Orc Antagonists?

By Awesomeness, in WFRP Gamemasters

reg said:

Asexual? I thought they were just all so ugly that you couldn't tell the difference!. Hmm, that makes the shaman REALLY deviant; thank goodness we never went into the whole orcish gender wars thing (one of my players is pol. science - she asks many scary questions). Er, just out of interest, how do they procreate? I remember in WHK many years ago there was something about mushrooms and long toilets, but I thought that was the equivalent of orc bike shed stories.

Leogun_91 said:

Well other than that it has something to do with spores and mushrooms little is known and that is probobly for the best.

"Dad? Where komz dah lil orks from?"

"Ah son, iz time u lurned bout dah sporz an dah shrooms..."

alakazam said:

Krelios said:

Orcs in Warhammer really are just mindless brutes thoughthat's kind of the point. They're creatures that are literally spawned for destruction. Normally I like making complex, dynamic villains, it just doesn't fit with Warhammer orcs though.

Problem is, they are too much like Beastmen...

You can do a lot more with beastmen. Looking through books from earlier editions you can see beastmen being much more varied and interesting than their modern incarnation. And the bestiary saying that beastmen do not plot and scheme is just wrong, I think. They've had some brilliant leaders in the background, and some of 'em are marked by Tzeentch, for crying out loud!