Scenario hooks by Party Type? Suggestions please.

By Emirikol, in WFRP Gamemasters

All, I'm finishing up my scenario and am writing up some adventure hooks based on party type. I'd like some feedback if anyone has any:

I expanded the original adventure hook from Sigmar's Heirs page: starts in Hargendorf, Nordland. The scenario is based on the adventure hook from Sigmar's Heirs(p67-68): "Where Did You Come From? The people of Schlaghügel disappeared five long years ago. Investigations turned up nothing, and the village was written off as a mystery. The “official” explanation claimed the people fled into the woods to escape taxes, but no one really believes this. When the subject comes up, the word “cursed” is most often heard, and a connection to the ancient circle “that should have been left alone. Now , traders along the Demst are reporting that the people of Schlaghügel have come back! Odder still, they act as if they have never been gone. Baron von Hargenfels is concerned. If true, then this story tells of bizarre and possibly threatening goings on. The Baron, therefore wants and explanation. The PCs are hired to act as his agents and investigate the mystery of Schlaghügel."

The PC's start knowing nothing except that they are in Hargendorf on the Coast of Nordland. (Of course, some GM's may wish to set the scenario elsewhere).

Here's what I came up with for a few quick one-liners:

A pulpy, fade-to-black approach sometimes works best to get the PCs to the location. Below are presented some methods based on Party Type.

Brash Young Fools or Intrepid Explorers - “Your adventures have led you to the port of Hargendorf in Nordland.”

Gang of Thugs or Swords for Hire – “Promise of booty and battle have led you to the frontiers of Nordland.”

Servants of Justice – “

Any help would be appreciated!


Jay H


Hmmm... *gets thinking cap*

Personally I would go with the ' Family ' angle and make one the reappeared people a close family member. The family member need not have been local, they may have been on business in the town. Or if your an evil blighter like myself - perhaps a former fiance of one of the characters.

For those characters with a more mercenary bent, you could make one of the disappeared characters someone who owes them money, a person with a bounty on their head who disappeared before it could be collected or someone who crossed them in the past. they need to get even with.

The other alternative, and the one that I prefer to use, is to get my party to tell me the reason they have come to a particular location, that way I get to use their ideas as story hooks together with my own ideas. Just give them the basics of the background as you detailed in your post and then let them brainstorm away...