What The Future Holds >> A Downloadable Preview for WFRP

By ynnen, in WFRP Archived Announcements

Now that so many fans have had a chance to experience Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay , players around the world are eager to see how Fantasy Flight Games will be developing the line to enhance their campaigns and add even more excitement to their roleplaying sessions.

Be sure to check out the latest downloadable content for WFRP, Sifting Through Shadows , a portent of the future from renowned Grey Wizard Gavius Klugge, who penned much of the Tome of Mysteries found in the core set.


Wiser souls than I need to break down these shadows and make some guesses.

It's pretty clear that there's a Tome of Magic supplement coming...

But what of the others???

Enigmatic at best.

But if I had to guess:

1. The Gathering Storm (we already know about it)

2. Game Master Toolkit, and maybe Players Handbook

3. Magic Compedium

4. Bestiary ?

Sunatet said:

Enigmatic at best.

But if I had to guess:

1. The Gathering Storm (we already know about it)

2. Game Master Toolkit, and maybe Players Handbook

3. Magic Compedium

4. Bestiary ?

I agree with all of these, except for 4 maybe. The last one is the hardest to figure out IMO. A bestiary would be useful, but there isn't enough variance in the descriptions to point towards one. If I had to guess I would say another Campagin/Adventure set or Sourcebook centered around the Skaven. Personally I hope it is another Campaign as I am not a big fan of sourcebooks (well for warhammer mainly as there is so much information and books out there already).

No matter what the 4th product is, the other three (if they are correct) would be very welcome addittions.

You are right, after rereading few more times the 4-th one really looks more like a campaign than a bestiary.

There are wordings that suggest that the fourth supplement is a bestiary

... greed and lust .... = slaanesh

... foul promises made with foulsome things = chaos worshipping

... scurrying of vermin ... = skaven

... stench of dead things ... = undead

Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with the Gathering Storm/GM stuff/Magic/Bestiary theory. We'll already have one campaign/adventure available and it would be nice to have a big pile of official antagonists in the new FFG paradigm cards, standies, etc. So... even if it's not a bestiary, perhaps by being a loudmouthed lout I CAN MAKE IT BE ONE! I WANT MORE BEASTIES!

Plus, that'll be what, a *year* out on the horizon (given the supposed 3 months/supplement schedule). That's too long to wait for more critters...

Commoner sourcebook and family album of the little but ill-tempered pooch.



Foreword: a Druidess? Will they maybe make a return? Or the rest of the priests?
First shadow: The Gathering Storm - this was a no brainer.
Second shadow: More toolkits. But who is that Nemesis? Maybe the GM? Assistance for both players and GMs perhaps. I hope Knights are included.
Third shadow: Magic companion, yeah! But what is the broken wheel in the middle?
Fourth shadow: Bestiary. Cool

I follow your lead on this, getting rid of magic, gm toolkit and bestiary this year would be great news. The basics would be dealt with and they could bring some more goodies on chaos, other species and part of the world :) .

Sunatet said:

Enigmatic at best.

But if I had to guess:

1. The Gathering Storm (we already know about it)

2. Game Master Toolkit, and maybe Players Handbook

3. Magic Compedium

4. Bestiary ?

The 1st i The Gathering Storm for sure.

The 2nd in my opinion is a new supplement just like the Toolkit but with a new Character Sheet and new carrers. But if this would be a Players Handbook it will also ok for me.

The 3rd is a magic Compendium for sure, especially for this I can't wait becouse one of my players is a big fan o magic.

the 4th can be a bestiary or a Skaven book or even better a big book of Chaos in all it forms.

I don't care what it would be I will still buy it! Can't wait for more supplements for WFRP! My favoured game! :D

Ravenheart87 said:

Foreword: a Druidess? Will they maybe make a return? Or the rest of the priests?

"Druid" is just another name for a Jade Wizard, according to Realms of Sorcery v2.

I think it will be more of something like an Adventurers Toolkit 2 or something like that (hopefully with about double the amount of stuff in it). I don't (or at least hope) it's not a Game Masters guide. I wish all Games would give those piles up. I'd hope FFG would instead realize that GM tools should be included with player tools, especially in their current format, which would be an insentive for everyone buy in, not just GM'S. I mean, there is no reason why Magic Items can't be dropped in either the Magic Boxset or an adventurers box that includes a boat load more careers, cards, talents, and the like. It just makes sense to me.

First one gathering storm, second thought players toolkit before nemies, third magic which makes me happy, fourth skaven source book, or campaign at a guess

FFG likes to bundle a module and a design kit (Xenos design in DH, spaceship design in RT) with their GM screens. So this product is probably the GM Screen (or some equivalent) with a module and a "Tailoring a Nemesis" guide.

The fourth I would guess is a Chaos supplement or a bestiary, focusing on Chaos, skaven, and possibly mutation (drawable cards like insanities, perhaps)?

The campaign and the magic supplement are the obvious ones, and will be interested in learning more.


I think the 'broken wheel' means that rules for Dark Magic will be in to Magic Supplement. Also, the second shadow is clearly some form of GM kit with rules for at least a couple of other colour wizards - and I think the 'Nemesis' might be a Chaos Sorcerer career.

Allavandrel said:

There are wordings that suggest that the fourth supplement is a bestiary

... greed and lust .... = slaanesh

... foul promises made with foulsome things = chaos worshipping

... scurrying of vermin ... = skaven

... stench of dead things ... = undead

Good catch, I am now more inclined to believe that it is infact a bestiary.

Allavandrel said:

There are wordings that suggest that the fourth supplement is a bestiary

... greed and lust .... = slaanesh

... foul promises made with foulsome things = chaos worshipping

... scurrying of vermin ... = skaven

... stench of dead things ... = undead

It can be also translated as:

Some greedy ugly noble wanted someones daughter, his lust made him to make a deal with foulsome things ("the depths to which he will sink to achieve his goals") that turned out to be skaven, and in the result of that deal, were many dead things.

There is also something about "a night that would not end", and Morrslieb.

Can be a campaign, can be a bestiary.

Jay knows for sure lengua.gif

First: Storm is brewing = The Gathering Storm campaign. Somewhere in there will be "a wild beast", a capering imp (demons?) and a decaying corpse (necromancy).

Second: more careers, more trackers, new sheets, etc. Or perhaps just an FFG built organizer for all of your bits and bobs. Nemesis does suggest some GM focused stuff.

Third: Myriad colours suggest the winds of magic; i.e. a magic sourcebook ala the original Realms of Sorcery. But there is something ominous in the colors (and the image of a "broken wheel") - perhaps it covers chaos & necromancy and other dark and fell arts as well? What does the broken wheel mean? A fractured school of magic? More powerful hedgewizardy? A return to elementalism?

Fourth: "Greed & lust", "pride", "foul promises", etc. seem to point to a Tome of Corruption-esque book. "Scurrying Vermin" = skaven, "smelt the stench of dead things" = necromancy or vampires. The phrase about the noble's mask suggests something to do with cults.

I think the broken wheel has something to do with the eight lores of magic for the picture below it shows it. By broken could they mean that it is the lores that arn't covered in the core set, sort of finishing the broken wheel in a sense. it could also mean that the lores at war or at least suspisious of others.

The last two images suggest some sort of skaven campaign.

Hmmm where have I seen the circular object before, I wonder? Oh yeah from back in 1991 in ADVANCED HEROQUEST. A great boardgame collaborated between GW and BM. In the risk of presenting som spoilers, the only thing I will say about the main campaign in AHQ, was that it involved, skaven and broken circles. If I am right, oh dear it will be a blast.!!!!!


Sorry for double posting, here`s a image of the broken circle that we found in parts in the ADVANCED HEROQUEST. A great campaign detailing all the nasty sides of skaven, as we plunged into the dungeons seeking parts of the broken circle. I had such fond memories of AHQ, more a rpg than a boardgame. the best part of it was that there was rules for playing solo. You and a henchman on some dungeoncrawl. it was fun, and my introduction to the warhammer world and rpgs in general.

The Broken Circle

The broken circle

One thing that bothers me about the bestiary theory is that the text doesn't make any references to greenskins. To me this strenghtens the proposal of a Tome of Corruption kind-of-supplement, and it may indirectly suggests that there will be a greenskin sourcebook...

The reference to 'a night that would not end' leads thoughts to the situation in the Empire in IC 2522 during the Storm of Chaos - maybe a scenario is included in the fourth book.

I think the fourth shadow is a Chaos supplement.

Allavandrel said:

The reference to 'a night that would not end' leads thoughts to the situation in the Empire in IC 2522 during the Storm of Chaos - maybe a scenario is included in the fourth book.

No way man: the Tyrant Star is going to come over and visit the Warhammer Fantasy world.