Storm warden psyker

By cobra1994, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Hi, I am new to rp game, I want to make a Storm wardens psyker.

The spell caLL To arms in Storm Wardens Powers seems fun but its a Sustained spell so I have to spend a half action eath turn to sustain it.

So as long as I sustain it I cant cast full action spell (like force dome ? or I can but it takes 2 turn to cast the new spell?

If a power (or ability) requires a Half Action to Sustain, then you must spend a Half Action to Sustain it, leaving you with a Half Action remaining to continue acting with (unless you decline to Sustain at the start of the turn).

If a power (or ability) requires a Full Action to activate, then you must spend a Full Action to activate it, because the power/ability requires your character's Full attention (pun intended) to do so.

OVERALL RULING : So No , you cannot spend a Half Action across two (2) turns to have a "Full" Action.

It would be akin to cutting an un-baked pie in half; then putting one half of the un-baked pie into an oven, and later putting the other un-baked half into the oven separately.

The result is a very messy oven, and zero pie. :P

Edited by pendrake71

I tend to agree with the above. Under ''normal'' circumstances it should be 'one at a time'' whrnnit comes to psi powers.

Of course 40k and naturally deathwatch is all about the big, huge, larger than life heroes doing the impossible and becoming legends.

If you really want to try this you might be able to try if you make several.rolls, like one to maintain the half action power, then one to try to cast half a full action power, in addition to casting the power. On the next turn repeat. If you succeed in all those rolls (do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do ya?!) Then it works. And you becone a legendary figure, and possibly get investigated by the Inquisition for being a little too good at psyker stuff...

Fail one and you lose everything you were doing and possibly suffer some other consequence, the psychic version of a torn ligament...

Edited by Professor Tanhauser

thanks :) !

I have another question about this spell.

I am a rank 1 psyker so my PR is 3 so if I push the spell I have 6 PR, so for exemple with the spell " caLL To arms" I will create 6 soldier, after their creation when I sustain the spell, does the spell remain like this or 3 soldiers disappear?

In other words with sustained spell the PR is taken into account "in real time" or its my PR I had when I launched the spell who matters?

Sustained psy powers stay at the psy level you created them.

Edited by Avdnm