Fan-created cards...

By Mark Theurer, in WFRP House Rules

So I am a bit confused, can we use Strange eons or not to make cards? or does it only apply to cards with artwork? In that case I am more than happy to remove the artwork on the cards.

a bit confused

Hi. Thanks for all the hard work. I tried to download the source files for Strange Eons and it is telling me it doesn't recognize the file type. I am using a Mac. Not sure if that is the reason I can't load them in to Strange Eons as a plug in. Or is that my problem? Are they not Plug ins? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Edit: Oops. I figured it out. I need to open the individual files. They are not plug ins. Any chance that anyone has done a template for weapons, armor, or magic items?

I ended up pulling the rest of my creations. We can make all we want but distributing is another matter. The artwork in question is not just pics of monsters but the layout and design elements of the cards themselves. If they were stripped of anything that appears on the REAL cards then I don't think FFG or GW would have a problme with them. For me, I DO want them to look as close to the originals as possible so I will continue using the current SE extensions but will NOT distribute them. I'll need to keep them for personal use only I'm afraid. While I might not like the decision I do respect it and since I really, really like WFRP3 I will not make any big stink about this and will simply make my own cards for my own use.


Mal Reynolds said:

So I am a bit confused, can we use Strange eons or not to make cards? or does it only apply to cards with artwork? In that case I am more than happy to remove the artwork on the cards.

a bit confused

Hi Mark!

Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations. I really appreciate the time and effort that went into them. I wanted to share that with you under the suspicion that they will shortly be pulled off of the forum. I also appreciate both your support of FFG and its intellectual property considerations, as well as your support of WFRP3.

Anyone who doesn't have them - you don't have much time!
