Higher characteristic limits

By Ariolan, in WFRP House Rules

(This refers to WHFRPG/ Rulebook p 28 and p 30 table 3-1)

I like the idea that non-humans can achieve high characteristics than humans. So. I adjusted the "not higher than 5" rule for characteristics in character creation to the "deviation from the human average", ie a dwarf's basic strength starts out at 3, (which is 1 point higher than average), as his toughness.

So, in my campaign, dwarves can have S and T of 6 (if they bother to pay for it). Same goes for Elves (A and I for the High Elf; A and WP for the Wood Elf).

Since it would cost 15 of their available 20 creation points just to raise a starting 3 to a 6 if not a Primary Characteristic from their starting career, I doubt you are going to get many takers if you use random Career selection, since that leaves them too little points to work with. Now if you are letting them choose career such that they can pick one that has a Primary Characteristic aligned with their racial bump, then they can raise a stat to 6 for 11 CP. Still leaves them with only 9 for everything else, making it more likely that at least one other stat would be 2. My brief experience has been that starting stats below a 3 is really not a good idea. I pretty sure I wouldn't take advantage of this house rule if it were offered to me.

This is a logical very good point... and a very expensive one as MAC40K mentionned. Only for minmaxers :)