observation tests

By Jitti, in General Discussion

When you have a card gain +2 for observation test for research encounters and you have also a card gain +1 for all observation tests.

So when I have a research encounter,is het possible to count them together or is it just +2 because it is the highest card?



7 minutes ago, Jitti said:

When you have a card gain +2 for observation test for research encounters and you have also a card gain +1 for all observation tests.

So when I have a research encounter,is het possible to count them together or is it just +2 because it is the highest card?

It looks like you already know the answer. You only apply a single, highest applicable, bonus which is "+2" in your example.

They don't combine because they use the same roll. If it's a Research Encounter, you can use the +2. If not, you can still use the +1.

The only things that can come from multiple sources are things like rerolls.

Or if the ability ways something like "roll one additional die" or "you get +2 to your observation roll".

The "doesn't stack, use the highest bonus" rule only applies to things that give a bonus of the format: +X Y where x is a number and y is the symbol of the test.