Hello there fellow Deathwatch fanatics! This is my first time posting on these boards and I'm kind of embarrassed because it seems like a dumb question, but one I want made clear for my too-literal-leaning mind.
Ok, so for example, let's say my nameless Deathwatch Devastator marine has a BS of 55. He takes aim at a big Tyranid and fires off a full burst of heavy bolter shells. The player rolls and gets a 23 -- that means he hit and achieved said hit with three degrees of success. Damage is stated to be 1D10+12...
[Here's where I lose myself]
...if he fired 6 shots (the RoF for the Heavy Bolter).
Does that mean that because he hit with three degrees of success, that 3 out of the 6 hit? Or did they all hit?
Do I roll 1D10+12 damage for each heavy bolt shell that hit the target (either 3 or 6)?
Maybe this is just one of those things I've overlooked in the core book, but it's bothering the hell out of me that I don't understand this. Can someone please help? Pretend I'm deaf, dumb, and blind and use small words with loud volume.