Transfer android app save to Steam version?

By JT9247, in Road to Legend


My friends and I started a Road to Legend campaign on my android phone. It is about to die, and we'd like to start playing on a bigger screen anyway. I am want to move our save file from the android device to steam.

I tried to just restart the campaign on steam and just click through missions we had done, but the store items seem randomized, so it never ends up the same as our previous run through.We like the items we have and have grown attached to using them.

A save editor would be fine as well. Just something where we could choose what items we already have and gold we have left.

I have doubts that either of these options will be possible, so any other ideas would be helpful.

I agree that it would be better to have the possibility of transferring information between the different versions. I would be glad to be able to choose between using my Kindle Fire (which does not support Steam) or my laptop.