Force Fields

By Mazer Rackham, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

So, am I reading this right? Force fields roll to negate damage on a per hit basis, not an attack basis.

Example: A Heavy Bolter Dev fires at a scumbag with a Field rating of 40.

My interpretation:

1) Dev rolls 6 degrees of success. Target rolls against PR of field 6 times fails 3, thereby taking 3 hits?

2) And if Scumbag elects to dodge, gains 1 DoS, negating 1 hit, then he rolls separately on PR 40 against the 5 hits, negates 3, takes damage rolls from two hits?

3) Then force field tests against burnout/overload rating (eg 1-10) with each successfully negated hit?

Is this right?

Thanks for any assist.


The burnout is part of your FF test. So I roll a 34 on my refractor field and am safe. Next time I roll an 01. I'm safe from this hit buy my FF is now burned out.

As for hits vs attacks, most groups play hits regardless of what the text says. Very un-epic to pass your whole full auto turn because he made his save once....

Seems really odd to say that it burns out on a natural 1 personally, I never got that. 1 is supposed to be the uber glorious and critical success and yet despite that, here it is saving you and screwing you over for a turn. Seems counter intuitive to the mythic "natural 1" but maybe that's just me looking at it from a fantasy perspective.

Edited by Calgor Grim

I was almost there :) although that burnout rule might need a house-ruling.

Appreciated folks.


Edit: nevermind.

Edited by Avdnm

Seems really odd to say that it burns out on a natural 1 personally, I never got that. 1 is supposed to be the uber glorious and critical success and yet despite that, here it is saving you and screwing you over for a turn. Seems counter intuitive to the mythic "natural 1" but maybe that's just me looking at it from a fantasy perspective.

I do think it would be cooler if it went the other way 96-100 for burnout. So then you're not just unlucky but hosed as well.

Interesting side note, in BC, I offered my players the house rule of "you may use an infamy (fate) point on a failed FF roll to automatically make it, but also burnout. Invincible FF like terminator armor would just be a reroll.

They turned it down.

Seems really odd to say that it burns out on a natural 1 personally, I never got that. 1 is supposed to be the uber glorious and critical success and yet despite that, here it is saving you and screwing you over for a turn. Seems counter intuitive to the mythic "natural 1" but maybe that's just me looking at it from a fantasy perspective.

I do think it would be cooler if it went the other way 96-100 for burnout. So then you're not just unlucky but hosed as well.

Interesting side note, in BC, I offered my players the house rule of "you may use an infamy (fate) point on a failed FF roll to automatically make it, but also burnout. Invincible FF like terminator armor would just be a reroll.

They turned it down.

The other way of doing it is if you just make the save. So if the threshold is 1-50 and you pass the save with a 50, then it burns out doing so (or whatever the meltdown chance is in relation to quality).