Any plans to introduce a 'make your own hero' option into RtL? And other added features...

By Batfink, in Road to Legend

Hello all, long time lurker on the forums, love Descent and RtL.

My question/suggestion is:

Are there any plans in future updates to provide a function/facility for players to create their own Heros? The provided heroes are *many* and varied and excellent but the RtL app has added a new level of role play to Descent with the in game search decisions, travel events, side quests and town phases which I know were mostly present in the original game but somehow the app makes them all feel more fulfilling somehow. And it's something I'd like to see more of.

I feel that a facility to create your own character, from a series of options, race/stats/classes etc and from a list of preset feats (all fairly standard stuff) would add even more depth to the app and Decent in general. FFG could even sell blank character sheets (or release as a free PDF

The RtL app could be connected to a printer and as it creates the dungeons, it prints them off for you. This could introduce the ability to use content from other box sets not owned by everyone, more than just map tiles.

Or just say where the tiles are coming from. I've had the same experience with relics in the delve. I've had to go online and look up which expansion I needed to look in to find the cards. Now I suppose I could spend the time and money to reprint components I already have but a more elegant solution would be if the app just told me where to look.