For Shame

By JackofHearts, in Star Wars: Destiny

First the asinine OP then this dude arguing -1 is a number and saying without a FAQ we cant determine if -1 is one or more. Not to mention attacking people for taking it out of context when no matter what context its in he still comes out an asshat. I cant make this **** up.

Runnestrand good on you for taking the time and effort to attempt to lay it out, sorry it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

First the asinine OP then this dude arguing -1 is a number and saying without a FAQ we cant determine if -1 is one or more. Not to mention attacking people for taking it out of context when no matter what context its in he still comes out an asshat. I cant make this **** up.

Runnestrand good on you for taking the time and effort to attempt to lay it out, sorry it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Those are simply lies and venom.

Someone asked me why I believe this game is unplayable without FAQ. I wanted to prove the amount of doubts you have during playing.

I didn't ask for answers. (I would create rules question thread for this.) Yes, it's interesting what other people think, but I don't need to thank for answers, because I have my own answers. Now you all simply attacking me ignoring the facts. For example ignoring completely my positive thoughts about the game.

If the rules are final and went for print, then it's better to discuss problems and get FAQ earlier.

If the rules are not final, then FFG reads these boards and can react if they want.

Incredible how people can be stupid and cruel. All you can do is saying: shut up and wait for official release. Now what? You enter each and every thread and do like this:

-I think Vader is the best!

-Shut up and wait for official release!

You know what? Ask FFG why they opened these boards. Shouldn't they just shut up and wait for official release?

It seems that I can't expect mature discussion here, so I'm out.

First the asinine OP then this dude arguing -1 is a number and saying without a FAQ we cant determine if -1 is one or more. Not to mention attacking people for taking it out of context when no matter what context its in he still comes out an asshat. I cant make this **** up.

Runnestrand good on you for taking the time and effort to attempt to lay it out, sorry it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Those are simply lies and venom.

Someone asked me why I believe this game is unplayable without FAQ. I wanted to prove the amount of doubts you have during playing.

I didn't ask for answers. (I would create rules question thread for this.) Yes, it's interesting what other people think, but I don't need to thank for answers, because I have my own answers. Now you all simply attacking me ignoring the facts. For example ignoring completely my positive thoughts about the game.

If the rules are final and went for print, then it's better to discuss problems and get FAQ earlier.

If the rules are not final, then FFG reads these boards and can react if they want.

Incredible how people can be stupid and cruel. All you can do is saying: shut up and wait for official release. Now what? You enter each and every thread and do like this:

-I think Vader is the best!

-Shut up and wait for official release!

You know what? Ask FFG why they opened these boards. Shouldn't they just shut up and wait for official release?

It seems that I can't expect mature discussion here, so I'm out.


You claim that the game is unplayable without a FAQ, then when asked why you provide a list of issues. People try to provide answers to the issues you raised to show it is, in fact, playable without a FAQ, and now you say "I never wanted answers"

Round and round we go... I think what you meant is you didn't want anyone to bring logic to the argument.

The reality is that:

1) All the issues you brought up are pedantic "i'm looking for issues" points. Which do appear to be covered by the demo rules, and are likely covered by the yet unreleased official rules.

2) If I were FFG, I would not at all be interested in fact-checking whether the demo rules 100% covered every situation. They weren't meant to. They were meant to allow employees to show people the game. Not to be then end-all be-all of perfect rules. If you don't understand the difference, I'm not sure what to say.

Is it likely that there will be a FAQ? yes. Do we need one now 2+ months in advance of the release when the real rule book hasn't even come out yet? no of course not. Why? So we can add a whole bunch of stuff to it that the official rules will cover?

And if you think asking such questions will result in them updating the official rules to cover it, then you do not understand that the rules have likely already been printed and packaged...

FFG created the boards to gauge interest and get feedback. Also, to get them set up and working in advance of the release (an extremely common IT practice). They can do that whenever they feel like it, whether it is useful or not.

Agree or disagree, the OP had feedback that I am sure FFG will take into consideration to some degree. That degenerated into a rules discussion and its validity.

I don't think anything about this discussion was immature, so I won't comment on that. The fact that you feel ganged up on should tell you something about your argument though.

Edited by Hida77

Games not even out yet and I feel we already need a thread lock... I hope that this community gets a little less vitriolic when the game launches or there isn't going to be a community for very long.

Edited by BrobaFett

Games not even out yet and I feel we already need a thread lock... I hope that this community gets a little less vitriolic when the game launches or there isn't going to be a community for very long.

Trolls gonna troll, don't let Rogue 30 shut down the bridge

There's a subset of players in any game who think that if the rules don't say you can't do something, that doesn't mean they say you can . They'll argue, "Well, the rules don't say I can't reach across the table and punch you as soon as you roll, so I must be able to, right?" Common sense never enters into it; they want common sense codified into an FAQ.

The fact that you feel ganged up on should tell you something about your argument though.


Players did it to themselves when they treated X-Wing and other games like collectable card games

Players did it to themselves when they treated X-Wing and other games like collectable card games

Can you explain what you mean by this? That's not a challenge, genuinely interested. I gave up on X-Wing because I felt it ended up a lot more expensive than anticipated, and in particular I found it frustrating that several 'must have' cards came with epic ships. But I don't think that's quite what you mean.

It seems that I can't expect mature discussion here, so I'm out.


I can't wait for this game!! My son and I are so excited!! Don't really care that it's a collectable game either. Plan and simple, if it really bothers people that it's a collectible game then don't buy it. It's just one game vice the many they have that appeal to different audiences. But for me and my son, we are counting down the days!!

It seems that I can't expect mature discussion here, so I'm out.


lol :D

And this is why dystopic forums with fascist mods are sometimes the better place to be for discussion.

And this is why dystopic forums with fascist mods are sometimes the better place to be for discussion.

Tell that to the AEG forums. What a cess pool that was and the mods were the worst offenders. Especially Ling.

And this is why dystopic forums with fascist mods are sometimes the better place to be for discussion.

Tell that to the AEG forums. What a cess pool that was and the mods were the worst offenders. Especially Ling.

QFT -- man...that Ling guy...

Anyway, back on topic - if you want to rant about "introducing kids to gambling" you're about 100 years too late. Ever heard of baseball cards? I mean, I could go for the whole Magic the Gathering example, but the idea of getting kids to plunk down a couple bucks at a random chance is as old as the gum that used to come in those packs back in the day.

But the gum was so good. Lol,.

Haha the way I see all this is exactly like baseball cards!

I personally don't think LCGs are any better than CCGs.


It's like should I buy the Cubs this week because they have the most good players, then I'll go Rangers next week, then the Nationals next month when they come out and oh I really like this one guy on the Phillies maybe I should buy them but I don't really need most of them.

The I'll buy the large AL Central box etc... etc... then it's 2017.

Yes in the end I'll have all the teams and all the players but do I really want them all especially if I just play for mainly fun.

In the end I'm spending like $15-$15-$15-$15-$15-$15-$15 and $30 for big box... and much more if i want them all.

But I can get them all, I'm promised that but it's somewhat of an illusion.

Also here once you're behind the buy curve it's pricey to catch up to them.

It's why you see these games slowly die out IMHO or reboot.


Here I get 1 great player maybe it's Bryant or Kershaw or whomever.

So I just don't know who that'll be and some above average ones and some run of the mill types in my pack.

If I buy a 2nd pack or a 3rd pack... a 10th pack... 25th pack.

Maybe I get 10 new great players or maybe 3 or 4 overlaps.

Maybe I get the hated Yankees players.

Maybe I trade those with my pals or maybe I don't.

In the end I'm spending $3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3-$3... I have most of the cards and a lot of top cards.

If I want really really want some guy and I don't get him then I can always find ways to get him.

I also can get in or out at a low buy in if I want too and probably be at least somewhat competitive vs other who aren't completionists.

In the end both formats probably turn out to be about the same especially if you're not playing in some ultra competitive league type deal where every single card matters.

I don't know just my thoughts.

Prequel characters? Blind buys?

**** off FFG. And while you're at it tell your French owners to **** off too.

So if people want and like a collectable game, FFG is not allowed to make one. Wow aren't you entitled. You don't know if this came from FFG or Asmodee, this could be part of the deal from Disney so that FFG could get the Star Wars license. My biggest problem with your post is, if you don't want to buy it then don't. No one is holding a gun to your head. No need to spew your hate on these forums.

Meh, it is their company they can do what they want to do. I would just like to remind them that they started making LCGs for a very good reason. The CCG market is hard to penetrate and, well, even though you have star wars on the brand, when people see a dice based CCG they are immediately going to question why they should become invested in this particular dice based CCG over the 'Other' dice based CCG that is currently already on the market. The already established and well received game will more than likely win out (not jinxing the folks at FFG, just stating what HISTORY has taught us). It would be very wise to really show what makes your game drastically different and worth the price for folks who want to be competitive, folks. Best of luck.

I think the quality of the physical product gives Destiny the edge over Dice Masters. I haven't played either game, so I can't speak as to which one has better rules, but I know that I am drawn to Destiny because the dice just LOOK nice, and the Dice Masters ones look like garbage you get out of a machine in front of the grocery store.

I'd definitely play a Marvel-based collectible card/dice game if it looked as good as Destiny. All different types of customers out there.

Edited by Runnestrand

As others have said, just because a company releases a game you might like to play doesn't mean you have to buy it. Don't like the business model? Don't support it. If they release this game and it flops because of the business model (I highly doubt that will happen) they will reconsider.

Personally, I love collectible games. I love card games and I love dice and I like SW, so this game is a gem for me. With such an IP and how popular their other SW games are I am sure there will be a local scene for this game, so that will be awesome. Plus the chance to get in from the beginning with a collectible game that might get big and hopefully will last a long time is very enticing to me as a collector. So it is very much in people's right to dislike the business model. My local grocery shop usually has cucumbers that are waaaay too expensive so I don't buy them.

I suppose that if we ask the OP to give us a number of reasons to buy the game, he will answer -1. #Syntax error#