I'm not sure if this is necessary now that we have the painting forum back, but I figured I'd migrate this here anyway.
I love looking at everyone's painted minis for this game. There are a lot of awesome threads out there showcasing everyone's work, so I figured I'd take the time to aggregate a little index of them all here so you can browse them all more easily.
I'll try to keep this updated. Please let me know if I missed your thread.
Sorastro's Painting
Polda paints more FFG plastic
Asokn's Painting
jonboyjon's painting
Leveton's painted minis and such
tsmpaul's painting
Agis IA painted minis ...
RogueLieutenant's Painted Miniatures
Sparkglow Miniatures finished
TryerImp's painting page(s)
ibsh's minis
[Painting WIP] Our Imperial Assault Models
And as a resource to painters:
Boomers paint page and conversion charts
Google Cheat Sheet for Citadel Paints
used in
Sorastro's Painting Series
My short tutorial for getting your images to appear in these forums:
Go to
Upload your images.
Once you do that come back here and start a post.
In the editing tools in the text editor, there is a button that looks like a little picture. (sort of underneath the smiley button). I've noticed these options aren't visible in when using my tablet, so it might be browser dependent.
Find the image on Imgur you want to add, right click and select, copy image address, or copy image URL, or whatever your browser says.
In the text editor for your post, click that little picture button and paste in the image URL.
Repeat for each image.