Save DOOM - Online-Petition for the future support of a great boardgame

By Beckikaze, in Doom

I contacted them about a year ago and Thaadd said they don't have anymore in stock :(

Sooo, when the Christmas sale came around and sold Doom for $20, I bought 2 copies, just to get the engraved dice! :) (extra components is good too ;)


You think you might be able to get Chessex or some other dice-producing company to custom-make some engraved Doom Dice? Or is that breaching a copyright?

Um, not sure since the symbols being used on the dice are very generic (you cannot copyright something like that, you could trademark it though). Either way, I highly doubt there'd be any problems with Chessex printing them. They printed The Warp's special psychic die:


The biggest problem would be the cost. You'd probably have to pay at least $5 per die, and that can add up with the number of dice you need to buy!

Your best option is probably to buy blank dice and print stickers up for them (which many people have done with the original dice, just put labels on them of their original nubmers).


shnar said:

Um, not sure since the symbols being used on the dice are very generic (you cannot copyright something like that, you could trademark it though). Either way, I highly doubt there'd be any problems with Chessex printing them. They printed The Warp's special psychic die:

My gut reaction would've been "no they probably wouldn't duplicate another company's proprietary design" but if they made that purple die for Warp, maybe I'm out to lunch on that one. Or maybe the person who took the order didn't realize/care about the potential infringement. Either way, I guess it can't hurt to ask them.

shnar said:

The biggest problem would be the cost. You'd probably have to pay at least $5 per die, and that can add up with the number of dice you need to buy!

Your best option is probably to buy blank dice and print stickers up for them (which many people have done with the original dice, just put labels on them of their original nubmers).

That's another option. If you want to go the sticker route, I'd start by checking BGG to see if someone's already made some print outs you could use.

There are, but I'm too lazy to go look them up ;)


I'm pretty sure I've seen copies of the base game and the expansion in local gaming stores around here. It may be out of print but that doesn't mean there aren't copies collecting dust out there. =)

I'd suggest phoning around every gaming store you can find in your area to see if anyone still has it in stock. Maybe check neighbouring towns too, if you have a means of transport and are willing to travel a bit.

I don't have many gaming stores around here to phone them.

I have dropped my signature for the cause.

I'm really just hoping that FFG simply develops a new game that has a similar combat system and modular boards. It can simply be a scifi version of Descent... some horror elements in there, but if it's space marines (or something on that line) in a ship or space station, shooting it out against alien creatures (or from another dimension, as opposed to from Hell), they can do whatever they want with it. And, the idea being that you could add in your Doom components as well with little or no adjustment.

I think opening up the genre and setting a little gives the game a really wide appeal and more potential for story and settings. With Doom, you were a little more constrained. They opened Descent into a pirating-like campaign, so a scifi version of the game could go to alien worlds with no limitations.

The Warp said:

I'm really just hoping that FFG simply develops a new game that has a similar combat system and modular boards. It can simply be a scifi version of Descent... some horror elements in there, but if it's space marines (or something on that line) in a ship or space station, shooting it out against alien creatures (or from another dimension, as opposed to from Hell), they can do whatever they want with it. And, the idea being that you could add in your Doom components as well with little or no adjustment.

If you just want another sci-fi setting for this engine, I think the most obvious choice would be to set it in the Twilight Imperium universe. Of course, you'd have to either divide the existing races into "good" (whose figures will compose the "heroes/marines") and "evil" (whose figures will be the enemy/invaders) or else you'd have to create a new threat to the galaxy at large, at which point you could use all the existing races for hero designs. I think either idea could be made to work.

That said, I'm not sure I'd be interested in buying yet another game with this engine (as I believe I have said before.) Doom is expandable enough to suit my needs, with new scenarios and so on. Descent keeps things alive for this game engine (and frequently causes mind-boggling logical debates.) Little TI figures of various races would be really tempting but it's about the only thing that would compel me to buy such a game.

Hmm, a sci-fi version of Terrinoth? So we could play as descendants of One Fist and Steel Horns? ;)

Would be cool though, if anything to just have a better supported game.


I have written four scenarios for my DOOM (basic) campaign with a lot of ideas in it, but it is still in German. I don´t have enough time to translate it as well and I also think, that the German community is much smaller than yours. :)

Maybe it´s true, that there won´t be any further expansions for this game. Nonetheless I have send a private message to Kevin Wilson and asked him about the rumors of a scenario book and so on. But he didn´t answer.

I would like to see more excitement from the german community for this game, but it seems that all have set a sail to canoe into Descent waters...

Thaadd (Customer Support Goddess) pretty much confirmed on another thread that FFG let the license for Doom expire and so they *cannot* produce any more Doom related products :(


-signs petition-

I got the core doom game over 2 years ago, got really excited, but didn't get to play it as much as I wanted. now I've started playing again and looked into getting the expansion. I was really bummed to find that the game's license is now officially lapsed, and before I could get my expansion, too! I don't want to hock up $100 for a copy off ebay, but I may have to....

Try *all* your local FGS first. One of mine recently bought out the inventory of another one and they had one copy of the Expansion. I own two of them (thank you FFG Christmas Sale) so I told a friend about it. In 30 min, he was there buying the copy. You may be surprised and someone in your region may have a copy lingering in the back...


skroo said:

-signs petition-

I got the core doom game over 2 years ago, got really excited, but didn't get to play it as much as I wanted. now I've started playing again and looked into getting the expansion. I was really bummed to find that the game's license is now officially lapsed, and before I could get my expansion, too! I don't want to hock up $100 for a copy off ebay, but I may have to....

I second Shnar's suggestion about making sure to check all local gaming stores ("local" in this case meaning all gaming stores within a radius you are both able and willing to search - I would recommend phoning places before traveling too far to no avail.) You never know who might still have a copy floating around.

I'd also suggest checking out local flea markets and other used websites (kijiji, craigslist.) I've found that people advertising on those websites don't always ask the ridiculously high prices one sees on eBay. Perhaps because it's not an auction system, or perhaps because people are just trying to get rid of some crap instead of actually making any serious amount of cash. One man's trash, after all.