For Shame

By JackofHearts, in Star Wars: Destiny

In this game the action says to discard a card to reroll "one or more dice". That can't include zero. So I'm really unsure as to why that is somehow unclear to some.

It is clear (or... is it?), and we play this way, but I have too much experience with FFG mistakes, misprints, poorly written rules and card texts. Two Mind probes on turn 3 give you a thought, you know.

On the bright side though, the game is really good. And all that whining about CCG/LCG might be nonsense. It seems that you only need half (or even less) of the deck "dice cards" (i.e rare/legendary). It looks like rarity is only for collectors and for dice plastic cost. If you don't have defensive events you might quickly loose. So might be that you can play and spent less than on LCG or X-wing. Also, sometimes you just can't decide which card is better (e.g. Immobilize vs Force choke) and people will be playing simply with those in posession. And this influence deck versatility. And there is of course undeniable trading social aspect. I think tournaments might be particulary fun. We could make two different, strong decks with only 30% starter set, that is a good sign. The only fear is that designers will make some stupidly strong cards and spoil the game.

In this game the action says to discard a card to reroll "one or more dice". That can't include zero. So I'm really unsure as to why that is somehow unclear to some.

It is clear (or... is it?), and we play this way, but I have too much experience with FFG mistakes, misprints, poorly written rules and card texts. Two Mind probes on turn 3 give you a thought, you know.

You can't really be suggesting that because Mind Probe can hit you for a fair bit of damage that you think the rules on discarding to reroll are somehow misprinted, can you? To approach a ruleset in that fashion, and particularly based on gameplay with just spoiled cards, is just an untenable position.

Edited by ScottieATF

Zero is neither "one" nor "more (then one)".

Zero is neither "one" nor "more (then one)".

I'm not an idiot. I'm talking about many doubts that game give you, try to not focus on this one question. Or better, try to play and then we will talk.

I liked how you ignored that one of the questions you asked was clearly answered and then made the passive-aggressive comment to try and sound like you had some kind of greater understanding of the game than he did. That served your argument really well.

Scotty did play the game multiple times at Gencon, as did I. I never saw any major rules gaps that made it unplayable in there, aside from some of the demo staff getting a little confused here and there.

How about we wait until the game comes out before we start saying there are tons of rules gaps okay? Can we agree on that?

@OP - There is nothing at all shameful about FFG going with a different distribution format if they so desire. If you don;t like it, don't buy it. I actually find your sense of entitlement about it more offensive.

Edited by Hida77

How about we wait until the game comes out before we start saying there are tons of rules gaps okay? Can we agree on that?

Lemme check the FAQ...

double post..

Edited by Hida77

I never saw any major rules gaps that made it unplayable in there

That's great! Would you like to discuss all my questions in a new thread, then?

And I didn't want to be aggressive. Just please, don't treat me like an idiot. Is -1 any number? Yes, it is. So can you reroll -1 die?

You need to have the whole game system on mind. If a card says "reroll any number..." you just cannot be 100% sure if zero is legal. You need FAQ from designer. And if we suspect that zero might be legal, then why not discarding for nothing? In many games there are "cost and effect" concept. You just need to pay the cost and then it doesn't matter if effect resolves or not. There is a small possibility, that guy who wrote the rules simply focused on explaining what you can do if you discard a card.

-So I can discard a card to reroll. Awesome! How many dies? One?

-No, it's better than that! As many as you want!

-Wow! Fantastic game! But wait, what if I have no dice?

-Hmm. I forgot about that.

But if all this is so clear for you, then you can both promise me, that you will send me a whole box of newest Destiny expansion, completely for free (I'm in Europe), if in the future there will be a FAQ saying that you can discard a card even if you have no dice to reroll. Deal? After all, there is zero risk in this bet, right? :)

I never saw any major rules gaps that made it unplayable in there

That's great! Would you like to discuss all my questions in a new thread, then?

And I didn't want to be aggressive. Just please, don't treat me like an idiot. Is -1 any number? Yes, it is. So can you reroll -1 die?

Again it clearly states "one or more dice" I have no idea how you can have -1 die, but even if you could it would still be fewer dice than the card specifies. You cannot discard the card to re-roll any fewer than 1 die... Very clear card description no FAQ or clarification required.

I think you should just let this one go, it's a bad example.

Edited by Tromsicle

I have no idea how you can have -1 die

-Hey guys, can I discard a card to reroll zero dice?

-No, you moron, it is clearly written "one or more dice"!

No dice!

One or more: Cannot be zero, must be at least one up X, where X is equal to the legal number of target dice on the table (I imagine some effects will only let you re-roll your dice, some only opponent's, and some effect any dice on the table).

Any number: Can include zero. Not -1, don't be purposely difficult.

Anyway, just how I would read it given my experiences in gaming.

I agree we should, I dunno, wait until the game comes out or something before arguing about the minutiae of the rules.

I never saw any major rules gaps that made it unplayable in there

That's great! Would you like to discuss all my questions in a new thread, then?

And I didn't want to be aggressive. Just please, don't treat me like an idiot. Is -1 any number? Yes, it is. So can you reroll -1 die?

You need to have the whole game system on mind. If a card says "reroll any number..." you just cannot be 100% sure if zero is legal. You need FAQ from designer. And if we suspect that zero might be legal, then why not discarding for nothing? In many games there are "cost and effect" concept. You just need to pay the cost and then it doesn't matter if effect resolves or not. There is a small possibility, that guy who wrote the rules simply focused on explaining what you can do if you discard a card.

-So I can discard a card to reroll. Awesome! How many dies? One?

-No, it's better than that! As many as you want!

-Wow! Fantastic game! But wait, what if I have no dice?

-Hmm. I forgot about that.

But if all this is so clear for you, then you can both promise me, that you will send me a whole box of newest Destiny expansion, completely for free (I'm in Europe), if in the future there will be a FAQ saying that you can discard a card even if you have no dice to reroll. Deal? After all, there is zero risk in this bet, right? :)


Is it really that important to be so pedantic at this stage? You are proxying a subset of the cards and trying to play with a demo version of the rules and whining that you are unclear if you can attempt to reroll when you have no dice to reroll...

This is just silly. We are rules-lawyering on rules that haven't even been officially released....

There will almost certainly be a FAQ. But not necessarily because the official rules are unclear, but because people ask the most silly questions in the world and then hide behind "well it doesn't explicitly say!". Half of the questions in the now 12+ page X-Wing FAQ don't really need to exist if people just read the rules.

Nice try there Mr. Euro. No I will not send you a box of anything, ever. Except maybe my heartfelt wishes that you would shut up and be patient.

I swear, it is impossible to please anyone anymore. As soon as you do demos people start trying to poke holes in a game that isn't even out yet...

*Rabble Rabble Rabble*

Edited by Darksbane

Nice try there Mr. Euro. No I will not send you a box of anything, ever.

Chicken? ;)

Nice try there Mr. Euro. No I will not send you a box of anything, ever.

Chicken? ;)

If by "chicken" you mean "not dumb enough to fall for your obvious attempt to harass me to the point of giving you something you don't deserve for free" then yes, I am a chicken.

Nice snip by the way.

Not -1, don't be purposely difficult.

That wasn't my purpose. I just wanted to show that zero is a special case in games. You cannot think simply mathematically.

But it seems that we have reached that situation, where whatever I say it will be simply ended with "geez, just wait for official release", and it really doesn't matter where this discussion comes from. It really doesn't matter that I said we play that you cannot do this. It really doesn't matter I wanted to share my thoughts about this game. The only thing people will remember (incorrectly) that I am suggesting that one or more dice includes zero. I swear, nobody reads with understanding anymore.

There is a scenario were you could discard a card but not actually re-roll a die.

If there is a card (event or support) that negates the re-roll. Or say a support that says something like "exhaust this support when your opponent discards to re-roll, and -1 from eligible dice" Then if you only had one die on the table, the support would reduce eligible die to zero.

So it could happen. But the rule itself is sufficiently written.

Not -1, don't be purposely difficult.

That wasn't my purpose. I just wanted to show that zero is a special case in games. You cannot think simply mathematically.

But it seems that we have reached that situation, where whatever I say it will be simply ended with "geez, just wait for official release", and it really doesn't matter where this discussion comes from. It really doesn't matter that I said we play that you cannot do this. It really doesn't matter I wanted to share my thoughts about this game. The only thing people will remember (incorrectly) that I am suggesting that one or more dice includes zero. I swear, nobody reads with understanding anymore.

See, I don't think we misunderstood. You are trying to find specific issues with the rules. Said rules are not out yet. End of story.

How you play it and how you feel about it are completely irrelevant in that context. How you choose to play a game that isn't released yet has no bearing on anything. You might feel that they need to FAQ, but until the rules are released you have no evidence to support that claim.

If anything, most people are seeing through the BS that doesn't matter and focusing on the one thing that does, but is also completely conjecture on your part at this time.

The "woe is me" tone of your post made me laugh though.

Yea because duplicate buys, just for cards, isn't a thing

There will almost certainly be a FAQ. But not necessarily because the official rules are unclear, but because people ask the most silly questions in the world and then hide behind "well it doesn't explicitly say!". Half of the questions in the now 12+ page X-Wing FAQ don't really need to exist if people just read the rules.

This is actually a very sound point. FAQ means "Frequently Asked Question" not necessarily "Fixes About lower Quality rules". Sometimes FAQ entries clarify obscure (or badly worded) points in the rulebooks, and sometimes it's just because people keep on asking the very same over and over again even if it's in the rules.

Anyhoo, discarding one card to not reroll dice? Regardless of whether it's legal or not (no clue, from the quoted wording on the card "1 or more" seems pretty evident to me), the point is that you become weaker against milling strategies and possibly it's something you don't want to happen, considering you lose the game if you don't have cards in hand and in the deck.

Certainly some of these questions can be fully (not quasi) answered by the rules sheet we already have. Sometimes rules can be unclear, but for now, I think most of the answers I've provided below are quite clear from the rules as written.

I played already more than 10 games with real decks (build from 30% spoiled cards) and without establishing some rulings it's no use playing.

It's NO USE playing? That sounds like hyperbole. None of these scenarios seems game breaking to me.

Can you resolve more than one die with special ability during one action?

Yes. According to the rules: "You may resolve any number of dice in your pool that have the same symbol, one at a time." No special note is made of Special abilities, so what's to wonder? If you end up with multiple special die showing, and your opponent hasn't interacted with them, congrats, it's combo time.

What is zero philosophy in this game? Can you reroll zero ("any number") dice? Can you discard a card to reroll zero dice? Can you play an event just for playing? E.g. Dodge zero dice?

The rules never say you can reroll any number of dice. They state: " reroll one or more dice in your pool." So no, you cannot discard a card to reroll zero dice. You cannot meet all the requirements of the action, so you cannot do the action.

However, with a card like Dodge, you CAN play it to remove zero dice. It never says to remove one or more dice, it says "Remove all of an opponent's dice showing ranged damage." So you can play it if they have none, you just remove all of none.

Can you replace an upgrade even if a character has less than three upgrades?

Yes. Nowhere in the rules does it say you can only replace an upgrade if they have 3 already. The rules state: "When you play an upgrade, you can choose to replace an upgrade that is already attached to that character. To do so, you only spend resources equal to the difference in cost between the two upgrades. Discard the upgrade you are replacing." You'd have to add in your own words to cause any confusion.

What restrictions are valid during redeploy?

From what I have seen, there aren't any upgrades that have restrictions that can redeploy. This could be by design. However, if we find out that a card with redeploy CAN have a restriction, then I'll agree with you, the rules are vague. The rules state: "...move this upgrade to ANY of your other characters." That makes it sound like ANY of your other characters. This is something that, if we see Redeploy cards with restrictions, would need clarification. My ruling would be that the card's restriction trumps the rule (as this is almost always the case with card games.)

Timing during resolving focus for another focus.

I believe you're asking if you can Focus a die onto its Focus side, and then use that die as part of the original action. Good question, and again here the rules are slightly vague. My ruling currently would be that the number of dice you are resolving is chosen at the start of your action. If somehow more dice showing that symbol appear during the action, you would have to use a separate action to resolve those. While I haven't played this game yet, I'm having a hard time picturing why I would want to focus a die into a focus. Why not just use the original focus to do whatever the second die would do?

Awakening - can other modifiers apply to this one die?

"Resolve one of your dice showing a modified side." The action of using the card only lets you resolve one die. It is not the same as using the "Resolve Your Dice" action built into the rules. So no, you cannot add other modified dice to it.

Let the wookie win - what if opponent has only one die? Zero dice?

While I think this card can be vague, I think the answer to this specific question is clear. Your opponent must choose something she is able to do. If she cannot remove two dice, then she cannot choose that option. If the card did not grant a choice, and merely said "Opponent removes 2 of their dice" then you could play it on an opponent with 0-1 dice, and they would have to remove as many as possible. The rules could use some tightening up here regarding making choices, but every other card game I've played makes you choose something that you can do.

How max works: can Qui-Gon use his ability if he has 3 shields?

So the question is, since he has the max of 3, is the shield ability completely negated, therefore making his " Before this character gains 1 or more shields.." clause useless. The rules don't say that shield gaining is negated, they only say that "A character cannot have more than 3 shields." In this case, Qui Gon would never HAVE more than 3, so you can use his ability.

BB-8 special - can I use it if there is no other die?

Good question. In Magic (the most comprehensive card game rules out there) a card would say "up to one" if you could choose zero. Unclear at this point what the developers had in mind here. I'd rule that you need another die because it does not say "up to one."

Is Luke drawing mandatory?

Yes. If it doesn't say "you may" then you must.

Yes, I know that some are less important, some are "quasi answered" by rules, and some are just doubts. If you like to discuss please do so in a new thread.

Edited by Runnestrand

The rules never say you can reroll any number of dice.

From what I have seen, there aren't any upgrades that have restrictions that can redeploy.

why I would want to focus a die into a focus.

But who cares, right? The rules are not out yet. End of story.

The rules never say you can reroll any number of dice.

Just for clarity: I was talking about card abilities.

From what I can see, we have one card currently spoiled that can reroll any number of dice (Daring Escape: "Reroll any number of an opponent's dice. Then remove all their dice showing blanks.") You can absolutely reroll zero dice when a card says "any number". Specifically with this card, if all of your opponent's dice were showing blanks, you could play daring escape, reroll nothing, and then remove all of their dice. Every other spoiled card that mentions rerolling is more specific ("A die" "Up to 2 die"). In the case of "Up to N" then zero would also be acceptable.

Certainly some of these questions can be fully (not quasi) answered by the rules sheet we already have. Sometimes rules can be unclear, but for now, I think most of the answers I've provided below are quite clear from the rules as written.

I played already more than 10 games with real decks (build from 30% spoiled cards) and without establishing some rulings it's no use playing.

It's NO USE playing? That sounds like hyperbole. None of these scenarios seems game breaking to me.

Can you resolve more than one die with special ability during one action?

Yes. According to the rules: "You may resolve any number of dice in your pool that have the same symbol, one at a time." No special note is made of Special abilities, so what's to wonder? If you end up with multiple special die showing, and your opponent hasn't interacted with them, congrats, it's combo time.

What is zero philosophy in this game? Can you reroll zero ("any number") dice? Can you discard a card to reroll zero dice? Can you play an event just for playing? E.g. Dodge zero dice?

The rules never say you can reroll any number of dice. They state: " reroll one or more dice in your pool." So no, you cannot discard a card to reroll zero dice. You cannot meet all the requirements of the action, so you cannot do the action.

However, with a card like Dodge, you CAN play it to remove zero dice. It never says to remove one or more dice, it says "Remove all of an opponent's dice showing ranged damage." So you can play it if they have none, you just remove all of none.

Can you replace an upgrade even if a character has less than three upgrades?

Yes. Nowhere in the rules does it say you can only replace an upgrade if they have 3 already. The rules state: "When you play an upgrade, you can choose to replace an upgrade that is already attached to that character. To do so, you only spend resources equal to the difference in cost between the two upgrades. Discard the upgrade you are replacing." You'd have to add in your own words to cause any confusion.

What restrictions are valid during redeploy?

From what I have seen, there aren't any upgrades that have restrictions that can redeploy. This could be by design. However, if we find out that a card with redeploy CAN have a restriction, then I'll agree with you, the rules are vague. The rules state: "...move this upgrade to ANY of your other characters." That makes it sound like ANY of your other characters. This is something that, if we see Redeploy cards with restrictions, would need clarification. My ruling would be that the card's restriction trumps the rule (as this is almost always the case with card games.)

Timing during resolving focus for another focus.

I believe you're asking if you can Focus a die onto its Focus side, and then use that die as part of the original action. Good question, and again here the rules are slightly vague. My ruling currently would be that the number of dice you are resolving is chosen at the start of your action. If somehow more dice showing that symbol appear during the action, you would have to use a separate action to resolve those. While I haven't played this game yet, I'm having a hard time picturing why I would want to focus a die into a focus. Why not just use the original focus to do whatever the second die would do?

Awakening - can other modifiers apply to this one die?

"Resolve one of your dice showing a modified side." The action of using the card only lets you resolve one die. It is not the same as using the "Resolve Your Dice" action built into the rules. So no, you cannot add other modified dice to it.

Let the wookie win - what if opponent has only one die? Zero dice?

While I think this card can be vague, I think the answer to this specific question is clear. Your opponent must choose something she is able to do. If she cannot remove two dice, then she cannot choose that option. If the card did not grant a choice, and merely said "Opponent removes 2 of their dice" then you could play it on an opponent with 0-1 dice, and they would have to remove as many as possible. The rules could use some tightening up here regarding making choices, but every other card game I've played makes you choose something that you can do.

How max works: can Qui-Gon use his ability if he has 3 shields?

So the question is, since he has the max of 3, is the shield ability completely negated, therefore making his " Before this character gains 1 or more shields.." clause useless. The rules don't say that shield gaining is negated, they only say that "A character cannot have more than 3 shields." In this case, Qui Gon would never HAVE more than 3, so you can use his ability.

BB-8 special - can I use it if there is no other die?

Good question. In Magic (the most comprehensive card game rules out there) a card would say "up to one" if you could choose zero. Unclear at this point what the developers had in mind here. I'd rule that you need another die because it does not say "up to one."

Is Luke drawing mandatory?

Yes. If it doesn't say "you may" then you must.

Yes, I know that some are less important, some are "quasi answered" by rules, and some are just doubts. If you like to discuss please do so in a new thread.

Thanks for the time you took to cover all these questions (I'm saying this because someone else forgot to thank)

I seriously thought this company was better than this. I never thought I'd see the day when Fantasy Flight would start releasing intentionally exploitative collectible games. FFG has always been a consumer first company, using superior quality to sell their products: it's absolutely shameful that they've decided to sell gambling to children.

I'm personally heartbroken over this choice. What happened to the company that wrote this simple, elegant take down of blind buy packs?

For shame, Fantasy Flight. You've seriously gone down in my estimation.

Shame? Really??? Pffft... (rolls eyes)

There are numerous non-collectible Star Wars games that FFG puts out. And when I say numerous, I mean NUMEROUS. Star Wars LCG, X-Wing, Armada, Imperial Assault, Rebellion, a few different RPGs...pick your poison. You have PLENTY to choose from.

So if you really are personally heartbroken that they've decided to go the collectible route this time around (and I repeat -- their non-collectible SW games outweigh their collectible ones like 7 to 1) then perhaps gaming isn't for you.