Quests with more exploration and puzzles

By phunkysai, in Road to Legend

I realize the nature of Descent is a dungeon crawl with a focus on monster killing, but it'd be cool if some quests or side quests in the app could involve a few more "quiet" moments of exploring areas, even involving doing some kind of puzzles like you would find in a fantasy RPG (or even some like the new Mansions of Madness 2.0 app). I think there are enough tokens to get away with this kind of thing, and it would go a long way toward giving the quests more of an "adventurous" feel.

Anyone else have any ideas to add to this? I think if we're creative we could come up with some cool ideas...

I think that would be great! I could easily see something like having four different colored objective tokens that need to be activated in a specific order with only a cryptic riddle as a guide. Get it wrong and a group of monsters spawns (or another peril-like effect). Get it right and a secret room opens up.

The only possible drawback is that it will hurt replay value, once you know the solution. As long as it isn't the sole focus of a quest, it shouldn't be a big problem. Most of the existing quests are much easier once you know how they work.

I think that would be great! I could easily see something like having four different colored objective tokens that need to be activated in a specific order with only a cryptic riddle as a guide. Get it wrong and a group of monsters spawns (or another peril-like effect). Get it right and a secret room opens up.

The only possible drawback is that it will hurt replay value, once you know the solution. As long as it isn't the sole focus of a quest, it shouldn't be a big problem. Most of the existing quests are much easier once you know how they work.

You can have several different solutions, though - just have the Overlord decide what the solution is. There's some "hidden" mechanics like this in Shadow of Nerekhall, where the Overlord picks a token in secret (so he can't just change his mind mid-game).

So, more quest like "Temple of the Elemental Dragon"


I was really happy to get to the puzzle part at Temple of the Elemental Dragon. You would only be encouraged to replay the game as many would fail (or partially fail) during the first play.

The rewards should not be over the top as knowing all the answers may make the quest/campaign too easy.

I think doing some random token placement (such as seen in the printed campaigns) could also work - even with creating a more puzzle-like rather than random event.

For example - you have 4 tokens representing gemstones. Those need to be activated in specific order (a puzzle to find out the order first), then, the gems come in different colors, say two bright ones and two darker. As you get closer to the gem, you could test awareness or knowledge to try and see into what type of gemstone it is (the closer you get - the better the chance of success). Failing would only tell you if it's a dark or light one. Going adjacent and testing would make it a 100% success. This makes for some good choices of when to use an action to determine the type, such event would also change each time you play the quest.

The options are endless, it just needs some great ideas.