Vykes' Shipwright

By Vykes, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

Hmm, well I'll be looking forward to seeing it painted mate :P I'm not a big fan of the legends one, but I can see the appeal of matching the MK.I.

hah, nice'n Stuh! Man, I wonder if I could magnetize a sign like that for the back of a ship :P Thus, it would always be easy to tell what's my flagship. Man now that I look at it, the dreads do sort of have a resemblance to Spaceball One, so do the Recusant class.

Well, I was watching the world cup game (Congrats to team Europe for that game, they played fantastic) and that meant I wasn't focusing much. So, I painted up most of my second liberty. Lights and the like will be on tomorrow with the dreads, as well as some clean up work. I painted up most of an IA figure, turns out that's way harder for me when there's a distraction.

4j71tx.jpg .

Not as pretty as the last Liberty, but it's another Liberty nonetheless.

Edited by Vykes

I disagree Vykes, I like the colors of your 2nd Liberty better. Did you ever post a shot of the 1st ones lights and also an engine shot? I'm really looking to see how you do the engines on these. I haven't really been into painting my rebel ships as I like the stock paint jobs but I really want to do the engines on the Libery.

-laughs- glad to hear it, I still prefer the first. I think I did an engine shot, but man, Mon Cal engines are hard to photograph properly. Actually my whole photo-sense is pretty terrible on ships today (fine on IA). But I'm not a huge fan of how the lighting came out on this ship. I need to retip my brushes again, but either way, not liking this Liberty much, and the picture keeps coming out less blue (the previous picture's hull shade is correct, this'n more grey). Second picture is cooler :P





Hooded effect, the inside of those nozzels is pure white but cameras don't like to pick it up. I went with the yellow/orange sort of colour for the Dreads. They're not bad, I just wish I could make them a touch brighter. Either way, the overhangs and shadows make it look odd as a picture but fine in person. I'll see if I can snap a few extra pictures and I'll paste 'em on here.


Lets see, news-bits, my Type III's are still in production, I kinda wonder if I should have gotten a type III and a type V, even if I prefer the longer tougher Type III (just because assault frigates are so haphazard). And I'm fairly set on picking up another 2 dreads some time, they're some of my favourite ships to own. Oh, and I'll put up another Ceknell thing later.

Edited by Vykes

You've got to have some Sunburst yellow stashed somewhere, Vykes.

I do totally agree, they need to go brighter - you've got to ladel in that White, man... You're being positively conservative with those Dread Engines... That's not like you... that's more of a me thing :D

-laughs- I do, actually I have a shade that's a tough lighter than sunburst. The scary thing is, I actually got that yellow by starting off with a white spray that bothered me to no end, so I muted it down with watered down Averland sunset. It's exceptionally odd as it should be sunburst or even a little lighter due to the thinning, but it's just not showing up. So, I went over it again with some thinned sunburst, said 'the hell with it' and threw in a 1:1 sunburst and skull white. We'll see how it turns out dry, but I'm liking it more :P

Conservative with dread engines, maybe the powerplants suck as much as the VSD's do :P I'm gonna fix that!

Post Scriptum: There, tipped it up so the light actually was able to get at the colour, propped it on a piece of my star-field felt, and it looks pretty close with the starburst. Goes on a little less green-ish when it's not diluted to the degree it was before. I'm still thinking of adding another pass or two of white/sunburst.


Edited by Vykes

I see what you mean on the Liberty engines. I bet they look much better in real life than the photographs. I think maybe if you did a super bright white around the nozzles maybe they would pop a little more. I like the lights you did but they aren't as easy and uniform as the ISD's. Still great work. If I played rebels I'd paint mine up but so far it's just been modifying my 2 rebel transports and doing their engines. Keep up the good work!

Vast Improvement there, Vyksey - Very vastly improved. The colour transition was just too subtle , and the shadows were destroying it completely... You can see it even there with the fact that the bottom engines still seem considerably darker than the top.

Again, personally, I'd go further with the white - but find that medium you're happy with, man... I'm just jelly I can't give it a go myself :D

Aye, that they do Big Mac, that they do. Cameras pick up some odd shadows, you see it in particular on CR90's with the divots at the back of the engines, it's an almost undetectable dip but on a camera it looks like they're black or grey holes. The area around those engines is actually white, or just a hair off (It's an airbrush paint white so it has a lower opacity) then I used a pure unadulturated Citadel Skull white on the inside. I'll put up a picture beneath the last one so you can see it, capturing the engines tends to wipe out the blue that's actually on the engines, but the other doesn't get the white, it's infuriating. :P The lights though... maybe I was just tired, but I am thinking of doing them over again. I don't like 'em much. The transports are a bunch of fun though! hope you're enjoying 'em. Aye, I shall, I shall.

Thanks Drassy, I do agree it was too subtle. I figured 'worse engines/less pronounced. But I didn't want to make them look as hard working as my CR90's usually do so there was a lot less room to play with. I may do some white but I find it tends to wash out the colour when I'm doing them like this without the extra room on the nozzels for colour bleed. That said, the texture is almost perfect for it. They are seriously awesome ships though :P

Lets see, looks like my AF I's are in the mail! I thought long and hard about how they looked and how different Assault frigates should look. I have something in mind... I may do a little bit of a conversion. But no worries, it's nothing big, nothing big at all, hardly noticeable in fact.

Lets see, looks like my AF I's are in the mail! I thought long and hard about how they looked and how different Assault frigates should look. I have something in mind... I may do a little bit of a conversion. But no worries, it's nothing big, nothing big at all, hardly noticeable in fact.

No fair! I ordered mine before you did. Then again, I do have a much larger order, but still... :P

Have you gotten anything new yet Vykes? USPS says my order is currently "Out for Delivery" I should have it when I get home today! YAY!

Niiice, I had wondered if this was gonna be the case :P It takes about 10-14 days for anything to get in, and while mine shipped out, I'm not expecting anything for another few days yet. I've got a few fighters I have to paint up, but right now, not much Armada wise. Just some IA stuff.


Do you have a thread with your Imperial Assualt figures painted? I wanted to see how you paint them just for the heck of it and didn't see anything for you in the IA forum.

Nah, nothing there yet. I probably won't till I get to do up a whole bunch of Rebel commandos, troopers, etc. But I'll put a preview of some stuff here behind a spoiler wall. So, yeah.

IA gooeyness. Haven't done up the bases yet, but that'll be soon.







Those lot are probably aboard ships, and theeeere's the connection to Armada :P But seriously, a few more waves of IA which give me speeder bikes, some Imperial armsmen, and some more fleet-like/commando-esque things rather than just a bunch of filthy force users and mercs, and I'll be down for some IA proper.

Edited by Vykes

Awesome characters! I love the light saber glow on Vader's cape!!!

Thanks mate! I'm pretty happy with Vader too. And now I have that evil, vile, horrible, maaaany many times repainted Twi'lek saber spinner.


But the one thing I'm reaaaaally happy with is something I got in the post! It wasn't my E-11, but it was something just as exciting.



They're beaaautiful! -waits for his face to melt off then explode, Raiders style- Either way, I love these new ships. Gonna do a sliiiight modification to them, but that'll have to wait (along with a Ceknell update) until after D&D night.

Post Scriptum: I wish this had been a more exciting 1,000th post but... well, I can't take it back now. Maybe I'll do some work on it in post.

Edited by Vykes

Is this the extra-super-awesomly detailed variant of the model or the simple (and waaaaaay cheaper) one?

Double post...

Edited by Norell

It's the see through kind, so the super-awesomely detailed variant of the model as Vykes isn't all that comfortable working with the non-see through WSF kind :P

Too bad. I would love to see an actual comparison between the two levels of quality.

Too bad. I would love to see an actual comparison between the two levels of quality.

No you don't, LOL. All you need to know is that Frosted Ultra Detail (FUD) is the only way to go.

I wouldn't test WSF on first time ships that I've been this excited for :P The last time I worked on a WSF I ended up thinning some milliput and rubbing it on the surface with some water to make it fill up the details, then do my best to pick them out. It's just not something I feel is worth the effort if FUD or FED is on the table. That said, I might end up snagging a few ships in that new acrylic to test.

For the record, this is the only WSF I've worked on, and while it was a fun experiment, it took a ton of work. It's X-wing but not really to its usual scale.



This is the BBG post that convinced me to go with FUD and stay with it: https://boardgamegeek.com/article/20510960#20510960

Vykes, can't wait to see what you do with those Mark III's..

Too bad. I would love to see an actual comparison between the two levels of quality.

No you don't, LOL. All you need to know is that Frosted Ultra Detail (FUD) is the only way to go.

Depends on your wallet, doesn't it? :D

Thanks mate! I'm pretty happy with Vader too. And now I have that evil, vile, horrible, maaaany many times repainted Twi'lek saber spinner.


But the one thing I'm reaaaaally happy with is something I got in the post! It wasn't my E-11, but it was something just as exciting.



They're beaaautiful! -waits for his face to melt off then explode, Raiders style- Either way, I love these new ships. Gonna do a sliiiight modification to them, but that'll have to wait (along with a Ceknell update) until after D&D night.

Post Scriptum: I wish this had been a more exciting 1,000th post but... well, I can't take it back now. Maybe I'll do some work on it in post.

I will be sadly disappointed if you don't paint at least one red with flames and a very orkey glyph on the side..............................come on do it for your elders


What paints do you use? I use GW paints and I'm curious what is the closest match to FFG imperial greys for my Interdictor.