Programmed Adventure for Eldritch Horror?

By ppsantos, in General Discussion

I wish it's possible and FFG would design an expansion which includes a booklet of adventure/scenario with story. Something like the adventure booklet of Mice and Mystics game.

A scenario adventure booklet that's like a programmed adventure where investigators have to gather stuff or find certain persons in certain locations, or gather specific artifact to combat the AO, instead of the usual solve 3 mysteries and win. The scenario could also flesh out the personas of the investigators (as mentioned in that Arkham book of Investigators). Just another way to play the game, I suppose.

Edited by ppsantos

I too would be interested in a more scripted campaign for Eldritch. I wouldn't want to replace the core game as I love the random elements in EH but I would enjoy a pre set story driven adventure every now and then.

If they'd do that, I'd like them to use random Mythos cards that would fit the specific Ancient One, like Research Encounters.