Did you report it officially?
Road to Legend Bug Report
I reported the relic tracking problem months ago, and it took months until I got a message that my report had been passed on. But considering how rushed out this minor update was, I'm not surprised they didn't fix that.
R.I.P. Asmodee/FFG. Blacklist Games is the new FFG 🙂
Hello FFG - have you ever read this thread?
1 hour ago, kraisto said:R eported this bug more than two years ago and nothing (Serena boss fight on Delve)
Hello Kraisto, just in case you wonder what should be displayed in this activation:
Serena gains the Ranged icon. After this activation, each hero suffer damage equal to the number of conditions he has.
29 minutes ago, kbalazsa said:Hello FFG - have you ever read this thread?
If it weren't so sad I'd say good joke. They don't.
Edited by DerDelphiLet's collect the current bugs:
- Serena bug ( Serena boss fight on Delve ) - missing text during Serena activation (SERENA_1_EFFECT_LT instead of "Serena gains the Ranged icon. After this activation, each hero suffer damage equal to the number of conditions he has.")
- Missing new item descriptions and graphics for Soul Reaper and Elementalist
- Sill Training bug for Elementalist
- Acquired relics arent't added to the hero inventory in the Embers of Dread campaign
I would add - you can't buy shield - I've never ever saw a shield in the market. Should anyone else tell me he was able to do it I believe and consider it only as bad luck.
Edited by kbalazsa11 hours ago, DerDelphi said:Hello Kraisto, just in case you wonder what should be displayed in this activation:
Serena gains the Ranged icon. After this activation, each hero suffer damage equal to the number of conditions he has.
If it weren't so sad I'd say good joke. They don't.
Thanks DerDelphi.
12 hours ago, kbalazsa said:Let's collect the current bugs:
- Serena bug ( Serena boss fight on Delve ) - missing text during Serena activation (SERENA_1_EFFECT_LT instead of "Serena gains the Ranged icon. After this activation, each hero suffer damage equal to the number of conditions he has.")
- Missing new item descriptions and graphics for Soul Reaper and Elementalist
- Sill Training bug for Elementalist
- Acquired relics arent't added to the hero inventory in the Embers of Dread campaign
I would add - you can't buy shield - I've never ever saw a shield in the market. Should anyone else tell me he was able to do it I believe and consider it only as bad luck.
I have seen shields- about one per campaign. They seem unreasonably rare, even if they are one of the smaller “categories” of items.
I've reported these 4 bugs at once now but then I tested and saw that I'm able to add skills to the Elementalist. Nevertheless I will keep pushing the other 3.
I can test on PC/Steam and on Android. The Missing items are there on both platforms, but I wasn't able to test the Serena bug and the relics so far.
Feed me with info if you aware of any other current bugs.
1 hour ago, kbalazsa said:I've reported these 4 bugs at once now but then I tested and saw that I'm able to add skills to the Elementalist.
Hello Kbalazsa,
thanks for trying to get FFGs attention to this. Personally I have given up, but great that you haven't :)
J ust to clarify what the problem with the elementalist is:
Adding skills for the elementalist works fine in the RtL app, but besides the skill cards which cost XP, the elementalist will gain 2 of 4 additional elemetal cards at the beginning of a campaign, which can't be tracked in the app.
By adding certain other skills, he can also unlock cards 3 and 4 later on. The cards in question are called Tide, Blaze, Grasp and Gust.
Since there is no way to track in the app which of these card have been choosen by the elementalist, you either have to remember them or write them down manually, which is pretty contrary to the design idea of the app.
Thanks a lot, I've added this information to the thread.
Thats my only heroic feat - never give up - hope this feat will last till I'm here on earth
I have feedback now - working on the bugs, while info regarding the Elementalist extra fields:
" The only system that is currently by design is the extra skill cards presented by the Elementalist class. While we understand that it is an inconvenience to not have them tracked in the app, we did not have the bandwidth to edit the Skills menu template for the sake of this product."
6 hours ago, kbalazsa said:I have feedback now - working on the bugs, while info regarding the Elementalist extra fields:
" The only system that is currently by design is the extra skill cards presented by the Elementalist class. While we understand that it is an inconvenience to not have them tracked in the app, we did not have the bandwidth to edit the Skills menu template for the sake of this product."
Wait ... someone from FFG actually RESPONDED to your e-mail concerning bugs?
You have reached legendary status in my eyes !
It seems good news coming soon...
Great, the new update has been released today :) Thanks for reporting the issues and being persistent kbalazsa.
Yep most of the bugs are fixed now. Not only from this thread but some others as well which I found in the past during my playtime.
Just keep posting new bugs here if you find anything.
In the Nerekhall campaign there is a typo in the quest In a Manor of Speaking , regarding tiles to be laid down after the second door is opened (third area is revealed). The dialogue box mentions 59B , where it should be 51B . This is evidenced on the graphics themselves:
I missed another thing (and so did FFG): There's an Extender that needs to be added, immediately where the door was (in the image, immediately below the red token):
Edited by jvdvalk
re-upload of image
There is also another bug where the text string is not show correctly.
In the Quest "Smash and Grab", after you interact with the red token in the southern part of the map, you have to take a skill test. If you pass the test, the following is shown:
5 hours ago, jvdvalk said:In the Nerekhall campaign there is a typo in the quest In a Manor of Speaking , regarding tiles to be laid down after the second door is opened (third area is revealed). The dialogue box mentions 59B , where it should be 51B . This is evidenced on the graphics themselves:
Edit: Important! I missed another thing (and so did FFG): There's an Extender that needs to be added, immediately where the door was (in the image, immediately below the red token):
I can't see this picture...
Edited by kbalazsaOdd, it shows up for me in Chrome on the PC, but not on my phone browser...
15 hours ago, jvdvalk said:Odd, it shows up for me in Chrome on the PC, but not on my phone browser...
I've tried it in Chrome/Firefox, on phone - can't see it. Pls. add it again, I could send a new collection of bugs to be fixed so I could be needed for that.
Sorry about that, it should work now. I was struggling with how Google Photos works with sharing (public viewing), but I think I worked it out.
Edit: Also explains why it showed up for me before in Chrome, because I was logged in to my Google account. I tested now incognito and on my phone, it shows up.
Edited by jvdvalkclarification
Thanks, these 2 (or 3) are reported now, hopefully will be fixed soon.
On 12/23/2018 at 7:06 AM, player1501429 said:We defeated Splig the goblin king in our first main quest from the Rise of All Goblins campaign. After we defeated his goblin minions and of course him. We got a cutscene that we finished the first quest and win with a button for the end game. After that a promotional thing came up for the Kindered Fire, but after that only black screen comes. While the music is playing the game reacts to nothing anymore. If i close the game and restart it the quest starts again. The black screen comes whatever we win or loose the game. Is this normal?
Same thing happened to me today. Any fix for this?