Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

Ariel gives the other girl a perplexed look, but her initial resistance lasts only a moment before she reluctantly allows Estelia to guide her back a step. The security chief's outburst seems to have barely fazed her, possibly because exposure to many a raging Drill-Abbot has somewhat jaded her, in addition to a habit of cultivating the appearance of an impassive observer. A guise she enjoys to drop whenever she feels she has an ace up her sleeve.

For the moment, she chooses to revert to her usual statuesque composure as she ponders the available facts, considering and then dismissing the possibility of asking to track down the guard. Whilst it certainly has to be possible to acquire his or her current whereabouts and condition, the very act of probing this information might alert whoever arranged for the noble's easy passage -- if this guard had any connection to their case at all, and their compliance wasn't simply criminal negligience rather than betrayal.

There had to be a better way. Her gaze wanders back to the Thaurian priest, awaiting his next step.

Balthazar comes to much the same conclusion as Ariel regarding the guard, and he suggests a different course of action. "Perhaps we could contact the relatives of Lady Novianna to see why she wanted to go there? We could go under some other pretense to avoid rousing suspicion. And on the way there, we could ask around to see if there is any cultural significance to the blue handkerchief. It may be a minor detail, but any new information would be helpful."

He also looks around with some concern, then asks, "Chief Lemont, do you use these stummers as a simple precautionary measure? Or do you have reason to believe that someone is spying on you?"

Edited by Covered in Weasels

The Novice backs up a pace. After a few seconds, she tugs lightly on Ariel's shoulder, trying to get her to follow suit.

As Estelia backs off Lemont's breathing calms down a pace.

Ariel gives the other girl a perplexed look, but her initial resistance lasts only a moment before she reluctantly allows Estelia to guide her back a step.

As both of the sisters give Lemont some personal space he relaxes and readjusts his collar, taking a deep breath he takes on the calm demeanor he had before.

Balthazar comes to much the same conclusion as Ariel regarding the guard, and he suggests a different course of action. "Perhaps we could contact the relatives of Lady Novianna to see why she wanted to go there? We could go under some other pretense to avoid rousing suspicion. And on the way there, we could ask around to see if there is any cultural significance to the blue handkerchief. It may be a minor detail, but any new information would be helpful."

He also looks around with some concern, then asks, "Chief Lemont, do you use these stummers as a simple precautionary measure? Or do you have reason to believe that someone is spying on you?"

He looks at Father Thorne with a quirk in his eyebrow, "I am the head of security operations for the busiest orbital station of Desoleum, and I don't mean just the hive. My job is to always believe someone is listening to what I say or looking at what I'm doing, and act accordingly."

Lemont scratches behind his ear, "Is there anything else I might be able to help you with?"

Estelia notices that the chief answered only half of the Father's question, and one does not brush off a priest of the Ministorum, "Lady Novianna's relatives. Does she have any in the system, and if so is it possible for us to contact or visit them?"

Balthazar thinks for a moment, then responds, "What is the best way for us to contact you remotely? We may discover some information during our investigation that may affect the security of this orbital, and we will report it to you as soon as we are able."

"A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy", Ariel mutters half to herself, half commenting on the security chief's explanation. Certainly, vigilance was a laudable virtue, much-vaunted by the Ecclesiarchy's priests. Imperial citizens were required to report on their neighbors, their parents, their children. It was the only way to ensure purity amidst His loyal subjects, to leave absolutely no room for heresy, witchcraft and mutation to breed.

Ariel had sometimes wondered what it would have been like to grow up in a normal - and she had long since come to understand that her upbringing in the elite St. Valerius Schola Progenium was something extraordinary - family, but it was a hard thing to imagine. In the Sisterhood there was no need for this level of paranoia, as each Sororitas was bound by her faith to report herself for the slightest doubts and infractions, with the squad superiae determining the appropriate level of penance to ensure continued spiritual and physical purity among this garden of (thorned) roses, for the greater glory of mankind and Him-on-Earth. In the convent, there would be no need for men like Lemont.

She took a deep breath, her attention snapping back to the present..

"Lady Novianna's relatives. Does she have any in the system, and if so is it possible for us to contact or visit them?"

Lemont narrows his eyes at Estelia, "How would I know? I'm not the Ordo Famulous or something. I don't need to keep track of noble families past them coming to and from the station."

"What is the best way for us to contact you remotely? We may discover some information during our investigation that may affect the security of this orbital, and we will report it to you as soon as we are able."

"Astropath would be the simplest. Depending on where you are in the hive, or port for that matter, vox communication gets a bit jumbled or something. I don't really understand it, a tech priest explained it to me once, but who knows what they're saying half the time. Just ask them to use the encrypition; Red, Grox, Star. It'll get to me." Lemont considers for a moment, "That's secure information I'm trusting you with...you might return the favor and explain who it was you were meeting in Room 4.10.C, at 0700."

"A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy", Ariel mutters half to herself, half commenting on the security chief's explanation.

"Quite." Lemont says succinctly. Waiting for Balthazar's reply.

Lemont's remark gets Ariel thinking. Would the Orders Famulous have a presence on this world, possibly maintain records of this noble? She almost felt a need to discipline herself for forgetting about the vast potential the networked Sisterhood could offer them, but under other circumstances it would have been unthinkable for a mere novice to break her convent's isolation and contact another Order, much less to request aid from its canoness.

However, before departing Ophelia VII, the girls were made to understand that their new assignment would grant them certain privileges, among them permission to initiate communications with one of the Sisterhood's dependencies. She resolved to bring up the option later. Her gaze shifted to Balthazar again, the girl's face tensing slightly as the priest was asked to divulge such sensitive information.

Estelia's thoughts ran along much the same lines as Ariel's, though instead of thinking of punishing herself, the Novice wondered how they would find out if there are any Sisters Famulous in the system. It is clear that the chief can not or will not help them find people outside his station. Perhaps one of the local Frateris Clergy would know. As the chief finished speaking Estelia glances worriedly at the Father, wondering how he will respond.

Balthazar repeats the code to commit it to memory: "Red, Grox, Star... excellent. As for our business in Room 4.10.C, we were meeting with our supervising Inquisitorial intermediary to receive details of our mission. Truth be told, I know very little about her myself, and even less about the Inquisitor who commands her. She gave us the information we've shared with you and told us to begin our search immediately. We've spent the day since then investigating Port Gyre, we're very much newcomers to the station."

Edited by Covered in Weasels

"Red, Grox, Star... excellent. As for our business in Room 4.10.C, we were meeting with our supervising Inquisitorial intermediary to receive details of our mission. Truth be told, I know very little about her myself, and even less about the Inquisitor who commands her. She gave us the information we've shared with you and told us to begin our search immediately. We've spent the day since then investigating Port Gyre, we're very much newcomers to the station."

Lemont chokes slightly, "I I I, uhm, I see." He says shakily, he quickly takes out a piece of parchment and scribbles some things down and hands it to Balthazar, "Here, when you get to any checkpoint show them this, they'll let you through without any trouble, and when you leave the station it'll give you access to a personal ship of Kappex we generally reserve for diplomats. I can't think of anymore I can help you with."

Ariel tensed visibly as the priest spoke. She did not speak, but exchanged a glance with Estelia as if to see if her friend shared a similar reaction. Was it truly for the best to divulge this information? Granted, the security chief seemed like a loyal servant, but as the ancient Heresy had taught mankind, treachery may sometimes lurk in the minds of the most trusted ally.

The novice quickly attempted to suppress the intensity of her initial shock. If Lemont was working against them, he had so far given them no reason to suspect him, provided he did tell them everything of relevance. But even with what little he said, they should be able to continue their investigation, and verify firsthand where it would lead them.

Estelia caught the meaning of Ariel's worried glance. She hoped that they could trust the chief. In any case, it was the Father's decision, and they would deal with the consequences when they came. The Novice remains silent, glancing at both of the men and wondering if the paper the chief had given Father Thorne would let her get her knife back.

The girl hopes they will be able to find out more specific information about who was using the abandoned station. The paper should be helpful . . . but any they showed it to would be sure to remember them and ask questions after they left, and word would spread. Not a good thing if they are trying to conduct a covert investigation.

Balthazar takes the paper from Lemont and smiles warmly. "Thank you very much, Chief Lemont. The Emperor thanks you for your service. We will be in touch." His feelings are sincere -- Lemont has given them a few solid leads on the investigation, and his first impression is that of a loyal Imperial citizen. He takes a mental note of Lemont's reaction; it seems that the mere mention of the Inquisition's name immediately causes a powerful reaction among the right company. Definitely a tactic to be used sparingly, but extremely useful under the right circumstances.

((Balthazar doesn't have any more questions. If everyone else is all set then we can move on to the next area.))

"Father, I need to retrieve my knife and ammunition before we depart. Additionally, should we report our progress to Inellia? The Chief knows that she is on the station, if not who she is. Maybe she can help us make use of what the Chief has told us."

Ariel had nothing more to say, at least not to or in the presence of the station's security chief. Respectfully inclining her head, she half-turned to walk, but waited until the Thaurian priest would take the lead -- instinctively giving him the right of way, Schola education still having an effect when in the presence of frateris clergy, to whom her drill-abbot had belonged as well.

"Father, I need to retrieve my knife and ammunition before we depart. Additionally, should we report our progress to Inellia? The Chief knows that she is on the station, if not who she is. Maybe she can help us make use of what the Chief has told us."

Ariel had nothing more to say, at least not to or in the presence of the station's security chief. Respectfully inclining her head, she half-turned to walk, but waited until the Thaurian priest would take the lead -- instinctively giving him the right of way, Schola education still having an effect when in the presence of frateris clergy, to whom her drill-abbot had belonged as well.

Balthazar leads the Estelia and Ariel out of the room, thanks any nearby guards for their time, and turns to Estelia when they are out of earshot of any observers. "Yes, let us rearm ourselves and update Lady Inelia on our progress. If any guards question us or attempt to confiscate our weapons, we now have the support of local authority as well as the divine mandate of the Inquisition. And perhaps Lady Inelia will also have some insight into these new revelations."

Balthazar leads the Estelia and Ariel out of the room, thanks any nearby guards for their time, and turns to Estelia when they are out of earshot of any observers. "Yes, let us rearm ourselves and update Lady Inelia on our progress. If any guards question us or attempt to confiscate our weapons, we now have the support of local authority as well as the divine mandate of the Inquisition. And perhaps Lady Inelia will also have some insight into these new revelations."

Lemont bids you farewell, and as the group leaves the area we as the audience see him start madly typing some missive on the cogitator. His aide turns off the strummer and addresses his master, "Officer Lemont. To whom. Are you adressing. This missive?"

Lemont looks over to his aide and sighs frustrated with it's lack of intelligence, "The relevant parties up the chain of command of course. Has to be done, either their lying about their connections or they aren't. Neither are particularly good."

He then quirks his head, "Whatever happened with that security team I had sent to the meeting room?"


We see a slide cut to the area that Inelia is currently occupying, four armsmen sit in the room as well we are coming in on a conversation in media res.

"..and so that's why you aren't going to do anything about this little series of events. Actually come t think of it I'm just going to sequester your services for the time being. It would seem I've a little bit of time to spare so I think I'll spend it not on a station. Go, gather your things and come back here."

The armsmen look back and forth to one another until Inelia gives a wave of her hand and they nearly run into each other out of the meeting room.

Inelia leans back and sighs happily, "Sometimes this lifestyle is quite enjoyable." She plops a blood berry into her mouth.


The group receives no more resistance through the security checkpoint, apparently having already been notified. They are given any equipment back to them that was taken from them.

Going back through the station to their rooms they are treated no differently than they were earlier.

((as I understood your descriptions and wants you want to go back to your rooms and gather your things before going to Inellia?))

((You're separate because you got cut off of the other page.))

"Father, if you think it would not be imprudent, I would like to put on my flak armour. It is decorated with symbols of the Ecclesiarchy, but not of the Ordos."

Estelia retrieves her possessions, few as they are, from her quarters.

((Unless Father Thorne asks her not to, Estelia will put on her flak armour with devotional iconography))

Balthazar nods. "Yes, put on whatever protective gear you have. We have no way of knowing whether or not enemies will be waiting for us at our destination off the orbital. The Emperor protects, but he is especially protective of the faithful when they wear sturdy flak armor." He smiles as he says that final sentence.

((Balthazar already has all his equipment and is wearing his flak robes, so he doesn't need anything else from his room.))

Ariel smirked at the priest's comment, considering to reference the advantages of the Sisterhood's Angel-pattern power armour, but dismisses the notion as quickly as it came. Though Estelia would no doubt be amused by this kind of remark, humour was something the taciturn novice used only sparingly. As she had to learn during her fasts, the human condition always considered things more precious, more rewarding, when they were enjoyed in moderation.

As the novice had already worn a heavy, ragged duster to conceal her bodyglove, there was no explicit need for her to return to their quarters; anything she was issued she carried on her person. Yet still she remained at the other novice's side, it was the one thing on this assignment she was accustomed to.

((I will assume that you return to Inelia's as you have nothing else to retrieve.))

We take the path similar from the staying rooms back to the meeting room that was visited before. ((I don't think I've mentioned time for a while but let's say it's now 0900 let me know if I've stated it elsewhere.))

As before you can hear a murmuring behind the door, but there is a return in the murmuring as well that is not Inelia's tone.

((I can't make up my mind about what Inellia's rank in the Sororitas is. She might just be a Sister since she has been with the Inquisition all this time))

It appears that the Sister is speaking with someone. It does not sound like trouble, but Estelia cannot make out any words through the door. In any case, she will not know they are here if they just wait, so Estelia moves forward and knocks on the door, then steps back a pace, hands at her sides.

Once more, Ariel exchanges a glance with the other novice, noticing the same voices. Voice s , meaning that their Inquisitorial contact is no longer alone. However, the girls seem to differ when it comes to how to deal with such a situation, for as Estelia moves to knock, her partner's eyes widen in mild disbelief.

"Throne", she hisses with subdued anger, both at the other novice as well as herself for not having anticipated the move. She should know better, and the hand with which she intended to gesture her to wait should have not been raised only halfway.

Considering to clarify the source of her displeasure by pointing out Estelia's rash action, she ultimately decides to just shoot her a glare and shake her head before stepping back to a similar distance, briefly hefting the weight of the heavy shotgun now held in both hands again.

Someone with very good ears might notice a sound of exhaled air.

Edited by Lynata