issue - Large monster movement

By Jack and THE Hammer, in Road to Legend

As we all know, when performing a move actions, a giant monster "shrink" to be considered a 1square figure and when he stop he'll expand again in a space ORIENTED as the OV prefers.

Thats means a 4 square monster with movement 3 can actually end his movement 4 square away from his starting point, cause of this "orientation" manuver.

But how many times he can do that each turn?

Assuming he'll always get enough space to "expand" on the map, can he move 1 square, interrupt his move, expand and than start again multiple times?

Taking the same exaple above, in this scenario the monster can actually move 6 space from his original square - way too much space imho-

And when he interrupt/be interrupted during the Movement? Every time he stops he actually gain 1 extra space?