Conversion kit for RTL app

By Jaedus, in Road to Legend

So I have the first addition base game as well as the 2e game with 3 expansions. I bought the conversion kit to bring over nearly 20 heroes from the 1e box set. Is there a way I can play the characters within the apps campaigns? Varikas the Dead is one of my favorite toons, and would like to play him as well as some others in RTL.


I believe all of the heroes and monsters from 1e have been released through the Hero and Monster packs. If you have all of the 1e stuff, then you can just add the H&M packs and everything will be available.

No, a few (around 10) heroes are still missing from the H&M kits. Varikas is one of those.

'Technically' the conversion kit is not supported no, but nobody is stopping you from playing with Varikas and just selecting a different warrior in the app I guess.

Edited by Atom4geVampire

Thanks guys I'll go ahead and do this. I really appreciate the responses! I really do need to build up on my expansions so I can vary the replay ability of this app. Thank you FF for making this app!

Edited by Jaedus

There are 12 heroes that have yet to be re-released (via H&Ms) from D1e to D2e. They are as follows:


Bogran The Shadow

Brother Glyr


Hugo The Glorious


Landrec The Wise

Laughin Buldar

Mad Carthos

Red Scorpion

Tobin Farslayer

Varikas The Dead