Its too difficult...

By jonapaloma, in Road to Legend


Me and my friends bought Descent this summer and have played it several times but were still beginners. We've tried RtL and we have a hard time with each mission we've played. With the new sequence system we're getting destroyed. Me personally think its too difficult. Also in comparison to the main game.

Some tips and tricks ?


Me and my friends bought Descent this summer and have played it several times but were still beginners. We've tried RtL and we have a hard time with each mission we've played. With the new sequence system we're getting destroyed. Me personally think its too difficult. Also in comparison to the main game.

Some tips and tricks ?

Playing in normal difficulty?


Me and my friends bought Descent this summer and have played it several times but were still beginners. We've tried RtL and we have a hard time with each mission we've played. With the new sequence system we're getting destroyed. Me personally think its too difficult. Also in comparison to the main game.

Some tips and tricks ?

Playing in normal difficulty?

Yes 4 players

Playthrough 1: syndrael, knight-avric, spiritspeaker-widow t, necromancer-jain, wildlander

Playthrough 2: grisban, beserker-avric, spiritspeaker-widow t, necromancer-jain, wildlander

I suggest checking over the rule book. Possibly you are making it harder by accident. There were some things that weren't clear to me at first. For example, monsters only attack once per activation, while heroes can choose to use both of thier actions as attacks. Another suggestion is don't try to kill every monster on the board. Work towards the quest objective even if it means ignoring search tokens and monsters. Many of the scenerios are won by getting the objective before the monsters wipe you out. Also you can sometimes guess which monster will be activated next. Go after that group first, hopeful wiping them out or at least weakening them before they strike.

I think we tried many of your suggestions. Thanx for your input.

I guess we havent figured out yet how to anticipate which monster goes next and so. Any tips?

The oNot way to know is if other monsters have already activated. For example the party is engaged with zombies and spiders in a room with goblins approaching from the corridor. Jain activates and attacks the master spider getting it to one health. Next the spiders activate. Now on the next heros activation, even though the wounded master spider is a juicy target you know that they are not activating again for at least 4 hero activations (three remaining then the first activation from next round) so you can ignore them at this point and atart on the zombies, as rah you kill will deny them an activation this turn. With a bit of luck you can also move to block LoS from the gobbos with the zombies too

Any other tips on how to make life "easier" in RtL?

Its a dice-based game of course but somehow I/we often get bad luck with bounces if dice :P

To add to what Rauhughes said, there are times when you can decide who activates next by eliminating one group. For instance, if one goblin and two ettins to activate this turn, killing the goblin guarantees that the ettins will activate next. Leaving the goblin and going after one of the ettins gives you a chance that the next activation will be the single goblin, leaving you another hero turn to try and kill the ettin. Alternatively you can take out the group that's closer to your vulnerable heroes so that the next group to activate will be more likely to attack the tougher heroes.

My 2 gp?

Ranged attacks: if the monsters can't hit you, they can't harm you and ranged vs ranged is a draw, so attack from afar.

Healing: Choose a good healer and make sure the healer does his job. His priority is healing, not hitting.

Heroic abilities and feats. Make sure everyone knows what everyone does. Avric's ability can be used by all heroes within 3..does everyone use it when they can? Also, use your heroic feats. You get them once per mission, use them up!

Search tokens: Get them! It's less an issue in RtL than in the board game, but cash allows you to buy better armour, better weapons, trinkets, etc.... this will help boost you.

Lastly, this is a personal opinion: I find Leoric to be a superior choice to Widow Tarha for a mage. Sure, she has higher hit points, but Leoric's ability reduces the damage for everyone around him.

Attack from afar is a great idea and we did this somewhat anyway. Though Monster btw... I think they're too overpowered. Attack from afar is great but monster have a habit of attack you up-close anyway :(


Me and my friends bought Descent this summer and have played it several times but were still beginners. We've tried RtL and we have a hard time with each mission we've played. With the new sequence system we're getting destroyed. Me personally think its too difficult. Also in comparison to the main game.

Some tips and tricks ?

Playing in normal difficulty?

Yes 4 players

Playthrough 1: syndrael, knight-avric, spiritspeaker-widow t, necromancer-jain, wildlander

Playthrough 2: grisban, beserker-avric, spiritspeaker-widow t, necromancer-jain, wildlander

A few general tips:

-) Use fatigue to move without an action (especially if the monsters arent far away) and use both your actions to attack.

-) Activate the hero first that can do most damage or is in range of the monsters.

-) Let the monster move first if they are far away, so they come to you and you can attack twice.

-) Grisban is imo one of the worst heroes, because he is so slow and has no real hero ability

-) Spiritspeaker is a weak class, or at least requires some knowledge to be somehow effecitve.

-) Always keep in mind every hero can spend a surge to recover 1 fatigue.

To learn the game I would pick:

Syndrael as knight or berserker and Avric as Disciple.

Scouts and Mages that come with the base game are both viable classes and heroes. While the runemaster is clearly stronger than the necromancer, the necromancer is vaible for RtL, because your reanimate (summon) counts as a hero with a 0 in every attribute, so it will take a good amount of damage off your heroes.

Edited by DAMaz

I've played quite a bit of the RTL version and never lost a single scenario, here are some tips

-) Do not casually open a door, always think through when the optimal time for opening a door is, and how to open it. The reason is that opening a door will reveal monsters and they will then start to get activation's. Your goal is to minimize the number of activation's a monster group gets, and minimize the impact of each of the monsters activation's. If you open a door as the last action of the last hero on a turn, and this door reveals 2 groups of monsters, both of these will activate immediately, then you will get 1 hero activation before one monster group activates again. This is the worst way of opening a door. The best way is to open the door as the first action of the first hero in a turn. This will let you attack once, then one monster group activates, then you get a full hero turn, next monster group then you get three full hero turns before the monsters get another activation. You can often also minimize the the impact by retreating with the hero that opens the door. This will often lead to the monsters using their activation to come to you, unable to attack. Using this strategy I have often nullified the monsters for the entire first round giving me a full activation of all of my heroes before the monsters even get a single attack.

-) I'm going a bit against the common opinion on the necromancer, as I believe he is one of the strongest classes for RTL. He is not a main damage dealer, the thing he excels at is soaking damage. If you can manage to place the reanimate so he draws the most attention from the monsters, he will soak at least 4 damage each round, usually a lot more (either 2 attacks of 3 damage or a single attack dealing lots (13 in a single attack is my record)). Compare this to healers that heal 1-3 each round and he is often more effective than a healer. A healer + a tank with lots of Armour is often better, but then you need to put resources into building a tank. Remember that the reanimate is immune to perils.

-) for the campaign, get ALL search tokens, all the time, the gold will add up

-) remember that monsters can only attack once each time the activate

-) remember that defense is rolled before surges are spent

-) you know the base movement for all monsters on the map. Use this when positioning your heroes.

-) often it's beneficial to use your fatigue for movement, then resting compared to moving and ending your turn with 1 fatigue on your character. Widow will most often go fatigue 3 move, summon, rest, activate summon and she can repeat this each turn.

Don't use the Spiritspeaker. They're not a very efficent healer and especially in RtL you'll need a Disciple or Apothecary or etc.

In my experience with RtL, it is the consist spawning monsters and the initial round effect that kills most of our game. Does the game want us to "train" the monsters in order to finish the objective?

In my experience with RtL, it is the consist spawning monsters and the initial round effect that kills most of our game. Does the game want us to "train" the monsters in order to finish the objective?

There are at least a few scenarios where you have to ignore the spawns and keep moving. The game is on a timer and the monsters are a distraction from the objective.