Sorting the Asset/Condition stacks post Dreamlands

By Hedgehobbit, in General Discussion

I've been sorting all my Unique Assets and Conditions by type before I play. It takes a bit more space but it makes it easier to pick a specific type of card.

The one strange card with this method was some sort of magic doll that was both an Item and an Ally. However, at least my understanding, no cards ever asked you to pick an "Ally", but, instead, always a "Character Ally", so it was safe to store the magic doll with the Items. Also, as nothing specifically asked for a raw Ally, you'd never get the sled dogs randomly while vacationing in London.

In the new pack I noticed two strange new cards. One was another plain "Ally" (some sort of cat) and another was a "Talent - Boon". So, my question is:

1) Are there now random results that ask you to pick an unqualified "Ally"?

2) Can the "Talent - Boon" card be chosen as a random Talent as well as a random Boon?

3) Am I missing some other cross pile card?

Thanks in advance

Edited by Hedgehobbit

1) Are there now random results that ask you to pick an unqualified "Ally"?

Extremely unlikely. You just can't gain her at random.

2) Can the "Talent - Boon" card be chosen as a random Talent as well as a random Boon?

Yes, it can.