Suggestions/Debate Future Expansions

By amorbavian, in General Discussion

Enjoying Dreamlands at the moment as I see it as the best so far but thought it could be nice with a thread to talk about possible future big (or small) box expansions.

Any confirmation from FFG on what the future holds? I can't see them NOT make a few more boxes at least.

My biggest wish right now is a big box Arkham expansion, unfolding the streets and houses of Arkham on a sideboard - wouldn't that be awesome?

Second on my list is a side board taking us underground to some crypts - like in the Lovecraft story about the lost city.

What do you think?

An Arkham expansion might be neat as a final big box this winter, to wrap up the game in much the same fashion as its parent game's original setup. Plus, it's obviously a very iconic location.

Maybe we could get some stuff from out of left field- The Yith Invasion and Nodens as the AOs.

Then, if we get a final small box, maybe something like Ancient Civilations. Bokrug as an AO, and more travelling in Sarnath, R'lyeh, The Nameless City, etc.

If I remember correctly, I think Eldritch is supposed to be taking place late 1930s, early 1940s. So maybe a WWII expansion might be cool? TBH I just think fighting Nazis trying to do eldritch experiments on humans would be cool. Also, you could work in Ubbo-Sathla as a AO because the Tcho-Tchos are working with teh Japanese or something.

Hopefully it could be treated with a respect, and my suggestion isn't too offensive.

A small expansion "Rise of the Deep Ones" with the rising of R'yleh and world wide appearnces of deep ones taking over the coastal towns. Maybe It could fold in the Spanish town of Inboca (From the movie Dagon) into the canon.

An expansion based upon Japan, in wich Nyarlathotep, Cthuuga and Hastur are cute school girls (and a boy). :lol:

Yeah I've been watching to much Haiyore! Nyaruko-san.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor haiyore nyaruko-san nyarlathotep Yes, that cute girl is Nyarlathotep.

This anime is weird... and chock full of Cthulhu refences.

Nyarlathotep is the AO i really want. Nephren-Ka gave us some of the flavor, but i'd reallllly like Nyarla's masks to be a thing.

Besides that, i kinda want Bokrug/Sarnath, i also want Glaaki with Zombies on his card that spawn all over the place.. maybe zombies and riots, i like the idea of cities full of riots and zombies and Glaaki's servants.

Also, i'm a huge fan of the Arkham Horror Ghatanothoa flipping the tokens, and i know she's already in the game, but it would still be cool-ish.

Quachil Uttaus' dust deck could definitely make a reappearance, and it would be neat with his interaction with the Egypt Sideboard.

I dunno, I like the idea of Nyarlathotep being a background that rather than a foreground one. It plays into the anonymity of the many masks.

I think we need more AOs that are mystical events rather than beings, in a similar vein of Sygyzy or Rise of the Elder Things. Any ideas

We'll have a small expansion now, as we know and it pretty much provides us with all the "classic" investigators - leaving, if I'm not mistaken 4 "new" ones.

I would definitely LOVE Arkham expansion, with Dunwich etc, though not sure if it's still doable (definitely would require new/alternative Spawn of Yog Sogoth Mystery spawning DH in Dunwich instead of Arkham, for instance).

There are few "missing" AO, for instance Glaki. I would, however, mostly appreciate just a bulk of new cards for the existing AO (2 mystery each, few new clue cards etc) and some more Gate/Expedition cards (bit like Miskatonic University for AH).

I'd like to see Cthugha has an Ancient One. Hypnos hit us when we rested, so maybe Cthugha could hit us in the other important action: Travel. If you travel more than one space (with a ticket or something), then you take a point of Sanity or Stamina. Not overly terrible, but when time is ticking and you need the other Action to not rest and get it back... His cultists could do damage to everyone on their space on a reckoning.

Yibb-Tstll would also make a really interesting Ancient One. She could make Evasion significantly more difficult. Her cultists could also move towards Clue tokens on a Reckoning, or discard ones if they are on their space.

Those, of course, are for small expansions. If we were going to get a big box with a board, I'd set it in the Amazon with Chaugnar Faugn as the themed Ancient One.

Naturally, we'd need the MoM2E folks as investigators. Father Mateo could be a 4 Will/3 Lore guy, start with the King James Bible, and give an extra die when resolving Bane or Boon tests on his space (2 chances to keep a Blessing). Agatha could be 4 Lore / 3 Observation and get an extra die when resolving Research Encounters. Preston is 4 Influence / 3 Strength and can get Services really easily (as well as give them to anyone, kinda like Charlie's ability). Carson would have 4 Observation and can trade assets he has for other ones depending on value (so trading two 2's could get him a 4).

I just came up with these on the fly, so they may not be good, but a place to start.

On 3/10/2017 at 7:00 PM, Matt620 said:

I'd like to see Cthugha has an Ancient One. Hypnos hit us when we rested, so maybe Cthugha could hit us in the other important action: Travel. If you travel more than one space (with a ticket or something), then you take a point of Sanity or Stamina. Not overly terrible, but when time is ticking and you need the other Action to not rest and get it back... His cultists could do damage to everyone on their space on a reckoning.

Yibb-Tstll would also make a really interesting Ancient One. She could make Evasion significantly more difficult. Her cultists could also move towards Clue tokens on a Reckoning, or discard ones if they are on their space.

Those, of course, are for small expansions. If we were going to get a big box with a board, I'd set it in the Amazon with Chaugnar Faugn as the themed Ancient One.

Naturally, we'd need the MoM2E folks as investigators. Father Mateo could be a 4 Will/3 Lore guy, start with the King James Bible, and give an extra die when resolving Bane or Boon tests on his space (2 chances to keep a Blessing). Agatha could be 4 Lore / 3 Observation and get an extra die when resolving Research Encounters. Preston is 4 Influence / 3 Strength and can get Services really easily (as well as give them to anyone, kinda like Charlie's ability). Carson would have 4 Observation and can trade assets he has for other ones depending on value (so trading two 2's could get him a 4).

I just came up with these on the fly, so they may not be good, but a place to start.

These are really good ideas, but I think Carson should have some abilities that boost other investigators, or should be a Unique Asset rather than a character.

Don't wanna lose my boy Carson, and Lola already gives a die for a roll. It's hard for me to think of anything because Acquire Assets, the constant for influence, is tapped out, and I can't think of what else a butler could do.

I'd like to see the expansions continue in one of the following fashions

1. More new investigators (after the 4 from MOM2E, and maybe Calvin Wright if he can fit in story-wise). However, I don't know how much longer they can think of abilities that are compelling, reasonably powered, and not retreads of existing ones.

2. Instead of more investigators, revisions to some of the older, now-less-impressive investigators from the early sets. Although, this would kind of lead toward a EH v2.0.

3. Instead of investigators, release more ancient ones in each expansion. Since we get them in a ratio of 1 AO to 4 investigators, then maybe 2 new ancient ones in the small sets and 4 new ones in the big sets. Although admittedly it would seem to be harder to make engaging AO's than to make more investigators. While there are plenty to carry over from Arkham Horror, there are other options that could work (e.g., a Dagon AO could provide another way to make sea spaces more interesting)

I'd also like to see an expansion that added more mysteries to the existing AOs. Forgotten Lore 2.0 if you will.

For big boxes, there's all sorts of options as long as they can tie it to the AO's theme. Hyperborea is a good candidate (and great way to work in Tsathoggua or Ubbo-Sathla). Maybe some side boards for themes related to existing AO's (R'lyeh? Not sure how they would make a whole board of it). Would love a southern gothic theme, but that would probably work better with MoM.

Hyperborea was already a big part of Ithaqua's plot. We don't really NEED more investigators, new Ancient Ones and variants in play, like Adventures or Preludes, work just fine. Just give us two Ancient Ones in a small box, no investigators. Of course, after you've finished making your four investigators.

I agree with the OP and would very much like to see "a big box Arkham expansion, unfolding the streets and houses of Arkham on a sideboard" It would indeed be awesome.