I think the best way to get more people interested in Skirmish is to update figures from the Core box and earlier A&V waves/Expansions. I don't expect one should be able to make a Top-16 At Regionals competitive list, but at least one that can hold it's own when playing at your local store/tourneys.
Some folks think the solution is to reduce point costs. A few weeks ago was a really good survey over on reddit that identified overcost cards and potential adjustments to cost. That post inspired me to go in a direction similar to ThatJakeGuy in his Homebrew Characters thread : rebuilding overcost cards to make them worth their cost in the Skirmish game.
Edit: February 7th, 2019:
It's been nearly a year and a half of working on these skirmish fixes, and I think we're getting closer to having some real decent changes. Since this was first posted, I've expanded the ways you can interact with the fixes:
Skirmish Fixes Google Doc -- Comments and suggestions welcome!
Skirmish Fixes Card Images -- Print them out and test them with your buddies!
Skirmish Fixes Playtest Questionnaire -- If you do play with them, please fill out this short survey with your experience!
Edited by cnemmickChanging topic to fit new design goals of document