Agis IA painted minis ...

By Agis, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

More Imperial Assault minis got painted!


Two Royal Guard (never understood why the Emperor has a Royal Guard...) and an E-Web Engineer.

The flimsy plastic power cable on the model was not to my liking. Fortunately there is a solution - Zinge Industries Poseable Wire Wrapped Cable!
A great product that keeps up to it’s name.

More on the now dedicated web section:

Very nice work.

very sharp! and excellent job on the basing

Love the minis, and that you are taking bases out, as an old GW guy, I'm doing proper bases on my set as well.

Thanks Folks, yeah the bendy bases were not my thing!

I was tempted to go for clear bases, but in the end I went the good old way...


...and again some more IA minis!
( I really start to like this game!)

1st is an elite (red) Chiss Officer:
Taking an idea from Carl Woodrow's fantastic blog, I decided to paint my Elite (red) Officer as a Chiss. The head is from a privat sculpt (Galactic Bastard mini), all the rest is just paint. Admiral Thrawn was standing model. ;)

My take on the elite red Storm Trooper. Again a simple but IMO very effective head swap. The heads are from Anvil Industries Black Ops Exo Lords Helmets/Heads Set. After that a darker grey paint. Benaeth the suit they are all blue Chiss! ;)


As usual more on my Website:

I played a lot IA the last weeks.
And I even got the core 6 heroes finished.

I wanted a more or less coherent look for all 6, like a military squad. I also wanted to keep them close to the character cards.

Detailed shots of each char are on my website!

Next are the Trandoshan hunters and the AT-ST.

The AT-ST! I reposed the legs a bit, re based the minis, scratched the mold lines again, sanded it, drilled holes in the barrels and finally painted the AT-ST. And since I wanted a military and only slightly weathered look, I used German WW II grey and some weathering here and there, mostly Pigments from MIG and some edge rust and highlights.

The Trandoshan Hunters - since playing the SWTOR Jedi Consular story I like Trandoshans, Qyzen Fess is just a very rich and compelling character. The 4 minis in the box are all identical posed, so time for some conversion work. I cut the arms and head of the beige hunter and re-glued them in a slightly different pose.

And scenery!
Scenery, for what? The games comes with markers and all, or? All true, but for me it brigs the game even more to live. And since I had some Sedition Wars scenery unused, I decided to paint the terminals and some crates in Imperial grey / red.


After that I went even further, I searched the net and found some nice custom made scenery for Imperial Assault made by Combatzone Scenery !
( )


And that’s how it all looks in a game:


As usual, more pics on my website:

Wow! Really cool!



Well done, can't wait to get my hands on that combat zone terrain!

Love the imperial symbol on the AT-ST.

Thanks folks, the imperial symbol is a fan made decal! ;)


The Nexu predators - Nexus were feline creatures native to the chilly forests of the Indona continent on the planet of Cholganna. There were other breeds of nexus on Cholganna's other continents, but only the forest nexu had an additional set of eyes able to view in infrared wavelength, which aided in their hunting of bark rats and tree-climbing octopi.

Nexu were often exported and trained as security beasts, as used for patrolling on Malastare, or used in arena combat, as seen on Geonosis - you do remember the arena fight of Padme vs the Nexu in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, or?

The Imperial Assault sculpt captures the brutal feel of the Nexu very good IMO! I reposed the Nexu a bit under hot water to distinguish the two beast on the table.

more pics on my website:

Your painting is, of course, quite excellent, but I'd really like to praise your bases. The nexu look fantastic, but the base really adds to the mini and lends a little more suspension of disbelief. The slate & sand is consistent through all of the minis and really serves to draw them together. Well done, sir!

Thanks about the nice comment regarding the bases, it is IMO indeed a good idea and rewarding to have a coherent base look!

The recently released Ally Pack was just too nice to be left out.


Funny thing is that I am one of the few Star Wars fans that are NOT Wookie/ Chewie fans!

But to play with them is just nice. They also paint up in minutes! As usual you get identical minis, so again time for a slight conversion, this time a simple weapon swap.
The darker Wookie got a resin after market Power-Kopesh!

More pics here, just scroll to the very bottom of the page...

BW - the Wookie bases were chosen to be playable (25mm base) and at the same time support their wide stance!

They also emphasize the huge height of them.

Your wookiees look great. I am also not a wookiee fanboy- but I like that your basing provides some added height.

Curious- I've seen nobody else doing conversions but you on here... have you tried swapping out a Stormtrooper for the scout with the E-web? Looks like you could almost cut them both off at the wrists and just give the Stormtrooper the cannon and the Scout trooper the blaster....

I also intend to get your scenery for my game. It looks great!

I re-based my Vader to give him a little more height and I'm in the process of swapping out his lightsaber for a translucent acrylic rod. Generally speaking, I like the mini but I thought he needed to be a little more imposing.

Great job on the wookiees, Agis. The weapon swap and the way they're positioned on the base really serves to make them look different.

Thanks folks!

snip... have you tried swapping out a Stormtrooper for the scout with the E-web? Looks like you could almost cut them both off at the wrists and just give the Stormtrooper the cannon and the Scout trooper the blaster.... snip

Haven't thought about it. ;) Must be doable...

And my elite E-Web is now already converted with a bare Chiss head...

And the finally finished elite Trandoshan hunter:


A bit more converted, I repositioned the head and arms and gave him some equipment from the Eisenkern Stormtrooper (backpack, shoulder pads and pouches).

Oh I am so stealing this idea! Thank you!

Thanks folks!

snip... have you tried swapping out a Stormtrooper for the scout with the E-web? Looks like you could almost cut them both off at the wrists and just give the Stormtrooper the cannon and the Scout trooper the blaster.... snip

Haven't thought about it. ;) Must be doable...

And my elite E-Web is now already converted with a bare Chiss head...

When I get back to the states I will try it out. I have an extra core set so I have the models to spare if it goes badly. Will post it up after chopping to let you know how it went. BTW I also picked up some of the WOTC Tie Crawler tanks- which I hate- but which I think I can convert into Chiss Clawcraft- the wings are the easy part in that design. Might make for some awesome scenery bits in a Chiss base. Just an idea since you seem to share my joy with the Blue dudes...

snip, double posting... :(

Edited by Agis

When I get back to the states I will try it out. I have an extra core set so I have the models to spare if it goes badly. Will post it up after chopping to let you know how it went. BTW I also picked up some of the WOTC Tie Crawler tanks- which I hate- but which I think I can convert into Chiss Clawcraft- the wings are the easy part in that design. Might make for some awesome scenery bits in a Chiss base. Just an idea since you seem to share my joy with the Blue dudes...

Hmm, very interesting, how do you plan to do the wings?