WFRP v3 'by forum'?

By Trollkjeft, in WFRP Gamemasters


I just rediscovered Warhammer again after I grew tired of the v2 rules set some years ago - and I must say that FFG have not only revamped the brand with beautiful art and design, the rules - oh, by Sigmar's hammer - such a great core for a role-playing game. And I say core, even though I'm more of a storyteller and free-form kind of guy. The artwork surly delivers well, but the mechanics seems so enticing and interesting, even for an old gamer like myself that always preferred a well designed world to a perfect set of core rules..

Anyhow, since real life struck me hard, being parent and self-employed with home that needs refurbishing more that a Sylvanian castle, I find little or no time to hook up with a playing group in my home town in Sweden to explore the new WFRP. Therefore I wondered if anyone here plans a forum game of any kind? I have tried dozens and many are good fun, especially for gamers of an older age with jobs or family that takes most of their spare time from effective gameplay. Also I just want to say that I'm planning to buy my own game, so this is not some sort of cheap try to parasitize on others.

Well, it's just a long shot but I guess this would be the right place to look for it.

Cheers /Trollkjeft