Where's the Beef. We Wait an Entire Just For This...FF Gypped Us All.

By AdmiralNelson, in Star Wars: Armada

Oooh! Let’s do a podcast read! Get some folks on discord to play the different parts! Dramatic reading of the classic rants!

34 minutes ago, LTD said:

Oooh! Let’s do a podcast read! Get some folks on discord to play the different parts! Dramatic reading of the classic rants!

@BiggsIRL its a good idea

28 minutes ago, LTD said:

Oooh! Let’s do a podcast read! Get some folks on discord to play the different parts! Dramatic reading of the classic rants!

I love this idea.

1 hour ago, LTD said:

Oooh! Let’s do a podcast read! Get some folks on discord to play the different parts! Dramatic reading of the classic rants!

@BiggsIRL @shmitty You guys are weird enough to make this happen, right?

1 hour ago, LTD said:

Oooh! Let’s do a podcast read! Get some folks on discord to play the different parts! Dramatic reading of the classic rants!

This might have to happen

Let me know when the auditions are.

I had a read through - I’d like to try out for “Nelson”

I'll play the part of LTD agreeing to play the part of Nelson.

9 hours ago, Nostromoid said:

Petition for a @Crabbok video to memorialize it.

8 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Forum Greatest Hits when?

Bonus points if @Crabbok does funny voices.

I'm sorry folks but I won't be doing anything like this.

I don't approve of picking on people or mocking their posts. I love to have a laugh and do silly voices - but to do that for things like this would be wrong. I don't know how many of you remember but I too, was very critical of the flotillas and I thought Armada was going to die for awhile also. It wasn't until Wave 4's revelation that I apologized and matured a bit on topics like these.

I don't like to bully people. Even if they might appear to "Deserve it". Most bullys think their victims deserve it - it's why they do it. So it's easy when someone seems to be an easy target.

Try to be better than that.

7 minutes ago, Crabbok said:

I'm sorry folks but I won't be doing anything like this.

I don't approve of picking on people or mocking their posts. I love to have a laugh and do silly voices - but to do that for things like this would be wrong. I don't know how many of you remember but I too, was very critical of the flotillas and I thought Armada was going to die for awhile also. It wasn't until Wave 4's revelation that I apologized and matured a bit on topics like these.

I don't like to bully people. Even if they might appear to "Deserve it". Most bullys think their victims deserve it - it's why they do it. So it's easy when someone seems to be an easy target.

Try to be better than that.

You know what? On thinking about it a little more, you're right.

I'm very willing to mock statements I think are unkind to others, ignore serious criticism, or are not made in good faith, and I stand by that.

But these conversations belong on the forum, in written form, to be viewed by this community. Because that's the way they took place, that's how participants expect and deserve to be represented.

This no longer seems like a good idea.

Sigh. Why you people got to be better than me?