Rules questions - Spells (Banishmenet, Conjuration)

By Runko, in General Discussion


Test Lore+2. If you pass, discard 1 Monster on the nearest space containing a Gate with toughness equal to or less than your test result. Then flip this card.

1) 3+ The magic is powerful. Discard 1 Monster of your choice on that space regardless of its toughness instead.

2) 3+ The magic works to great effect. Discard any number of Monsters on that space with total toughness equal to or less than your test result instead.

3) 3+ The arcane words take effect , and evil is banished to the world from which it came. Discard one additional Monster on that space with toughness equal to or less than your test result.

Scenario 1) with 3+ Test result, lets you pick only 1 Monster, no matter the toughness (as long as it is not Epic), and discard it?

Scenario 2) with 4 Test result, lets you pick any number of monsters and discard them as long as they have together up to 4 Tougness?

The 3rd Scenario is what interests me the most. Here is how I interpret it, let's use 3 Test result as an example.

Since there is not "instead" in the wording I get to discard an up to 3 Toughness Monster from the Front of the card. and then do the same once more with an up to 3 Toughness Monster.

Is this correct?


Test Lore+1. If you pass, you may gain 1 Tiem or Trinket Asset from the reserve with value equal to or less than your test result. Then flip this card.

2+ All your wishes materialize before your eyes. You may gain any number of Item or Trinket Assets from the reserve with total value equal to or less than your test result.

Let's assume Test result 2.

Since there is no word "instead" I get an Item/Trinket with up to value 2 and then additionaly any number of Item/Trinkets with combined value up to 2?


If someone has an official answer that would be great :D

Not official, but you appear to have worked it out correctly.


All your conclusions regarding "Banishment" are correct.

As for the 3rd scenario, the presence of the word "additional" is crucial here, not the absence of the word "instead".


Test Lore+1. If you pass, you may gain 1 Tiem or Trinket Asset from the reserve with value equal to or less than your test result. Then flip this card.

2+ All your wishes materialize before your eyes. You may gain any number of Item or Trinket Assets from the reserve with total value equal to or less than your test result.

Let's assume Test result 2.

Since there is no word "instead" I get an Item/Trinket with up to value 2 and then additionaly any number of Item/Trinkets with combined value up to 2?

No. This effect is a replacement. you only get "any number of Item or Trinket Assets from the reserve with total value equal to or less than your test result".

I agree it would be nice if "instead" was used. I hope there wasn't enough space.

If someone has an official answer that would be great :D

I don't think this questions require an official clarification.

But if you need it for the peace of mind, the "Customer Service" link at the bottom is where you'll need to look for those.