Received today. Feedback left. I'll let you know about the e-mail in a bit but I am sure we can work something out!
Spirit of Xehanort's H/W List (Complete) NEW Wants! ~~~~~~~> * updated 9/8/09 ~ Pawn off your Dusks/Spears here!!
Alright, I just replied to your latest e-mail.
I have a Parasite Cage SR from Set 2? Would that work?
Not really. I'm just picky and I already have 2 rare Parasite Cages from ADA, and I kind of want them to all be the same, in case I need to use 3 of them in a deck, and they all look the same. I know it's strange. >_<
I appreciate you trying to help very much though. Thank you!
amphillips: I replied to your e-mail.
It seems nobody has the rare Parasite Cage from ADA, so I'd be willing to accept two SR Parasite Cages from BoD.
I also would like a couple BoD Stealth Sneaks if you don't mind throwing them in.
Do you have any of the following for trade
3x Chakram
3x Fira
2x Firaga
2x Spears
9x Dusk
I have a P Cage SR and R from set 2, but other that I dont have any or your wants unless you want to check my thread for something.
Roxas said:
Do you have any of the following for trade
3x Chakram
3x Fira
2x Firaga
2x Spears
9x Dusk
I have a P Cage SR and R from set 2, but other that I dont have any or your wants unless you want to check my thread for something.
Out of what you listed, I probably have only two or three Fira, and one Firaga for trade. They aren't the BoD versions though.
Hey, I offer:
2 Parasite Cage SR (BoD)
1 Stealth Sneak (Bod)
for your:
King Triton SRU (AdA)
GTrogi said:
Hey, I offer:
2 Parasite Cage SR (BoD)
1 Stealth Sneak (Bod)
for your:
King Triton SRU (AdA)
I'm guessing you don't have that second BoD Stealth Sneak? Do you have any Spears or Dusks you can add?
hi i have 2 ada r cages and 1 sr cage from bod i have stealth sneak bod-maybex2- i have 2-maybe 4- spears and 4 dusks. the reason im not sure of so many is becasue they are in boxes and im not goiing to go and search for all of them if you dont need them let me know if you need any of these still and then hopefully we can work out a trade for something of yours.
capncrunch said:
hi i have 2 ada r cages and 1 sr cage from bod i have stealth sneak bod-maybex2- i have 2-maybe 4- spears and 4 dusks. the reason im not sure of so many is becasue they are in boxes and im not goiing to go and search for all of them if you dont need them let me know if you need any of these still and then hopefully we can work out a trade for something of yours.
Well, I need four more Spears and even more Dusks, so I'd like however many you have of those please. As far as the Parasite Cages go I'm not quite sure, I might try to work something out with GTrogi for both of his BoD ones. See, my girlfriend's deck is a work in progress. I'm thinking about the details of the Dark cards in which I want to use. And I'm thinking about using Pete, I'm not sure. But I definately need the Spears and Dusks like I said, if I can trade something for those, I would be most appreciative.
I've decided that I might want a 3rd BoD Parasite Cage SR, so I could use yours as well, aside from the two that I might get.
* updated 9/7/09 *
hey, sorry about not getting back to you sooner, I posted a reply to your offer in my trade thread.
I replied back, on your thread.
ive been looking at your thread and im interested in your chip and dale lvl 0 if all you want are dusk/spears im not sure how i can help you with that becasue i only have a few noww but theres a tourny coming up by me kinda soon and i would gladly trade you any i happen to get but idk if you want to wait that long. if there is anything on my list that also interests you please let me know
I can wait if you think you will be able to get more. I need 4 more Spears, and a total of 17 more Dusks.. so yeah.
If anything, would you be open to the possibility of selling them?
yea i would sell them but i would rather trade for cards. if your not inerested in tradding your chip and dale for anything thats fine i was just curious becasue someone at my shop was trading thiers and i was thinking of getting it but wasnt sure and if i got one from online it would proabbly be easier
i should have no problem with the spears its the 17x dusk that will be hard to get but ill try and get a bunch of them
Cool. I mean I would trade the Chip & Dale, but not just for 6 or so Commons/Uncommons, you know?
Good luck though, hope you can snag some more. :]
Make you sure you check out my updates then. I got piles of stuff from Anarchy.
Check your e-mail then mate.
will you sell a dark riku, spears, rings, or nobodies? if so how much