Concept for Game of Chance using ingame mechanics.

By froo, in WFRP House Rules

So one thing my players are wanting is a game of chance they can play at inns and whatnot and so I've been thinking about how to make something interesting. I've come up with something that is similar to no limits texas poker, but uses ingame mechanics.

It's core components are.

A single deck of custom cards

A puzzle track of 4 neautral/reckless pieces

A Dice Pool

Tokens for Bets

Basically each card has a face side and a backing side, like a normal deck of cards. The face side is meant to be viewed in landscape with one in red for a reckless side, the other is conservative. Each card has various symbols underneath with appropriate points for the outcome. EG, 1 hammer = 5 points, 3 hammers = 20 points, 1 boon = etc.

Each player goes around and puts in a token as his bet. For that bet, he gets to move his token towards the side of his choice (everyone starts at neutral each round). Everytime a player pushes it one way, it adjusts the communal's stance. IE, if 3 players are playing. One person has it 2 into conservative, One has 2 into reckless and the final player has chosen 1 into conservative, the final dice roll is the standard dice pool (4 blue, 1 yellow, 1 purple, 2 fortune, 2 misfortune) with subsitution of die for stance.

The point of the game is to bet into the pot to try and push the stance into a favourable position for you, or bluffing your opponent into folding.

I usually play games of chance in-game, these are fun and so but I experience that using just these mechanics are not a good way to do it. We played normal poker with the rule that you rolled 4 fortune die (add extra with fortune pts just as normal), a boon allows you a "one-up draw" and a succes allows a single "normal draw".