nien Nunb (Smuggler Spy) - 6 Deployment - 8 Health - 4 Speed

RA-7 Droid (Droid) - 2 Deployment - 4 Health - 3 Speed (Imperial version of C-3PO) (No Attack)

Rebel Pilot (Trooper Spy) - 8/4 Deployment - 6 Health - 5 Speed (Squad of 2) (X-Wing Pilot)

Republic Commando Squad (Trooper) - 20/6 Deployment - 8 Health - 5 Speed (Squad of 4) (Boss, Fixer, Scorch & Sev *from the Video game and Book series)

Shadowtrooper (Trooper) - 6/2 Deployment - 4 Health - 4 Speed (Squad of 3) (Stormtrooper Villain Pack painted black)

Shadowtrooper Elite (Trooper) - 10/3 Deployment - 6 Health - 4 Speed (Squad of 3)

Yoda (Force User) - 10 Deployment - 12 Health - 4 Speed

Zuckuss (Hunter) - 7 Deployment - 8 Health - 4 Speed

Characters in the works are:

AT-AT Driver - (Squad of 3) (Snowtrooper Replacement on Hoth maps)

Emperor Palpatine - (Force User) **Waiting for next Expansion Box**

Ewok - (Squad of 3) **Waiting for next Expansion Box**

Mon Mothma - (Rebel version of Jabba the Hutt) (Heavy Support Characters)

Scout Trooper - (Squad of 3) (Stormtrooper replacement on Endor maps) **Waiting for next Expansion Box**

Tessek - Quarren Mercenary

Wedge Antilles - (Seriously Underated! This guy survived all 3 major battles in all 3 Original Trilogy films)

Mon Mothma - (Rebel version of Jabba the Hutt) (Heavy Support Characters)

General Carlist Rieekan

General Crix Madine

General Veers

And just because I really liked the characters Galen Marek and Proxy (Vaders Apprentice from The Force Unleashed Video game and Book series)

Very cool looking!

Wow, can u upload the others cards? it's very interesting

On 4/18/2017 at 9:45 PM, Lezeninjamon said:

Wow, can u upload the others cards? it's very interesting

I would love to upload all my cards created but the size limitations allowed by FFG has limited me to just the Yoda card. I will find a way to create a URL for each card and provide a link. Each card is actually created with a front and back printed side by side. We then print them on heavy card stock paper, use "Modge Podge glue on the card back side and fold them over. The card will have a front and back and they look like they actually belong in the game.

On 4/17/2017 at 3:22 PM, frotes said:

Very cool looking!

Thank you. This is a labor of love and it is a way to keep personally expanding this great game and keep it fresh. I am currently working on a 3D Skirmish Map of Bespin interiors inspired by a map from Star Wars Battlefront, a 3D Skirmish Map of the Death Star that is Multi-leveled and includes locations seen in Episode IV A New Hope. Our next projects include a 3D Skirmish map for Mos Eisley and Hoth. These are created from foam core and use detailed diorama scaled labels.

Here we go!

Admiral Ackbar :


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Nien Nunb:


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Republic Commando Squad: The "[?] [?]" for the attack is to allow you to customize each of the 4 figures attacks. This might seem overpowering but at a cost of 20 deployment points it balances out.


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Wedge Antilles:


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2vd0h94.jpg Zuckuss:

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Let me know what you think of these cards and their stats and abilities. As you can see from my list these are just a few of the many cards I have created.

These are opened up through Microsoft paint and reduced to 70% scale to print. These cards are created at a much larger scale for detailing along borders and small spaces.

Printing these on card stock and using the glue and fold method these look and feel like they belong in the game.

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forgot details

Grand Moff Tarkin:


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Bib Fortuna:


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RA-7 Droid:


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I think Yoda should be able to position himself in any open space adjacent to the target of his attack after the attack resolves. Because he likes to spin and bounce around.


On 4/30/2017 at 3:32 PM, Lezeninjamon said:


Thank you! I am going to press on with more characters from the Original Trilogy as we now have a "New Expansion" in the works that doesn't seem to expand the Original Trilogy experience.

I am going to assume we will be getting Emperor Palpatine as there is a red character disc for him shown in the stock photos for the newest expansion. That is actually the thing I am most looking forward to. I enjoy creating these characters but always fear making them too powerful or using attributes that don't really seem to fit. Most times characters are made to balance out, compliment or counter other characters in the game.

With 3 heroes, new companion characters, over 130 new cards, new rules and 4 player skirmish maps in this expansion I will also assume it is going to be a Big Box Expansion so we will be getting hopefully 4 new character packs as well.

They did name drop Emperor Palpatine, Ahsoka Tano and Darth Maul. Here is hoping those characters will all see an Ally/Villain pack. The tile pieces also showed the Jedi Counsel Room so maybe an actual Yoda or Plo Koon or Saesee Tiin would be cool. I would love for them to stick to Motion Picture Lore and not the Animated Series content. Don't really want Cad Bane or Ahsoka Tano or ANYMORE of the Rebels characters. Hera and C1-10P will have to do as they did drop her name and we saw the "Ghost" in the Rogue One movie. Lets not forget "Chopper" cameo in the film as well.

On 4/20/2017 at 3:05 PM, macmastermind said:

I think Yoda should be able to position himself in any open space adjacent to the target of his attack after the attack resolves. Because he likes to spin and bounce around.

Yes my fiance and I discussed that as well (Yoda is one of her favorite characters, second only to R2-D2) but we agreed that this Yoda would fit into the realm of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi where like Obi-Wan Kenobi he has gone into seclusion and has decided to join the fight because it is the right thing to do and Yoda feels he is needed.

He did not spin and bounce around on Dagobah and I know anyone could argue that he couldn't because he was a "muppet" but Lucas never went back and changed his character as he did with other characters (Greedo, Troopers on Dewbacks, Mos Eisley, the Cantina Aliens, the Wampa, all of Bespin etc...) so we hold true to the Original Trilogy. I also know Yoda was too iconic to go and revise his character in the Original trilogy.

BUT now that the NEW Expansion takes place on Coruscant and we see a Jedi Counsel Room tile we are most likely going to create a new set of skills and attributes that fit that timeline. If they don't already have an Ally pack for him with this expansion in the works. (fingers crossed that they do!)

On 5/8/2017 at 10:23 AM, a1bert said:

Have you not read the other article?

Yes I did, I found it after posting to my thread. Thanks.

Shadow Trooper:
