I am starting this topic for players to find other servens of the god emperor.
user name; zone of living*; email
jeddy158; lawton,ok.; jeddy158@yahoo.com
*for the milatry put the branch of service
I am starting this topic for players to find other servens of the god emperor.
user name; zone of living*; email
jeddy158; lawton,ok.; jeddy158@yahoo.com
*for the milatry put the branch of service
LuciusT; Muncie, IN, luciusstorm(at)yahoo.com
Edited by ThenDoctorWhy not...
from france
aren't we suposed to keep thoses informations confidential? " The following information is only visible to your Friends (except your Location, and
your email if it is hidden
). If you don’t want to share any of this data, you can leave that field blank: "
why someone who is not registered as a moderator can write there? you mean "servants"?
just questions of course because it s not clear.
Hit me up on Dre2Dee2 on AIM for any online type of games. For the Emperor and all that.
the 8 spider said:
aren't we suposed to keep thoses informations confidential? " The following information is only visible to your Friends (except your Location, and your email if it is hidden ). If you don’t want to share any of this data, you can leave that field blank: "
The forums require your contact information as part of registering, but that information is kept confidential by the system to protect your privacy. However, if you wish to share your contact information with the entire world, you are perfectly free to do so.
from france
thank for the clarification.
if your in my area,post here,and we will hook up.
Hex77, Tahlequah OK usually, rastasooner@yahoo.com
St. Pete, Fl
Email: D-9007@hotmail.com
I've GMed a couple games, but I'm dying to really play again. If you're willing we can try and do it over IRC or some other online medium.
Port Richey, Fl here.
Looking for a weekly non-voice online game.
Email me: crutzyxx@hotmail.com
Metalbuddha, Lansing, MI, feralbuddha@gmail.com
Garrett, IN
morkalg (at) gmail (dot) com
Looking for tabletop additions to Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy games.
Egalor, Moscow, Russia
joe_momma; Grants Pass OR. joe_momma_01(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Parcival42; Raleigh, NC; parcival42@gmail.com
Would like to play Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader or WFRPP 3rd Ed.
Aaron, UK, Kent
DH or RT
Pour moi, as follows:
Hamilton, Ontario
Would like to play either Rogue Trader, or Dark Heresy. Either one is cool for me.
Aim screen name Ziggwam
Auburn, Massachusetts
DH or RT
Looking for players every saturday
Phoenix AZ. Currently running a DH game as work schedule permits.
Los Angeles, CA. I can be contacted through this site. I just started a DH game with 3 players, but would love more.
I am starting a game (on pencil) from Quebec City and I am searching players to my game. The game will be in french.
Contact me via f_herpe@hotmail.com