Seeds of Corruption. Reading, reading and more more more reading.

By Ceahorse, in Road to Legend

I recently played SoC for the first time and I was quite put off by the amount of reading that I was faced with. Don't get me wrong a bit of back story and flavor is great, but this was way to excessive, to the point that I was just skipping entire passages after I was met with them 5 or 6 time in a row.

The choices were quite interesting, but making 4 in a row was excessive.

Edited by Ceahorse

I really enjoyed the added setting, characters and a more immersive feel of the world because of all this text. The fact that it actually wasn't just a generic bit of flavor, but an interactive story made it that much easier to connect and care about the world, which was imo a bit of lacking in Kindred of Fire.

I don't feel like the text was excessive and if you don't care about the setting, you can skip through the text anyway, it's not like the story is essential to the gameplay.

I also liked that the story and choices were concentrated at the start and at the end of the quest, they didn't interfere with the gameplay, yet managed to portray a nice frame for what you are about to do and what you did.

I'm piping in here right in the middle of OP and DAMaz. I think the added flavour the intricate back story and development is great for overall feel of the campaign, adding a level of involvement you didn't feel with Kindred Fire.

However, the walls of text are irritating and I feel a narrator and some more audio would enhance the experience even more so. There are many choices in the game granted, but we're not talking about hours and hours of script like there would be in a standard RPG computer game, so it feels like ffg could record the narration for the entire campaign in a day.

I just struggle to understand why they don't add this feature and it is by far the most requested on these forums.

Edit: for what it's worth, we take it in turns to narrate the text to each other. Some of us have grown to love the opportunity to add or own funny voices to characters. One of our parties Verminous impression is always the highlight of the weekly session. A bit of humour breaks up all the reading imo

Edited by Rauhughes

Seeds of Corruption, to me, provides a different level of immersion than Kindred Fire (or most Descent campaigns to date). This may not appeal to everyone, but there are certainly those who have asked for Descent to be "more RPG-like" or to have a deeper connection to lore and more world-building. Seeds of Corruption provides a degree of background on and insight into the happenings in Nerekhall that has not been previously available. I'm not saying I want every campaign to have that much text- I'm just saying I think it fills a niche that needed filling (much like Mists and Chains scratch the "I want to be KILLING monsters/heroes, not RACING them" itch.)

Personally I love it.

On 13/2/2017 at 11:11 AM, Rauhughes said:

I'm piping in here right in the middle of OP and DAMaz. I think the added flavour the intricate back story and development is great for overall feel of the campaign, adding a level of involvement you didn't feel with Kindred Fire.

However, the walls of text are irritating and I feel a narrator and some more audio would enhance the experience even more so. There are many choices in the game granted, but we're not talking about hours and hours of script like there would be in a standard RPG computer game, so it feels like ffg could record the narration for the entire campaign in a day.

I just struggle to understand why they don't add this feature and it is by far the most requested on these forums.

I can get behind this 110%.

While I absolutely love, the "RPG" effect it gives with choices and everything, I agree that it's sometimes just a bit too much. Plus, it's very descriptive, and can be seriously hard to understand for someone who's not an english speaker.

I'd be first in line to buy a voice over pack.

I loved the quick time events (attribute tests) in the story around the manor of voices. We had lindel in our party and were quite lucky and beat all quick time events to rescue the caplan! =D

As it is with everything, pleasing everyone is impossible. And we play for different reasons with different motives. Back story is great, the class character specific tests are also great. But as mentioned above narration would be most welcome, at least to me, as I play descent for the dungeon crawl, and puzzle, (mind you there were a few riddles that I could make no sense of. ) It it certainly an improvement. I just didn't like all the reading.

Thanks for your takes.

Came to this forum to complain about it and found this. I'm on the same boat as the op, we are reading it with my so even doing voices so we don't get bored but... It's too much. Not by a lot but still.

I do love it a lot. What a hell of immersion it is !
To make narrative choices, having to interprete complexe narrative arcs and trying to guess what task to begin with, what alliances to forge. That is a true RPG fluff very welcome in this app crawler. It is precisely the positive aspect of the app. In the traditionnal game where the fluff was so poor.

surprised by the text as compared to 1st campaign as wanted close down the app and just get tiles ready for next day.. but also love the text. more fluff